Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыГрамматические упражнения на тему "Singular and plural of nouns"

Грамматические упражнения на тему "Singular and plural of nouns"

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Task 1. Singular or plural of nouns.

1. Neither of them (has / have) come.

2. Truth and honesty (are / is) the best policy.

3. Curry and rice (were / was) his favorite food.

4. Eight miles (are / is) a long distance.

5. Neither John nor Peter (is / are) guilty.

6. The house with its furniture (was / were) sold.

7. The state of affairs in the country (was / were) such as to cause anxiety to the government.

8. Each of the suspected men (was / were) arrested.

9. Every passenger (carry / carries) (his / their) luggage.

10. Neither of the explanation (is / are) satisfactory.

11. The chairman as well as members (attend / attends) the meeting.

12. Neither he nor I (are / am) in the wrong.

13. This information is / are not enough.

14. The money is / are for the wedding.

15. Where ___ my clothes? 

16. The United Arab Emirates is / are a very developed country.

17. My sunglasses ____ on the shelf. 

18. Maths is / are not an easy subject.

19. The stairs is / are on your right. 

20. The government usually (consist/consists) of the prime minister and several ministers.

21. The average American family (have/has) three children.


Task 2.Insert verb to be

1. Her clothes ___very fashionable.

2.  Your advice___.always welcome.

3. The information he gave us___very useful.

4.  A little money___better than nothing.

5. That species of spiders ___commonly seen in deserts of North Africa.

6. No news.___good news.

7 don't want to work here. The equipment___too complicated.

8. There___a lot of sheep in the field.

9. I think this ___detailed research.

10. Where___my spectacles?

11. The phenomena___unusual.

12. Mathematics___ difficult, but physics___more difficult to my mind.

13. Look out! The stairs___.very old.

14. In my opinion, looks___very important for an actor.

15. The police___ responsible for these actions.

16. The committee___set up several months ago.

17. The traffic___very heavy in this street. Be careful at the corner. When the traffic-lights___red, don't cross the street.

18. The working wages ___ up. 19. The vacation___always fun

20. The knowledge she has got at college___very deep.

20. The carrots___delicious. 21. The grapes___ripe.

22. The evidence___against him.

23. The contents of the letter ___made public.

24. The opera-glasses___out of focus.


Task 3. Match the words on the left (1-10) with the appropriate phrases on the right (a-j) to get 10 sentences.

1) Your advice                                a) are located outside London.

2) Our headquarters                        b) she lent us was not  enough.

3) The money                                 c) are fit.

4) The premises                              d) is an important part of the Olympic Games.

5) The information                         e) are often deceptive.

6) Best news                                   f) is installed in our new shop.

7) New equipment                          g) against applying for that job was good.

8) Athletics                                     h) was not reliable. It was published in tabloids.

9) The scales                                   i) is always printed in morning newspapers.

10) Appearances                             j) where he worked were  in the suburbs.


Task 4.  Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns.

Example: tea — butter — onions — meat

1) trousers — spectacles — scales — news

2) advice — knowledge — contents — progress

3) phonetics - vacation - goods – information

4) criteria — datum — oases — radii

5) mice — men — goats — geese

6) police — work — weather — furniture

7) congress — team — government — equipment

8) water — potato — milk — bread

9) time — business — stone — bird

10) means — species — crossroads — wolves

11) thanks — barracks — congratulations — authorities

12) diagnoses — roofs — cattle — accommodation

13) premises — mechanics — darts — laughter

14) success — research — applause — path

15) journey — voyage — travel — walk


Task 5. Choose the right variant.

1. His advice___always reasonable. I advise you to follow___.

a) are, them         b) are, it          c) is, it          d) is, them

2. The applause___deafening. I can't stand___any longer. Let's go out.

a) are, them          b) is, it       c) is, them       d) are, it

3. Her pyjamas___made of silk. I like___very much.

a) is, it         b) is, them           c) are.it        d) are, them

4. These scissors___dull!  I can't cut anything with

a) are, them    b) is, them         c) is, it         d) are, it

5. I think billiards___a dull game. I wonder why the youth nowadays___so fond  of___?

a) are, is, it     b) is, are, it       c) are, are, them        d) is, are, them

6. Our family ___ good at playing draughts. Draughts___our favourite game. We play_every weekend.

a) is, is, it         b) are, is, it         c) are, are, them       d) is, are, it

7. Stop! The traffic___heavy and the traffic lights ___red. In___time you will cross the street.

a) is, is, two-minutes          b) are, are, a two-minute         c) are, is, a two-minutes'         d) is, are, two-minutes'


Paraphrase the following words in bold type using little, a little, few, a few.

