Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыИТОГОВАЯ КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ ДЛЯ 8 КЛАССА


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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

Вариант I


http://cdn.onlinewebfonts.com/svg/img_474473.pngI. Listen to a girl describing her life and for questions 1 - 7 choose the best answer (a), (b) or (c).


1. Most people in Finglas keep

a) cats

b) guinea pigs

c) horses


2. Sebastian is Lindsay's

a) brother

b) horse

c) father

3. Every morning before school Lindsay

a) talks to her grandmother

b) feeds her horse

c) rides her horse


4. Lindsay and her sister live with their

a) grandmother

b) mother

c) father


5. Lindsay spends her free time mostly with her

a) horse

b) friends

c) family


6. Sometimes Lindsay goes into town


a) to the disco

b) to do shopping

c) to visit her father

7. Lindsay is going to

a) enter a university

b) move to the country

c) stay in Finglas


II. Use Passive or Active Voice


1. William Shakespeare … Romeo and Juliet.

a)    write;  b) wrote;  c) is written

2. «Oliver Twist» and «Domby and Son» … by Charles Dickens (Чарльз Диккенс).

a)    is written; b)are written; c)were written

3. In 1926 the theatre … by fire.

     a) is destroyed; b) was destroyed; c) destroyed (destroy – разрушать)

4. The shop … at nine every day.

a) is opened;  b) was opened;  c) will be opened

5. William Shakespeare … in Stratford-upon-Avon.

a) were born;  b) is born;  c) was born

6. London is the place where many famous writers …

a) were born;  b) is born;   c) was  born

7. Many great writers … in Westminster Abbey.

a) are buried;  b) buried;   c) were buried (bury – хоронить)

8. The Poet’s  Corner (Поэтический уголок) …. by many people.

a) was known;  b) are known;  c) is known

9. The English language …. all over the world.

a) speak;  b) was spoken;  c) is spoken

10. Jane Austen (Джейн Остин, писательница) … in the Bath between 1800 and 1806.

a) lived and worked;   b) was lived and worked;  c)live and work


III. Read the text and write if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F)


After examining Johnsy one morning, the doctor called Sue out of the room and gave her a prescription, saying: «I don’t want to frighten you, but at present she has one chance in, let us say, ten, and that chance is for her to want to live. But your little lady has made up her mind that she isn’t going to get well, and if a patient loses interest in life, it takes away 50 per cent from the power of medicine. After the doctor had gone, Sue went out into the hall and cried. As soon as she could manage to check her tears, she walked gaily back into the room, whistling a merry tune. Johnsy lay with her eyes towards the window. She arranged her drawing board and began working. Soon she heard a low sound, several time repeated. She went quickly to the bedside. Johnsy’s eyes were wide open. She was looking out of the window counting backward. «Twelve», she said, and a little later, «eleven»; then «ten» and «nine», and then «eight» and «seven» almost together.


1. One evening the doctor said that Johnsy had one chance in ten. (...)

2. The doctor didn’t want to frighten Sue. (...)

3. Johnsy decided that she wasn’t going to live. (...)

4. Medicine can always help a patient. (...)

5. Sue entered the room singing merrily. (...)

6. Sue’s friend was painting a picture when the doctor left. (...)


IV. Transform the sentences into a Causative form

1. You make coffee.

2. You made coffee.

3. You are making coffee.

4. You can make coffee.

5. You have made coffee.



Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса


Вариант II


I. Listen to a girl describing her life and for questions 1 - 7 choose the best answer (a), (b) or (c).


1. Most people in Finglas keep

a) cats

b) guinea pigs

c) horse


2. Sebastian is Lindsay's

a) brother

b) horse

c) father

3. Every morning before school Lindsay

a) talks to her grandmother

b) feeds her horse

c) rides her horse


4. Lindsay and her sister live with their

a) grandmother

b) mother

c) father


5. Lindsay spends her free time mostly with her

a) horse

b) friends

c) family


6. Sometimes Lindsay goes into town

a) to the disco

b) to do shopping

c) to visit her father

7. Lindsay is going to

a) enter a university

b) move to the country

c) stay in Finglas


II. Use Passive or Active Voice


1. Robert Burn’s poems … all over the world.

a) recited;    b) are recited;  c) is recited

2. Shakespeare’s works … all over the world.

a) is read;  b) were read; c) are read

3. Yesterday I … a very interesting book.

a) read; b) am reading; c) am read

4. The State Turgenev Museum ... in the writer’s native town.

a) open; b) opened; c) was opened

5. William the Conqueror (Вильгельм Завоеватель) … the Tower of London in the 11th century.

 a) build;  b) built;  c) was built

6. St Paul’s Cathedral ….   by Sir Christopher Wren in the 17th century.

a) build; b) were built; c)was built

7. Columbus (Колумб) … America.

a) discovered;  b) discover; c) is discovered

8. Italian … in Italy.

a) are spoken;  b) is spoke; c) is spoken

9. Da Vinci … the Mona Lisa.

a) painted; b) is painted; c) paint

10. Penicillin (пенициллин)… by Fleming.

 a) is discover; b) was discovered; c) discovered


III. Read the text and write if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F)


After examining Johnsy one morning, the doctor called Sue out of the room and gave her a prescription, saying: «I don’t want to frighten you, but at present she has one chance in, let us say, ten, and that chance is for her to want to live. But your little lady has made up her mind that she isn’t going to get well, and if a patient loses interest in life, it takes away 50 per cent from the power of medicine. After the doctor had gone, Sue went out into the hall and cried. As soon as she could manage to check her tears, she walked gaily back into the room, whistling a merry tune. Johnsy lay with her eyes towards the window. She arranged her drawing board and began working. Soon she heard a low sound, several time repeated. She went quickly to the bedside. Johnsy’s eyes were wide open. She was looking out of the window counting backward. «Twelve», she said, and a little later, «eleven»; then «ten» and «nine», and then «eight» and «seven» almost together.


1. One day the doctor said that Johnsy had no chance at all. (...)

2. The doctor really wanted to frighten Sue. (...)

3. Johnsy decided that she was going to die. (...)

4. Medicine can’t help a patient if he/she doesn’t want to fight for life. (...)

5. Sue entered the room crying bitterly. (...)

6. Johnsy  was counting pictures her friend Sue had painted when the doctor left. (...)


IV. Transform the sentences into a Causative form (have + obj. + V3)

1. We take photos.

2. We took photos.

3. We like taking photos.

4. We will take photos.

5. We had taken photos.


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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за курс 8 класса представлена в двух вариантах, содержит задания, нацеленную на проверку аудирования, чтения, использования лексико-грамматического материала.
Задания первого упражнения (с выбором ответа) нацелены на проверку умения понимать общее содержание прослушанного текста.
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Третье нацелено на проверку понимания в прочитанном тексте запрашиваемой информации.

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