Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКИМ по английскому языку, 6 класс

КИМ по английскому языку, 6 класс

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Контрольная работа №2


Источник: УМО “Spotlight” 6 класс (Английский в фокусе)


Планируемые результаты

Личностные результаты:  оценивать трудность предлагаемого задания, оценивать собственную учебную деятельность.

Метапредметные  УУД:

Регулятивные УУД:

1.Принимать и сохранять учебную задачу;

2. Осуществлять самостоятельный контроль своей деятельности.

Познавательные УУД:

1.Воспроизводить по памяти информацию, необходимую для решения учебной задачи, выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения заданий, устанавливать закономерности и использовать  их при выполнении заданий.

Коммуникативные УУД: слушать и понимать речь учителя, задавать  вопросы с целью получения нужной информации, осуществлять самопроверку

Предметные результаты:

1. Употреблять в устной и письменной речи в их основном значении изученные лексические единицы

2. Распознавать и употреблять в речи наиболее распространенные предлоги;

3 Употреблять в устной и письменной речи в их основном значении изученные лексические единицы

4 Называть время.

5. Распознавать и употреблять в речи глаголы в наиболее употребительных временных формах. Present Simple

6 Читать и полностью понимать несложные аутентичные тексты, построенные на изученном языковом материале

Основная часть

I Блок «Учащийся научится»       

I.                   Match the words.

1. traffic



4. talk



7. parking

8. sports

A. fiction

B. crossing

C. programme

D. warden

E. handles

F. show

G. zone

H. belt




    II. Choose the correct item.

1. The cat  is … the table.

A) between   B) under   C) in


2. Put the flowers … a vase.

A) in   B) next  to   C) on


3. The bathroom is … the bedroom and the dining room.

A) behind   B) between   C) under


4. The desk is … the bed.

A) next to   B) in   C) on


5. They go to bed …9:30 pm.

A) in   B) at   C) on


6.  Be careful when you cross the street … foot.

A) by   B) on   C) with


7. The library isn`t far so I go … bike.

A) on   B) by   C) in


8. Janet`s birthday is … May.

A) on   B) in   C) at


9. The farmer wakes up … 5 o`clock.

A) in   B) at   3) on


10. It`s safe to travel … train.

A) on    B) by   C) with


III.             What is the time.


1) 2:45

2) 3:15

3) 5:45

4) 6:30

5) 8:20


       IV. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple form.

1. She ……her free time with her friends.

A) spend   B) spends   C) spends

2. They often ……to the cinema.

A) go   B) goes   C) gos


3. Tony ……at weekends.

A) doesn`t work    В) don`t work    C) doesn`t works


4. My sister ……breakfast every day.

A) don`t  eat  B) doesn`t eat   C) don`t eats.


5. Jack and Frank……once a week.

A) meets   B) meet   C) meetes


6.  …… go out on Friday night?

A) Does your parents   B) Do your parents   C) Your parents


7. What time ……home from school?

A) do they come   B) does they come   C) do they comes


Дополнительная часть

II Блок «Учащийся получит возможность научиться


V.                Read the email and mark the statements T (true) or F (false)


1.      The email is from Darren. _______________

2.      Andy likes his new neighbourhood. _______________

3.      There is a spots shop near his house. ________________

4.      There isn’t a supermarket. ________________

5.      Darren can stay at Andy’s new house. ________________




                                                                          V 2

Основная часть

I Блок «Учащийся научится»       

     I.  Match the words.

1. traffic

2. parking



5. sports

6. talk




A. fiction

B. crossing

C. programme

D. warden

E. handles

F. show

G. zone

H. belt




     II. Choose the correct item.

1. There are two paintings… the wall.

A) in       B) on   C) behind


2. Our house is … the park and the cinema.

A) under      B) between    C) in


3. The fridge is … the cooker.

A) in   B) next to    C) on


4. The computer is … the desk.

A) on   B) in   C) under


5. Dad wakes up at 8 o`clock …the morning.

A) at   B) in   C) on


6. Be careful when you cross the street … foot.

A) by   B) on   C) with


7.  It`s safe to travel … train.

A) on    B) by   C) with


8.  Brian and Steve play football … Mondays.

A) on   B) in   C) at


9. John isn`t here … the moment

A) on   B) at   C) by


10. The desk is … the bed.

A) next to   B) in   C) on


III.What is the time.


