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Комплекс упражнений для написания эссе на английском языке по теме "Успех" для учащихся старшей школы

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Nasibullina Ilmira

«Prioritizing is a key for success»

Our world is constantly evolving, so people need to have a certain set of skills to be successful. One of the most important and useful skills is the ability to prioritize. As the greatest writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: «Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least». Indeed, prioritizing more initial things in life such as health and family can lead a person to success.

Focusing on healthier habits is key to productivity and profitability. Getting fit and healthy isn't just about improving someone's appearance. Recent studies have shown that even moderate physical activity provides great benefits, including better immunity, healthier body weight and an even sharper mind. Creating systems for life by forming good habits can help to stay on track. Having a system in place can keep a person from having to make decisions on the fly or keep track of doing all goal-oriented tasks one-by-one. This has the added benefits of reducing stress and freeing attention to focus on the things that truly require more brain power. Moreover, a balanced diet and adequate sleep also provide benefits, ranging from healthier body weight and reduced risk of disease to increased mental capacity. Together, these benefits account for individual and business success.

Furthermore, the family is one of the most important sources of inspiration for a person. Time spent with family enhances self-esteem, promotes positive habits, and builds memories. According to new research suggesting that those who prioritize their family earn more on average than those who put career front and center. Another fact that supports the positive influence of the family on a person is the psychological state. If a person has comfortable relationships, he or she does not waste time thinking over unnecessary thoughts and self-flagellation. Every day, communicating with relatives and beloved family members, an exchange of energies takes place - a person receives a charge of positive emotions for the whole day and, as a result, becomes more productive and active.

Comparatively, some people believe that communication is the main skill which can lead to success. They claim that improving and showcasing communication skills can help you both advance in your career and be competitive when searching for new jobs. However, speaking skills alone will not lead to success. If a person has no priorities in life, and most importantly - no goal, then his words, as a rule, will turn out to be empty and unnecessary for society.

Success is the desire, aspiration and drive to do something meaningful, important, significant, valuable or substantial that has an impact on your life and other people. Therefore, the ability to set priorities in life is undoubtedly one of the main components of success and prosperity. A person needs to find out for himself what is important, and then set other tasks that will be secondary.

Activities based on the argumentative essay


1.      Work in pairs. Name as many associations as you can about the word “success”

2.      Watch the video. What does “success” mean?


(introduction of the topic; developing speaking skills; frontal and pair work)

Activity 1

Read the text and fill in the blank. Read the text and fill in the blanks (1—5) with the parts of the sentences (a—f). There is one extra sentence.

Our world is constantly evolving, so people need to have a certain set of skills to be successful. One of the most important and useful skills is the ability to prioritize. As the greatest writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: «Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least».1______________________________

Focusing on healthier habits is key to productivity and profitability. Getting fit and healthy isn't just about improving someone's appearance. Recent studies have shown that even moderate physical activity provides great benefits, including better immunity, healthier body weight and an even sharper mind. Creating systems for life by forming good habits can help to stay on track. Having a system in place can keep a person from having to make decisions on the fly or keep track of doing all goal-oriented tasks one-by-one. 2_______________________________ Moreover, a balanced diet and adequate sleep also provide benefits, ranging from healthier body weight and reduced risk of disease to increased mental capacity. Together, these benefits account for individual and business success.

Furthermore, the family is one of the most important sources of inspiration for a person. Time spent with family enhances self-esteem, promotes positive habits, and builds memories. 3____________________________________Another fact that supports the positive influence of the family on a person is the psychological state. If a person has comfortable relationships, he or she does not waste time thinking over unnecessary thoughts and self-flagellation. Every day, communicating with relatives and beloved family members, an exchange of energies takes place - a person receives a charge of positive emotions for the whole day and, as a result, becomes more productive and active.

4___________________________________They claim that improving and showcasing communication skills can help you both advance in your career and be competitive when searching for new jobs. However, speaking skills alone will not lead to success. If a person has no priorities in life, and most importantly - no goal, then his words, as a rule, will turn out to be empty and unnecessary for society.

To conclude, success is the desire, aspiration and drive to do something meaningful, important, significant, valuable or substantial that has an impact on your life and other people. Therefore, the ability to set priorities in life is undoubtedly one of the main components of success and prosperity. 5_____________________________________

a This has the added benefits of reducing stress and freeing attention to focus on the things that truly require more brain power.

b A person needs to find out for himself what is important, and then set other tasks that will be secondary

c According to new research suggesting that those who prioritize their family earn more on average than those who put career front and center.

d Good communication skills are key to success in life, work and relationships

e Indeed, prioritizing more initial things in life such as health and family can lead a person to success

f Comparatively, some people believe that communication is the main skill which can lead to success.

