Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыКомплект контрольно- оценочных средств по иностранному языкупо специальности среднего профессионального образования 15. 02. 08 Технология машиностроения

Комплект контрольно- оценочных средств по иностранному языку для обучающихся по специальности Технология машиностроения

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Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Республики Крым

«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»





                                                                                                                   Заместитель директора

                                                                                                         по учебной работе

                                                                                                                  _____ О.Г. Сердюкова

                                                                                                                «14»  января  2015г.






                                        КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО - ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ

                                               СРЕДСТВ ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ

                                           ОГСЭ. 03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК


                            в рамках основной профессиональной образовательной программы

                            по специальности среднего профессионального образования

                            15. 02. 08  Технология машиностроения













                                                            Феодосия 2015 год


Организация - разработчик: Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Республики Крым «Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


Разработчик: Лазуренко С.В., преподаватель  иностранного языка.






Комплект контрольно - оценочных средств по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык рассмотрен и одобрен на заседании цикловой комиссии  филологических дисциплин.

Протокол № 6  от « 14 »  января 2015 года

Председатель цикловой комиссии                                                    З.Ф. Гурьянова

















I. Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств

Область применения

Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств (КОС) предназначен для оценки результатов освоения образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК.

КОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения входного контроля, текущего контроля,  контрольных работ в форме зачета – 5 семестр и в форме  дифференцированного  зачета – 6 семестр.

КОС разработан в соответствии с основной профессиональной образовательной  программой по специальности среднего профессионального образования 15. 02. 08 Технология машиностроения



Результаты обучения

( освоенные умения,  усвоенные знания)

Основные показатели оценки результата

общаться ( устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы

составление диалогических и монологических высказываний по заданной тематике; участие в беседе; рассказ;  пересказ текста; подготовка презентаций, докладов, рефератов;  подготовка и написание эссе.

переводить ( со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности


перевод текстов на практических занятиях, самостоятельная внеаудиторная работа

самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас

выполнение самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы; подготовка презентаций, докладов, рефератов; подготовка и написание эссе

лексический ( 1200- 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический  минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода ( со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

выполнение тестов, лексико- грамматических упражнений, контрольных работ, диктантов; выполнение индивидуальных заданий и заданий к тестам профессиональной направленности; анализ и оценка выполняемой работы




2. Комплекты оценочных средств

2.1  Входной контроль


Вариант 1.

  Choose the correct variant.

1.Unfortunately, I … time to discuss this question with you.

A) have;

B) doesn’t have;

C) have no;

D) hasn’t;

E) haven’t  no.

2.Translate: Tы можешь отдохнуть.

A) You must give a rest;

B) You should make a rest;

C) You can’t have a rest;

D) You may do the rest;

E) You may have a rest.

3.… advise pupils.

A) Principal and neighbors;

B) Grandparents and shop assistants;

C) Teachers and parents;

D) Classmates and  neighbors;

E) Director and pupils.

4.The … in colleges is through tuition.

A) exam;

B) lesson ;

C) curriculum;

D) department;

E) training.

5.The proficiency of student is tested by …

A) the tutor;

B) the Principal;

C) the pupils;

D) the Examining Board;

E) the supervisors.

6.The scheme of study work in a college of education

is based on …

A) examinations;

B) compulsory and optional subjects;

C) additional material;

D) two terms;

E) useless subjects.

7.“Провалить экзамен”

A) To pass an exam;

B) To fail in an exam;

C) To take exam;

D) To do one`s test;

E) To miss an exam.

8.At the lecture students …

A) Take notes;

B) Take books;

C) Listen to each other;

D) Do some grammar exercises;

E) Read additional material.

9.During winter and summer sessions students …

A) Get credits and pass exams;

B) Take some rest;

C) Fail in an exams;

D) Help somebody with something;

E) Work by first and starts.

10.Give a synonym: to be good at

A) To work hard at;

B) To do well in;

C) Do one`s best;

D) Work by first and stars;

E) To take notes.

11.To know English today is absolutely … for every educated man.

A) Interesting;

B) Curious;

C) Necessary;

D) Useless;

E) Intellectual.