1) 7:45

2) 9:15

3) 3:45

4) 2:30

5) 10:20


IV. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple form.

1. He …… his grandparents in the countryside.

A) visit   B) visits   C) visites

2. Sandra ……burgers.

A) don`t like   B) doesn`t like   C) doesn`t likes


3. Mike`s father ……fast.

A) drive   B) drives   C) drivees


4. What time …… for school on Mondays?

A) do you leave   B) does you leave  C) you does leave


5. Jane ……the train at 8 o`clock every morning.

A) take   B) takes  C) taks


6. She …… her hair three times a week.

A) wash   B) washes   C) washs


7. Harriet ……a lot at the weekend.

A) study   B) studies   C) studys


Дополнительная часть

II Блок «Учащийся получит возможность научиться


V.                Read the email and mark the statements T (true) or F (false)



1.      The email is from Diana. _______________

2.      Emma likes his new neighbourhood. _______________

3.      There is a spots shop near his house. ________________

4.      There is a library in the neighbourhood. ________________

5.      Diana can stay at Emma’s house. ________________








1. D

2. A

3. B

4. F

5. H

6. E

7. G

8. C



1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. B




1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. B





























1. D

2. G

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. F

7. H

8. E



1. B

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. B




1. B

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B













Контрольная работа №2


Цель: -. провести итоговый контроль материала по теме «Праздники»

Планируемые результаты (УУД):

регулятивные самостоятельно формулировать цели урока после предварительного обсуждения.

познавательные ориентироваться в своей системе знаний: самостоятельно предполагать, какая информация нужна для решения учебной задачи в один шаг.

предметные-  знание написания ЛЕ по пройденным темам, употребление глаголов do и make, знание форм глагола  to be  в настоящем времени, порядок слов в повествовательнои и вопросительном предложении.

Источник: Spotlight 6 (Английский в фокусе. 6класс) Контрольные задания. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж.

1 V

VocabularyEST 5A Fill in the correct word   

fireworks      tea      gardening     flowers     costumes       dusting      cake        phone     decorations         homework

1 At Halloween, we all wear strange ........... .

2 Ian is doing the ............. . He loves plants and flowers.

3 She loves to watch the ............. in the sky on Guy Fawkes’ Night.

4 Are you thirsty? Myra is making some ........... .

5 He gives his mother ............ on her birthday.

6 The room looks lovely with all the .........on the walls.

7 Can I make a ............. call?

8 The living room is dirty. We must do some............ .

9 I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m doing my ............. .

10 Mum is making a ............. for my birthday!

B Underline the correct word.

e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party.

11 It’s your turn to do/make the dusting.

12 I don’t want to do/make the washing-up.

13 Help your Dad do/make the shopping.

14 Mum is doing/making a special dish.

15 They are doing/making wreaths.

C Choose the correct item.

e.g. It’s a great party! Come ....... and have some fun.

A over B under C to

16 On St Patrick’s Day, we like to ....... the parade.

A listen    B watch    C eat

17 That looks like a great game. Can I ....... in?

A join         B go               C come

18 After the party you can help me to ....... up.

A work             B take        C clean

19 It’s great fun when we ....... gifts.

A exchange       B lose          C return

20 Let’s play a game of ....... chairs.

A talented        B musical          C dramatic


D Underline the correct word.

e.g. It is/are raining today.

21 He is/are washing the car.

22 We is/are having a party.

23 I is/am eating a sandwich.

24 Is/Are they watching TV?

25 Is/Are she listening to music?


F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is

Peter is going to the festival.

26 is/wearing/what/she/?

27 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film.

28 you/enjoying/your/holiday/are/?

29 is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the

30 the/eating/are/why/not/sandwiches/they/?


2 V

VocabularyEA Fill in the correct word.

 dusting   cake   phone  decorations   homework 

 fireworks   tea   gardening   flowers   costumes

e.g. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year’s Day.

1 The room looks lovely with all the .............on the walls.

2 Can I make a ............. call?

3 The living room is dirty we must do some........... .

4 I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m

doing my ............. .

5 Mum is making a ............. for my birthday!

6 At Halloween, we all wear strange ........... .

7 Susan is doing the ............. . She loves plants and flowers.

8 He loves to watch the ............. in the sky on

Guy Fawkes’ Night.