Example: There is hardly any wine in the bottle. — There is little wine in the bottle.

The chairman said some words. — The chairman said a few words.

1.1 can't help you. I have hardly any time. 2. Mr. Brown, can I come and see you today? I'd like to ask you some questions. 3. It is no use asking him about it. He has hardly any knowledge of the subject. 4.1 go to the theatre when I have some money and free time. 5. Is there much chalk in the box? — No, there is hardly any here. 6. He drank some water and felt much better. 7. There was hardly any tea in the cup, so he poured some more. 8. Hardly any people understood what he said. 9. There are some carrots in the box. 10. Mummy, may I have some ice cream? 11. Many years ago some people realized the significance of this discovery. 12. There was hardly any doubt that the problem could be solved in the near future. 13. We didn't have to take a porter. We had hardly any luggage. 14,1 think he is rather greedy. He buys hardly any things for himself. 15. We have received some valuable information. I think it will help us a lot.

Exercise 23.

Fill in the blanks with little, a little, few, a few.

1. I'd like to make___remarks in connection with the topic under discussion. 2.___peopJe realize how important it is to go in for sports. 3. This student has deep knowledge in English and besides he knows___ French. 4. He is a man of.___words. 5. Only___names remained in his memory, for this accident happened more than 20 years ago, 6. That lecture was so difficult that

only___students could understand it. 7.1 had ___ hope of getting home tonight because I realized that I had lost my way. 8. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive___letters. 9. I'm having___trouble fixing this shelf. — Oh dear! Can I help you? 10.1 shall be away for___.days from tomorrow. 11. When you've wanted something very badly and it comes at last, it is

somehow ___ frightening. 12. It was a cold windy evening, and there were___people in the park. 13. There were no doctors for the wounded, and to make things worse there was only ___ food left. 14. She asked permission to speak to the guest for___moments, 15.1 won't listen to you! I'd like to believe that there is___ hope left.

Exercise 24.

Paraphrase the following sentences using the words from the box.

Few, a few, quite a few, little, a little

1. Only some pupils wrote the test. 2. A small number of people live to be 80 in Russia. 3.1 have not much time for studying. 4. He had a considerable number of mistakes in his dictation. 5. She has got some time to prepare for the report.

Exercise 25.

Translate into English using little, a little, few, a few.

1. Джим вчера попросил меня починить (repair) машину, но у меня было мало времени, и мне пришлось отказать ему. 2. Она очень застенчива (shy). У нее мало подруг. 3. В зале было довольно много людей, так как фильм был интересный, 4. У меня есть несколько книг по этой проблеме. 5, У нас нет сахара. Купи немного по дороге домой. 6. Мало кто понял, что он хочет ска­зать. 7. Я выпил немного кофе и смог работать до полу­ночи. 8. В его переводе было мало ошибок, 9. Они по­дошли к небольшой деревне; в ней было несколько домов. 10. У них оставалось немного времени до нача­ла спектакля, и они решили пойти перекусить (have a bite), 11. Не думаю, что он будет хорошим врачом. У него мало терпения (patience). 12. У нас было мало денег, поэтому мы решили поехать автобусом, 18. Довольно много друзей пришли навестить его. 14. У него не хва­тает несколько долларов, чтобы купить эту картину. 15. Ты можешь взять несколько конфет.



1. Neither of them has come.

2. Truth and honesty is the best policy.

3. Curry and rice was his favorite food.

4. Eight miles is a long distance.

5. Neither John nor Peter is healthy.

6.  The house with its furniture was sold.

7. The state of affairs in the country was such as to cause anxiety to the government.

8. Each of the suspected men was arrested.

9. Every passenger carries his luggage.

10. Neither of the explanation is satisfactory.

11. The chairman as well as members attends the meeting.

12. Neither he nor I am in the wrong.



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