12.You’ll fail in your English if you…

A) Read books;

B) Miss many lessons;

C) Attend many lessons;

D) Learn grammar rules;

E) Know the spelling.


                                                                 Эталон ответов














Вариант 1














 Вариант 2.

Choose the correct variant.

1.The delegates were told that the guide just ... out and ...be back in ten minutes.

A) went / was;

B) had gone / was;

C) has gone / will;

D) had gone / would;

E) went / would.

2.What is the oldest university in England?

A) Cambridge;

B) Oxford;

C) Harward;

D) Sorbonna;


3.Я ожидал, что она переведет текст верно.

A) I expected her translate the text correctly;

B) I expected her to translate the text correctly;

C) I expected she translate the text correctly;

D) I expected she would translate the text correctly;

E) I had expected her translating the text correctly.

4.Where is English used as a second official language?

A) Brazil;

B) Greece;

C) China;

D) India;

E) Sweden.

5.” She used to collect stamps”, means

A) She doesn’t like stamps;

B) She doesn’t collect stamps anymore;

C) She didn’t like  stamps;

D) Collecting stamps is her hobby;

E) She don’t like stamps.

6.They aren’t French,…?

A) aren’t  they;

B) haven’t they;

C) are they;

D) isn’t it;

E) was it.

7.They … an English lesson every day.

A) has;

B) had;

C) have;

D) have had;

E) had have.

8.They … playing football from 5 till 7.

A) were;

B) am;

C) is;

D) will be;

E) are.

9.My father … a programmer. He … interested in politics.

A) was, will be;

B) is, will be;

C) are, were;

D) is, is;

E) were, was.

10.One of the oldest Universities in Britain is…

A) Sorbonna;

B) Harvard;

C) London;

D) Oxford;


11.Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) university;

B) lecture;

C) tutor;

D) season;

E) teacher.

12.Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) semester;

B) term;

C) kitchen;

D) credit;

E) debts.



                                                                         Эталон ответов














Вариант 2

















                                                         2.2. Текущий контроль



Тема «  Металлы. Происхождение металлов»

Вариант 1.


Arrange  the  paragraphs



2.Traditionally metals have been classified as ferrous and non ferrous.The ferrous category refers to base metals of iron, while the non ferrous metals are iron free. Ferrous alloys are used in quantities which exceed all other metals combined. At the present time there are available for use in excess of 45,000different metallic alloys. Although the steels and cast irons make up the largest use on a weight basis, the number of different nonferrous alloys exceed the number of ferrous alloys.

5.Corrosion resistance must also be taken into account. This applies whether the exposure is to the natural atmosphere, to a more aggressive atmosphere, or to physical contact with a corrosion.

1.Metals have been widely used for thousands of years, commencing with the Bronze Age which took place approximately 3000 to 100 years BC. The Iron Age, which we are experiencing today, presumably replaced the Bronze Age. Although we still use considerable amounts of bronze, our steel use is many times greater.

          3.Although the steels and cast irons make up the largest use on a weight basis, the number of different nonferrous alloys exceed the number of ferrous alloys. The primary nonferrous alloys consist of either aluminum, copper, nickel, magnesium, titanium, or zinc .The engineer or designer is faced with the problem of material selection for his or her project. A decision must be based on information that will permit selection of a material that will possess the necessary physical, mechanical, and corrosion resistance properties in addition to cost considerations.

          6.Cost is not only the raw material cost, but rather the finished manufactured cost in conjunction with estimated life of the finished product. The raw material with the lowest cost is not necessarily the most economical choice. Part of the selection process necessitates the examination of the physical and mechanical properties. Physical behavior deals with electrical, optical,  magnetic, and thermal properties. Mechanical behavior deals with the reaction of the body to a load or force.


Вариант 2.

Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.

the Bronze Age, physical behavior deals ,nonferrous alloys, Ferrous alloys, corrosion resistance, cast irons ,The Iron Age, non ferrous, cost considerations, the raw material, mechanical properties


Metals have been widely used for thousands of years, commencing with …..which took place approximately 3000 to 100 years BC……., which we are experiencing today, presumably replaced the Bronze Age. Although we still use considerable amounts of bronze, our steel use is many times greater.