(reading for gist, while-reading stage; frontal work)

Activity 2

Match the words in italics in the text to definitions a – i

A the degree to which a business or activity yields profit or financial gain

B an advantage or profit gained from something

C determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance

D serious, important, or worthwhile

E the action of flogging oneself, especially as a form of religious discipline

F use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose

G the ability to do something well; expertise

I satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity

(reading for specific information, stage of vocabulary skill formation - form and meaning; matching activity; frontal work)

Activity 3

Find synonyms in the text

1.      In addition –

2.      As a result –

3.      Altogether –

4.      To sum up –

5.      Also –

6.      Nevertheless –

(stage of vocabulary skill formation – recognition)

Activity 4

Make up your own sentences with linking words from the ex. 3

(stage of vocabulary skill formation – usage; developing writing skills)

Activity 5

Answer the questions

  1. What is the title of the text? Express your ideas
  2. What is the main idea of the text?
  3. What style is this text written in? Why?

(developing speaking skills; reading for specific information; frontal work; stage – after reading)

Activity 6

Match the paragraphs with the parts of the text

1.         Conclusion

2.         Presenting the topic

3.         First point and its supporting evidence

4.         Arguments against and justifications

5.         Second point and its supporting evidence

(introduction of the argumentative essay structure; matching activity)

Activity 7

What pattern does the text have? Discuss in pairs.

(work in pairs; presenting different structures of the argumentative essay; stage – training)

Activity 8

Read the text and make up a checklist on the argumentative essay

The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.

Choosing a Debatable Topic

Since an argumentative essay is an attempt to change the way people think, it should

focus on a debatable topic—one over which reasonable people disagree. Factual

statements that reasonable people do not disagree over are not suitable for argument.


Fact: First-year students are not required to purchase a meal plan from the


Debatable topic: First-year students should be required to purchase a meal plan

from the university.

Developing an Argumentative Thesis

Argumentative Thesis:

After choosing a topic, you will need to state your opinion in an argumentative thesis that

takes a strong stand about your topic. This thesis will act as the foundation for the rest of

your argument.


An antithesis is a statement that takes an arguable position opposite of your original

thesis. Formulating an antithesis is the best way to make sure that your thesis does take a

stand. If you can create an antithesis, your thesis statement takes a stand, if not, then your

statement needs further revision in order to be argumentative.


Thesis Statement: Term limits would improve government by bringing people

with fresh ideas into office every few years.

Antithesis: Term limits would harm government because elected officials would

always be inexperienced.

Defining Terms

Be careful to use precise terms in your thesis statement. Try to avoid vague or judgmental

words such as wrong, right, good, bad, and immoral.


Vague: Censorship of the Internet would be wrong.

Clear: Censorship of the Internet would unfairly limit free speech.

Elements of an Argumentative Essay

• Introduction

• Background

• Thesis statement

• Arguments in Support of Your Thesis

• Refutation of Opposing Arguments

• Conclusion

(reading for specific information; frontal work; introduction of the argumentative essay)

Activity 9

Watch the video. Name the writing stages mentioned in the video. What is the “thesis”? What its main features?


(listening stage – students have to find out specific information; frontal work)

Activity 10

Find a thesis in the main text. Explain your choice

(working on the form of the essay; stage – training)

Activity 11

Write a thesis and essay map for this fragment of the text

Communication is important in all relationships as it allows us to share our interests, concerns, and support of each other. It helps us to organize our lives and make decisions; and it allows us to work together. Effective communication is based on the way we talk and listen, how we respond as well as our body language. We can all learn how to improve the way we communicate because it takes more than words to create a safe, exciting and secure relationship. All too often the signals we send are not those we intend to send, and when this happens, both the connection and trust are lost in our relationships.

(stage – training the form of the essay; frontal work)

Activity 12

What is the topic sentence of this fragment?

Furthermore, the family is one of the most important sources of inspiration for a person. Time spent with family enhances self-esteem, promotes positive habits, and builds memories. According to new research suggesting that those who prioritize their family earn more on average than those who put career front and center. Another fact that supports the positive influence of the family on a person is the psychological state. If a person has comfortable relationships, he or she does not waste time thinking over unnecessary thoughts and self-flagellation.

(stage – training the form of the essay (topic sentence); frontal work; developing critical thinking)

Activity 13

Write a thesis, essay map and a topic sentence for one of these topics

1)      Successful people

2)      Time management

(stage – production; frontal work)

Activity 14

Choose the best justification for this argument

There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

(developing critical thinking; frontal work; working with the form of the essay)

Activity 15

In groups, choose one of these topics and think about arguments for and against

Getting up early can lead a person to success

Team-building is the main device in working place to maintain good relationships

(production stage; working on the arguments; group work)

Activity 16

Write an argumentative essay on the following topic: What makes a successful person? Word limit >250 words.

(developing writing skills; stage-production)

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