Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыКомплекс заданий по теме "Online Identity" (старшая школа) по английскому языку

Комплекс заданий по теме "Online Identity" (старшая школа) по английскому языку

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Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

-          Do you use social media? What do you generally use it for?

-          How often do you change your profile photo?

-          Do you have the same photos on every social network or do you use different ones? Why?

(introduction of the topic; developing speaking skills; frontal work)


Read the text about online identity. How is personality type related to the profile photo?

(reading for detail; students have to find out specific information from the text; developing critical thinking)

Read the text again. Are these statements TRUE (T), FALSE (F) OR NOT STATED (NS)?

1)      This text gives an information how to choose ideal profile photo ____

2)      Extroverts and narcissists always look very confident on the photo ____

3)      Landscapes and pets are the most popular profile photos of introverts____

4)      Posting childhood photos encourages others to post cute photos____

5)      Background plays an important role, so people have to take pictures near bookshelves or sport cars___

6)      Profile photos can show support for a cause or solidarity for a certain group of people___

7)      Social media is an opportunity for people to take on a whole new identity___

8)      Gaming can lead to different psychological problems___

(developing reading skills; reading for detail; checking the comprehension)


Match the words and phrases from the text with their meaning:

1) social media                               a) to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known

2) profile picture                             b) someone who is shy, quiet, and prefers to spend time alone rather than often being with other people

3) extrovert                                     c) to stick or pin a notice on a wall in order to make it publicly known

4) introvert                                       d) the image that represents a social media account in all its interactions across a platform

5) to project                                     e) agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group

6) to conjure up                                f) created by computer technology and appearing to exist but not existing in the physical world

7) solidarity                                        g) an energetic person who enjoys being with other people

8) virtual                                           h) being certain of your abilities or having trust in people, plans, or the future

9) to post                                           i) to make a picture or idea appear in someone's mind

10) confident                                     j) forms of media that allow people to communicate and share information using the internet or mobile phones

(introduction of the new vocabulary; matching activity)

Make up 7 sentences using the following words and phrases

Virtual    to post    confident     to conjure up    social media   profile picture    to project

(working on the new vocabulary; developing writing skills)


It sentences

Read the information. Find the examples in the text.

We use it, this and that to introduce further information about a topic already mentioned. However, the words have different uses.

We use it to continue to refer to the topic we are already writing or speaking about:

The heart is the central organ in our bodies. It is used to pump oxygen around the body through the bloodstream. (It refers back to The heart)

The new album by ‘The Noughts’ went on sale yesterday. It is their third album in three years and is set to become as great a success as previous releases.


We don’t use it when we first give information about a topic, for example immediately after a chapter or section title in a text:

(b) Green application form

This must be signed by all applicants and returned by 30 November 2009.

Not: It must be signed …

(introduction of the new grammar material; developing critical thinking)

Rewrite these sentences beginning It...

1 To drive a car without a licence is illegal. It is illegal to drive, a. car without a Licence.
2 That she wasn't hurt in the fall was a miracle.
3 Their decision was a serious setback.
4 Where the light was coming from was far from clear.
5 The announcement is to be made this evening.
6 That you already know my secret is obvious.
7 If the two countries don't reach an agreement soon will be surprising.
8 The parcel I was expecting has arrived.

(working on grammar)


Work in pairs and discuss

Do you agree that it is easy to project a new identity in the Internet?

Is the problem of virtual identity really important in the modern world? Give examples

(developing speaking skills; working in pairs)


Project work

Conduct a research. Analyze virtual profiles of the famous people (singers, actors or sportsmen) (5-6) and describe their personal traits. Present your project to the class.

(developing critical thinking; developing writing skills; individual work)



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