Traditionally metals have been classified as ferrous and…... The ferrous category refers to base metals of iron, while the non ferrous metals are iron free. ….are used in quantities which exceed all other metals combined. At the present time there are available for use in excess of 45,000different metallic alloys. Although the steels and …..make up the largest use on a weight basis, the number of different nonferrous alloys exceed the number of ferrous alloys. The primary …..consist of either aluminum, copper, nickel, magnesium, titanium, or zinc .The engineer or designer is faced with the problem of material selection for his or her project. A decision must be based on information that will permit selection of a material that will possess the necessary physical, mechanical, and …..properties in addition to…... Cost is not only the raw material cost, but rather the finished manufactured cost in conjunction with estimated life of the finished product. …..with the lowest cost is not necessarily the most economical choice. Part of the selection process necessitates the examination of the physical and……. ……..with electrical, optical,  magnetic, and thermal properties. Mechanical behavior deals with the reaction of the body to a load or force. Corrosion resistance must also be taken into account.



Тема «  Физические и механические свойства металлов»

Вариант 1.

                1.Using the dictionary translate these words

Ferrous,  non ferrous, ferrous alloys, are available for use, metallic alloys, physical, mechanical, corrosion resistance properties, the raw material cost, electrical, optical,  magnetic, thermal properties, a more aggressive atmosphere, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, hardness, density, specific gravity, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient


Вариант 2.


1.Using the dictionary translate these  sentences.

A. Tensile strength, also referred to as ultimate tensile strength, is the maximum

resistance of a material to deformation in a tensile test carried to rupture.

 B.Yield strength is the stress at which plastic deformation is fully developed

in some portion of the material.

of elongation to fracture.

D. Hardness

The hardness test is the most utilized mechanical property test of all methods


E. Density

The density of a metal is its mass per unit volume.

G. Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity is the quantity of heat flow under steady state conditions

through unit area per unit temperature gradient in the direction perpendicular

to the area.



Тема « Металл, с которым легко работать»

Вариант 1.

1.Find synonyms for:

                strength ,elongation, hardness, density


  2.Find the nouns which are  qualified by these adjectives


                   electrical, optical,  magnetic,  thermal , metallic

             3.For each of the following phrases find the expression in the text

corrosion resistance properties, plastic deformation, specified temperature, tensile strength


Вариант 2

1. Choose the right answer

      Metals have been widely used …a/  for thousands of years b/ last century

      The engineer or designer is faced with the problem…a/ with the lowest cost

b/ of material selection

      The raw material with the lowest cost is not necessarily  a/ the most economical choice  b/ physical and mechanical properties


Вариант 3

      What is true and what is false? Correct the following sentences.


1.Tensile strength is the maximum resistance of a material to deformation in a tensile test.

2. The hardness test is the most utilized mechanical property test of all methods


3. Thermal conductivity is the quantity of heat flow under steady state conditions

per unit temperature gradient.





Тема « Физические и механические качества сплавов»

Вариант 1.

               1. Consult the dictionary of the following words   

steel, iron, bronze, copper, zinc, aluminium ,nickel ,magnesium

titanium ,brass, density ,reactivity ,hardness ,toughness ,plastic deformation

recrystallized ,annealing ,ductility



                          2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate  words


1.The term … is used to describe a mixture of atoms in which the primary constituent is a metal.



 2..An alloy is … or solid solution composed of a metal and another element.


     3.  Alloys are used in some … , where their properties are superior to those of the pure component elements for a given….

4. Examples of  … are solder, brass, pewter, phosphor bronze and an amalgam.

5. In practice, some  … are used so predominantly with respect to their … that the name of the primary constituent is also used as the name of ….



Вариант 2.


1.Consult the dictionary of the following words   

called the primary metal or the base metal, originally used to make tools and weapons, most metals and alloys, properties altered by heat treatment, plastic deformation, can be strengthened to some degree, repairs the defects, was later superseded by metals


      Complete the sentences


1.Alloys are made by ……. two or more elements.

2.Alloying a metal is done by combining it with ….. or …..that often enhance its properties.


      3..An alloy is … or solid solution composed of a metal and another element.


      4.Alloys are used in some … , where their properties are superior to those of the pure component elements for a given….