9 Are you thirsty? Molly is making some .......... .

10 He gives his mother ............ on her birthday.

B Underline the correct word.

e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party.

11 They do/make wreaths at this time of year.

12 Dad does/makes a special dish on his birthday.

13 Please do/make the dusting today.

14 She is doing/making the washing-up.

15 Mum is doing/making the shopping.

C Choose the correct item.

e.g. It’s a great party! Come ....... and have some fun.

A over B under C to

16 The house is very messy. You can help me to...... up.

A work       B take      C clean

17 On New Year’s Day, we like to ....... TV.

A listen B watch C eat

18 This is a great game. Why don’t you ....... in?

A join      B go        C come

19 She wants to play a game of ....... chairs.

A talented     B musical          C dramatic

20 I love it when we ....... gifts.

A exchange          B lose        C return


D Underline the correct word.

e.g. It is/are raining today.

21 They is/are having a party.

22 She is/are washing the car.

23 They is/are watching a film.

24 Is/Are she listening to the radio?

25 Is/Are you eating my sandwich?

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is

Peter is going to the festival.

26 are/wearing/what/they?

27 is/guitar/not/Susan/today/playing/the.

28 the/eating/is/why/not/sandwiches/he/?

29 watching/not/Brian/is/TV.

30 they/enjoying/their/holiday/are/?


TSКонтрольная работа №3


Цель: -. провести итоговый контроль материала по теме ««Молодежь в современном обществе»»

Планируемые результаты (УУД):

регулятивные самостоятельно формулировать цели урока после предварительного обсуждения.

познавательные ориентироваться в своей системе знаний: самостоятельно предполагать, какая информация нужна для решения учебной задачи в один шаг.

предметные-  знание написания ЛЕ по пройденным темам, употребление глаголов do и make, знание форм глагола  в простом прошедшем  времени, работа с текстом, употребление предлогов, нужной формы глаголов

Источник: Spotlight 6 (Английский в фокусе. 6класс) Контрольные задания. Быкова Н.И., Дули Дж.


 Variant 1..


1.  Write the opposites (5*1=5).

Beautiful ____________________

Quiet _______________________

Polluted _____________________


Difficult _____________________


2. Write two forms of the verbs below (7*1=7).

Выбирать _________________________________________

Оставлять, уезжать _________________________________

Покупать _________________________________________

Летать ___________________________________________

Кушать __________________________________________

Иметь ___________________________________________

Находить ________________________________________


3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the table in the Past Simple (5*1=5):

*enjoy *start *happen *finish *rain *want

1.    The movie ________________ at 17.15 and ______________ at 19.00.

2.    When my mum was a child, she _____________ to be a teacher.

3.    It ____________ yesterday, but today it is sunny.

4.    I will never forget my summer trip to London, I really ______________ it.

5.    The accident ______________ two days ago.

Advanced level.

4. Rewrite the sentences in the past. Change adverbs of time(5*2=10).

1.    I play tennis on Mondays (last Monday). ___________________________________________________________________

2.    My friends go to the library in the afternoon (yesterday).


3.    My parents and I go to a classical music concert once a month (last month).


4.    I watch cartoons every evening (two days ago).


5.    Kate always loses her keys (a month ago).


5. Read the text and choose the best word A, B, or C for each space (10*1=10).

Saturday, 14th June

I had e.g. a great day! I 1) _____________ up at 8 o clock and the sky was blue. I met Larry and George at the port 2) _____________nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only took 3) _________ hour. When we arrived, we went 4) __________ and then we had a picnic on the beach. 5) ___________ the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There were 6) ___________ strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool! When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but 7) ______________ the sea became very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 8) ____________ afraid but it was also fun. It 9)___________ us two hours to get back but we arrived safely. When I got home, mum was very 10) __________ but I told her that I had had a really great day!

e.g. A. an B. the C. a

1. A. get B. woke C. stood

2. A. at B. on C. in

3. A. the B. a C. an

4. A. swam B. swimming C. swim

5. A. On B. At C. In

6. A. lots B. a lot of C. lot of

7. A. then B. when C. and

8. A. was B. were C. are

9. A. took B. made C. had

10. A. worrying B. worry C. worried


Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 6 класса

I. Listening

You will hear two people talking about their guests like. Listen and complete the sentences 1-5.

eg. 1-Roger

1. Sure! I know that ____ likes lemon pie.

2. ____ loves apple muffins.

