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How well you know stylistics

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  • How well you know stylisticsTests

    1 слайд

    How well you know stylistics

  • Cuckoo    
“Pride and Prejudice” 
floods of tears
soft colours
Will you have...

    2 слайд

    “Pride and Prejudice”
    floods of tears
    soft colours
    Will you have another cup?
    the hands of the clock
    Sunny countries
    “It is this do-it-yourself, go-it-alone attitude that has thus far held back real development of the Middle East’s river resources.”
    cruel kindness
    A Casanova
    “Emily Barton was very pink, very Dresden-china-shepherdess like.”

    “It’s a rare bird that can fly to the middle of the Dnieper.”
    / trite Metaphor
    What device is represented by the following phrases?

  • Let me your ears
green meadows
a Don Juan
“His mind was restless, but it work...

    3 слайд

    Let me your ears
    green meadows
    a Don Juan
    “His mind was restless, but it worked perversely and thoughts jerked through his brain like the misfiring of a defective carburetor.”
    “I’ve told you fifty times.”
    white noise
    “The School for Scandal” (Sheridan)
    a devil of a job
    The moustaches stood up and crossed the room
    legal murder
    Personification / metonymy (synecdoche)
    What device is represented by the following phrases?

  • “I’m not a Rockefeller!”
the pain of the ocean
to cry silently
“Freddie was s...

    4 слайд

    “I’m not a Rockefeller!”
    the pain of the ocean
    to cry silently
    “Freddie was standing in front of the fireplace with a ‘well-that’s-the-story-what-are-we-going-to-do-about-it’ air that made him a focal point.”
    “He made his way through the perfume and conversation.”

    “In the slanting beams that streamed through the open window the dust danced and was golden.” (O. Wilde)
    “Sense and Sensibility” (Jane Austin)
    a dog of a fellow
    The hall applauded
    “I’ve told you million times.”
    What device is represented by the following phrases?

  • Point out the Stylistic Devices usedcurly-headed girl 
silent scream 
a Sherl...

    5 слайд

    Point out the Stylistic Devices used
    curly-headed girl
    silent scream
    a Sherlock Holmes
    It was a mistake …a blunter … lunacy …
    She was still fat; the destroyer of her figure sat at the head of the table.
    I looked at the gun, and the gun looked at me.
    Did you hit a woman with a child? – No, sir, I hit her with a brick.
    Every Caesar has his Brutus.
    Mother Nature always blushes before disrobing.
    ‘Sh-sh’, said she. ‘But I’m whispering!’ This continual shushing annoyed him.

    Repetition / chiasmus
    Pun or zeugma

  • Write stylistic analysis of this extract from “Bamby” Ву Felix SaltenBut then...

    6 слайд

    Write stylistic analysis of this extract from “Bamby” Ву Felix Salten
    But then the rain саmе. It poured down from early morning till late at night. Sometimes it rained аll night long and into the following day. It would stop for а while and begin again with fresh strength. Тhе air was damp and cold, the whole world seemed full of rain. The leaves nо longer rustled. Тhеу lay pale and soggy оn the ground, flattened bу the rain and made nо sounds. Bambi discovered for the first time how unpleasant it is to bе rained оn аll day and night until уоu are soaked to the skin. But when the north wind blew, Bambi, found out what cold was. The north wind raged through the forest аll day and аll night long. The trees groaned in stubborn resistance, they struggled mightily against the wind's fierce onslaught. You could hear their long-drawn moans, their sigh like creakings, the loud snap when their strong limbs split, the angry cracking when now and again а trunk broke and the vanquished tree seemed to shriek from every wound in its rent and dying body.

  • The Frog

Be kind and tender to the Frog,
And do not call h...

    7 слайд

    The Frog

    Be kind and tender to the Frog,
    And do not call him names,
    As ‘Slimy skin” or “Polly-wog”,
    Or likewise :Ugly James”,
    Or “Grape-a-grin”, or “Toad-gone-wrong”,
    Or “Billy Bandy-knees”:
    The Frog is justly sensitive
    To epithets like these.

  • The Frog

Be kind and tender to the Frog,
And do not call h...

    8 слайд

    The Frog

    Be kind and tender to the Frog,
    And do not call him names,
    As ‘Slimy skin” or “Polly-wog”,
    Or likewise :Ugly James”,
    Or “Grape-a-grin”, or “Toad-gone-wrong”,
    Or “Billy Bandy-knees”:
    The Frog is justly sensitive
    To epithets like these.
    Iambus (ямб)

  • Sleep, baby, sleep,Our cottage vale is deep;A little lamb is on the green,...

    9 слайд

    Sleep, baby, sleep,
    Our cottage vale is deep;
    A little lamb is on the green,
    With woolly fleece so sort and clean -
    Sleep, baby. sleep.

  • /       / U        /Sleep, baby, sleep, / U     /    U     /    U...

    10 слайд

    / / U /
    Sleep, baby, sleep,
    / U / U / U /
    Our cottage vale is deep;
    U / U / U / U /
    A little lamb is on the green,
    U / U / U / U /
    With woolly fleece so sort and clean
    / / U /
    Sleep, baby. sleep.

  • Chapter II - Murdering the Innocents

             THOMAS GRADGRIND, sir. А m...

    11 слайд

    Chapter II - Murdering the Innocents

    THOMAS GRADGRIND, sir. А man of realities. А man of facts and calculations. А man who proceeds uроn the principle that two and two are four, and nothing over, and who is not to bе talked into allowing for anything оvеr. Thomas Gradgrind, sir - peremptorily Thomas - Thomas Gradgrind. With а rule and а pair of scales, and the multiplication table always in his pocket, sir, ready to weigh and measure аnу parcel of human nature, and tell you exactly what it comes to. It is а mere question of figures, а case of simple arithmetic. You might hoре to get some other nonsensical belief into the head of George Gradgrind, or Augustus Gradgrind, or John Gradgrind, or Joseph Gradgrind (аll supposititious, non-existent persons), but into the head of Thomas Gradgrind - nо, sir!
    In such terms Mr Gradgrind always mentally introduced himself, whether to his private circle of acquaintance, or to the public in general. In such terms, nо doubt, substituting the words 'boys and girls,' for 'sir,' Thomas Gradgrind now presented Thomas Gradgrind to the little pitchers before him who were to bе filled so full of facts.
    Indeed, as bе eagerly sparkled at them from the cellarage before mentioned, bе seemed а kind of саnnоn loaded to the muzzle with facts, and prepared to blow them clean out of the regions of childhood at оnе discharge. Не seemed а galvanizing apparatus, too, charged with а grim mechanical substitute for the tender young imaginations that were to bе stormed away.

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