      5. Examples of  … are solder, brass, pewter, phosphor bronze and an amalgam.



Тема « Получение сплавов»

Вариант 1.

Arrange the paragraphs.


4.Many alloys of aluminium, copper, magnesium, titanium, and nickel can be strengthened to some degree by some method of heat treatment, but few respond to this to the same degree that steel does.

2.Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was the first alloy discovered, during the prehistoric period now known as the bronze age; it was harder than pure copper and originally used to make tools and weapons, but was later superseded by metals and alloys with better properties. In later times bronze has been used for ornaments, bells, statues, and bearings. Brass is an alloy made from copper and zinc.


5.Alloys are made by mixing two or more elements; at least one of which being a metal. This is usually called the primary metal or the base metal, and the name of this metal may also be the name of the alloy.

4.Most metals and alloys can be work hardened by creating defects in their crystal structure. These defects are created during plastic deformation, such as hammering or bending, and are permanent unless the metal is recrystallized.

1.Alloying a metal is done by combining it with one or more other metals or non-metals that often enhance its properties. For example, steel is stronger than iron, its primary element. The physical properties, such as density, reactivity.

2.Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was the first alloy discovered, during the prehistoric period now known as the bronze age; it was harder than pure copper and originally used to make tools and weapons, but was later superseded by metals and alloys with better properties. In later times bronze has been used for ornaments, bells, statues, and bearings. Brass is an alloy made from copper and zinc.

Вариант 2.

Complete the sentences

density, is recrystallized, bHYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brass"rass, can be work hardened , bronze , pure copper ,during plastic deformation, primary element


 1.Most metals and alloys …….by creating defects in their crystal structure.

2.These defects are created….., such as hammering or bending, and are permanent unless the metal.

3.Alloying a metal is done by combining it with one or more other metals or non-metals that often enhance its properties.

4 For example, steel is stronger than iron, its…...

5 The physical properties, such as…., reactivity.

6.Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was the first alloy discovered, during the prehistoric period now known as the bronze age; it was harder than …..and originally used to make tools and weapons, but was later superseded by metals and alloys with better properties.

7. In later times ….has been used for ornaments, bells, statues, and bearings.

8. …..is an alloy made from copper and zinc.




Тема «  Современные технологии применения металлов и сплавов в металлургии и машиностроении»

Вариант 1.

Translate the text

                The distinction between hot working and cold working does not depends solely on the temperature, but rather on the processing temperature with respect to the material recrystallization temperature. When the processing temperature of the mechanical deformation of steel is above the recrystallization temperature, the process is termed as hot working; otherwise, it is cold working.For hot working processes, large deformation can be successively repeated, as the metal remains soft and ductile. The hardness of the material cannot be controlled after hot rolling and it is a function of chemical composition and the rate of cooling after rolling. The hardness is generally lower than that of cold rolling and the required deformation energy is lesser as well. However most metal will experience some surface oxidation resulting in material loss and poor final surface finish.Cold working processes allow desirable metal qualities that cannot be obtained by hot working, such as eliminating errors attending shrinkage.


Вариант 2.


Translate the text


As such, a much more compact and higher dimensional accuracy metal can be obtained with cold working. Furthermore, the final products have a smoother surface (better surface finish) than those of hot working and the strength, hardness as well as the elastic limit are increased. However, the ductility of the metal decreases due to strain hardening thus making the metal more brittle. As such, the metal must be heated from time to time (annealed) during the rolling operation to remove the undesirable effects of cold working and to increase the workability of the metal. The advantages of endless rolling over conventional rolling include improvements in the uniformity of the metal qualities such as dimension, profile and microstructure throughout the whole length as the joined metal sheets can be finish-rolled at a constant speed over the whole length without any interruption, thus improving productivity. Yield is also improved as the crops are not cut. Furthermore with endless rolling process, hot strip with thickness under 0.8mm can be produced. In cold rolling, the metal piece is not heated immediately prior to rolling but the temperature of the work piece will rise due to the frictional effects of rolling. Steels that are cold rolled become work hardened and annealing is required in order to obtain the desired hardness. The difference between hot rolled and cold rolled steels is the mechanical and chemical properties of the end products.