3. Not really, but ____ is crazy about vanilla ice cream, so we can get some?

4. No, ____ doesn’t like cream cheese.

5. Both ____ and I are crazy about chocolate


II. Grammar


Choose the right form of the verb.

1. It ____ Saturday evening.

a. is b. be

2. My friends and I _____ at the disco now.

a. was b. are

3. Look! Helen and Kate ____ dancing on the dance floor.

a. are b. am

4. Paul is ____ and _____ cola.

a. sit, drink b. sitting, drinking

5. My friends ______ talking and laughing together at the moment.

a. were b. are

6. We _____ to disco every week.

a. go b. will go

7. We _____ staying in on Saturday evenings.

a. likes b. don’t like

8. But I _____ ill last week, so I _____ my friends then.

a. was, didn’t join b. am, doesn’t join

9. I _____ very disappointed but now I _____ happy!

a. were, was b. was, am


Choose the correct form of the adjective.

10. My car is ____ than yours.

a. faster b. fast c. the fastest

11. It is the ____ book of the three.

a. interestinger b. interestingest c. the most interesting

12. Maths is ____ than History.

a. more difficult b. difficulter c. the difficultest

13. Paula is the ____ girl in the class.

a. pretty b. prettiest c. most prettiest

14. Thursday is the ____ day of the week! We have seven lessons.

a. bad b. worst c. baddest


III. Everyday English

Choose the correct answer

1. How can I help you?

a. I am looking for a birthday present for a friend.

b. No, thank you

2. How about 10 o'clock in the morning?

a. I have it ready

b. I have an Italian class until 12, so we can meet after that.

3. How can I get to the Drama Theatre?

a. Let’s meet there

b. Go down the street until you get to the traffic lights.

4. Would you like to include the card?

a. Yes, please. I have it ready.

b. I have no electricity in my house

5. Which play would you like to see?

a. 'Hamlet', on Friday the 21st.

b. I’d like to play chess

6. What can I do for you?

a. How much is it?

b. Well, I have no electricity in my house. I'm in the dark.

7. What about a jigsaw puzzle then?

a. That's a good idea. How much are they?

b. Go up the street and turn to the left


IV. Reading.

Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F).


Food Fright

Doctors in Britain are worried because British teenagers eat a lot of crisps, sweets and fat food. Most teenagers don’t have enough fruit or vegetables and more than one million British schoolchildren are overweight.

Some teenagers say that they don’t have time to eat good food, but kids who have a poor diet often have health problems when they are older. Fast food is typical of American’s diet, it was born there. American fast food is now part of life all over the world. McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King have restaurants in many countries on all the continents.

The only good thing about fast food is its low price. In fact, a steady diet of burgers, fries and cola doesn’t fill your body with vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. Fast food is rich in calories but it doesn’t have many important nutrients (питательные вещества).

Now doctors give young people books and games about food diet. Having healthy, well-balanced diet can help you feel better and live longer.

enough – достаточно

poor – бедный

low - низкий


1. Most teenagers have enough fruit or vegetables

2. Fast food is typical of American’s diet.

3. The only bad thing about fast food is its high price.

4. Fast food is rich in calories.

5. Doctors don’t give young people books about food diet.

6. Fast food doesn’t have many important nutrients

7. Well-balanced diet can help you feel worse and live shorter.


V. Writing.

You’ve got a letter from your friend. Write him/her a letter and answer his/her three questions. Use the plan below. Write 50-60 words.

How do you spend your free time? Do you go in for sport? Have you got any clubs at school? What club would you like to join?”




Dear friend,

Thanks for your last letter. Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was busy with my school project.

As for me, …


I’d better go now as my Mum wants me to help her. Write soon!




VI. Speaking

Answer the questions

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. What do you do in your free time?

5. What clubs does your school have?


I Listening

1. George

2. Roger

3. Sally

4. Kate

5. Alex

II Grammar















III Vocabulary








IV Reading








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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 31 человек из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 19 человек


Детско-родительские отношения: эмоциональный аспект

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 34 человека из 21 региона


Стратегии B2C маркетинга: от анализа до взаимодействия с клиентом

8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Дизайн интерьера: от спектра услуг до эффективного управления временем

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе