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История моды (английский язык) + презентация

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  •  What’s Fashion?

    1 слайд

    What’s Fashion?

  • …clothes  from  animals  skin

    2 слайд

    …clothes from animals skin

  • In  Tudor  Times ….

    3 слайд

    In Tudor Times ….

  • …..created new styles

    4 слайд

    …..created new styles

  • Why is fashion so popular? 
Haute Couture

    5 слайд

    Why is fashion so popular?

    Haute Couture

  • Coco Chanel

    6 слайд

    Coco Chanel

  • ValentinoValentino collection

    7 слайд


    Valentino collection

  • Calvin KleinCalvin Klein collection

    8 слайд

    Calvin Klein

    Calvin Klein collection

  • What clothes do people wear in England?

    9 слайд

    What clothes do people wear in England?

  • Clothes worn by children

    10 слайд

    Clothes worn by children

  • At school

    11 слайд

    At school

  • The Queen

    12 слайд

    The Queen

  • The Queen’s hats

    13 слайд

    The Queen’s hats

  • Princess Diana

    14 слайд

    Princess Diana

  • Fashion of the XXI century Goth

    15 слайд

    Fashion of the XXI century


  •  business people

    16 слайд

    business people

  • 17 слайд

  • …crazy  on  fashion

          ….. don’t  worr...

    18 слайд

    …crazy on fashion

    ….. don’t worry about fashion

  • What’s Fashion?

We are 
What we wear….....

    19 слайд

    What’s Fashion?

    We are
    What we wear…..

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Good afternoon. My name is ______________. I study at school number ___ at 9th grade. 

1 слайд: People have always wanted to look nice and socially accepted. This is when fashion helps. What’s Fashion? Fashion is a style of clothing that is popular at certain  time. The main idea of my project is to show what place in our life fashion occupies.

2 слайд: A fashion has  existed since ancient times. At first it was clothes from animals skin.

3 слайд:In Tudor Times children wore the same style of clothing as their parents.But in the 18th century children were no longer thought of as small grown-ups, but as people with special needs.And  fashion helped  to make children fashionable.

4 слайд: Then fashion developed.  New fabrics appeared and people began to sew different clothes and create new styles. In old days fashion reflected a person’s social class more than his or her personality.

Things have changed over the years and now the inner self is more in the center of fashion.

5 слайд:So why is fashion so popular? First of all, fashion makes people creative on everyday basis. To choose what to wear and what fits with it makes a person think and use creativity.

But Costume and Fashion history would not be the same without Haute couture.What is Haute Couture?  Haute Couture is a French phrase.  Couture means dressmaking and haute means elegant or high.So the two words  imply excellent artistry with the making of garments.

6 слайд:The history of Haute Couture is rather interesting. The modern industry of fashion houses has started not so long ago.  One of the founder of the Haute Couture industry was Coco Chanel.She believed that woman had the right to wear comfortable clothing.Throughout the long days of her life she made the first sketches of the fashion, which later was known as "style of Coco Chanel."  She created her famous «little black dress», little hat and perfumes, notably, Chanel No. 5

7 слайд:Valentino is a designer who has successfully combined the couture of Paris and Italy together. He has established himself as one of the greatest designers, with a very beautiful and feminine style

8 слайд: Calvin Klein is one of the world’s leading lifestyle design and marketing companies. Calvin Klein Collection is the most prestigious  brand. The man’s and woman’s collections are produced  and distributed in  big stores  of New York, Moscow and Paris.

9 слайд: Today London is recognized as one of the  capitals of fashion, so everybody follows the standards set by well-known fashion houses, situated there.

What clothes do people wear in England?   As the UK is  a western society - they wear  the same as any other modern western society - ranging from Jeans and T-shirts  to full business suits for office work. Special clothes for the climate include heavy overcoats or anoraks for cold  weather, raincoats and umbrellasfor weather rain.

10слайд:What's about  English children? When they are relaxing at home or out or playing with their friends  theywear comfortable clothes like T-shirts, jeans and sportswear. The right clothes are very important to teenagers, and a lot of them love to shop for the latest fashions.

11слайд: At school most children wear a school uniform. In some schools children must wear jackets and ties. In other schools uniform is more casual.

12 слайд:What do you think about the role of the Queen in the development of British Fashion? Not only the famous designers but also the English Queen influences the fashion in Britain.

13 слайд: The Queen is said to take a great interest in her hats. Why? It is important for her face to be seen from all angles. These hats offered Queen  an opportunity to have fun with fashion that was denied to other elements of her royal clothing. 

14слайд:Princess Diana was loved and respected by millions of people around the world.  She gained confidence in her own fashion style. Diana became an icon in fashion history.

15слайд:Nowadays the youth has non- standard style. Fashion is revealing. Sometimes clothes reveal what groups people are in: "goths, emo,skaters, preps, herbs." For example, emo.Almost all their clothes are black-pink. They have tatoos, black or white hair, big trainers, tight jeans-“dudochki” ,jacket  and T-shirts. More often they wear decorations such as Kitties.

And, for example,Goths. They wear: stiff corsets, dresses and skirts in the style of the XIX century, made of velvet and silk. Clothes are decorated with chains with different symbols. Shoes: bertsy, boots on platform with metal.

16 слайд:Life in modern society is far more controlled by fashion than people  realize. The style we choose to maintain is  influenced by TV, fashion magazines, blogs, posters and billboards, etc.Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. "Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand," according to Katherine Hamnett, a top British fashion designer.What do business people love to wear? You can see-Men: Jackets, Shirts, Ties, Trousers, costumes with  watches and a pen in a pocker jacket.

Women like to wear: Dresses, Costumes,shoes stockings. Accessories: gold finery, bags, not a bright make - up.

17 слайд:But fashion trends are existing not only in clothes but there are hairstyle trends too. For example high forehead go back to the Renaissance. To be stylish, fashionable women shove their hairs and eyebrows.

18слайд:Some people are crazy on fashion, some other people don’t worry about their appearance. Some people argue that our clothes should be similar to our soul, and  it is not necessary to spend amounts of money on designer clothes. Other people believe that fashionable clothes reflect our soul greatly, besides it is extremely good looking.There are lots of people who critic fashion, however they also follow fashion.

All in all, fashion is an inseparable part of our lifeand we shouldn’t forget: we are what we wear.

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