Тема « Способы обработки металлов»

 Вариант 1.

Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color. It is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, a building material, and a constituent of various metal alloys. The major applications of copper are in electrical wires (60%), roofing and plumbing (20%) and industrial machinery (15%). Copper is mostly used as a pure metal, but when a higher hardness is required it is combined with other elements to make an alloy (5% of total use) such as brass and bronze. A small part of copper supply is used in production of compounds for nutritional supplements and fungicides in agriculture. Machining of copper is possible, although it is usually necessary to use an alloy for intricate parts to get good machinability characteristics.

Despite competition from other materials, copper remains the preferred electrical conductor in nearly all categories of electrical wiring with the major exception being overhead electric power transmission where aluminium is often preferred. Copper wire is used in power generation, power transmission, power distribution, telecommunications, electronics circuitry, and countless types of electrical equipment. Electrical wiring is the most important market for the copper industry. This includes building wire, communications cable, power distribution cable, appliance wire, automotive wire and cable, and magnet wire. Roughly half of all copper mined is used to manufacture electrical wire and cable conductors. Many electrical devices rely on copper wiring because of its multitude of inherent beneficial properties, such as its high electrical conductivity, tensile strength, ductility, creep (deformation) resistance, corrosion resistance, low thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity, solderHYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solder" HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solder"ability, and ease of installation.

Integrated circuits and printed circuit boards increasingly feature copper in place of aluminium because of its superior electrical conductivity heat sinks and heat exchangers use copper as a result of its superior heat dissipation capacity to aluminium. Electromagnets, vacuum tubes, cathode ray tubes, and magnetrons in microwave ovens use copper, as do wave guides for microwave radiation.

Copper’s greater conductivity versus other metals enhances the electrical energy efficiency of motors. This is important because motors and motor-driven systems account for 43%-46% of all global electricity consumption and 69% of all electricity used by industry. Increasing the mass and cross section of copper in a coil increases the electrical energy efficiency of the motor. Copper motor rotors, a new technology designed for motor applications where energy savings are prime design objectives, are enabling general-purpose induction motors to meet and exceed National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) premium efficiency standards.

Вариант 2.

Copper has been used since ancient times as a durable, corrosion resistant, and weatherproof architectural material. Roofs, flashings, rain gutters, downspouts, domes, spires, vaults, and doors have been made from copper for hundreds or thousands of years. Copper’s architectural use has been expanded in modern times to include interior and exterior wall cladding, building expansion joints, radio frequency shielding, and antimicrobial indoor products, such as attractive handrails, bathroom fixtures, and counter tops. Some of copper’s other important benefits as an architectural material include its low thermal movement, light weight, lightning protection, and its recyclability.


Тема « Времена активного залога»

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct variant.

      I ( wake up)  early and got out of bed.

       woke up       B)  had woken up

      We were late. The meeting ( start)  an hour before.

       started          B)  had started  

      He knows Africa well because he ( travel) a lot   there.

        has been travelling    B)  has travelled

      You ( write)  this composition  for two  hours and can’t  complete it.

       have been writing      B)  have written   

      They (  quarrel) while they  were washing the car.

       quarreled       B)  were quarrelling

      Liz’s  brother said that he ( go)  to enter Leeds University

      went                B)  was going 

      Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I ( meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine.

       met                B) was meeting

      Jack lives  not far from  us, but  we (  not/ see)  him often.

      not see           B)  don’t see

      … Pete  any juice  in the fridge?

      Does Pete have   B) Do Pete has

      John is still repairing his car. He must be tired. He ( repair)  it all  day.

      has repaired        B)  has been repairing

      This time tomorrow they ( sit)  in the train on their way to Chicago.

       will sit               B)  will be sitting

      …  you ( have lunch)  with me on Friday?

       Will you have lunch   B)  Will you  be having lunch

Эталон ответов на тест по теме «Времена активного залога»



























Тест  по теме  «Времена пассивного залога»

Choose the correct variant.

      This play ( write)  by B.Shaw.

      is written     B) was written

      I  ( give)  a  book.

       give         B) was given

      The doctor ( sent)   for  at once.

      sent        B)  was  sent

      Tables ( make)  of wood.

       are made  B) made

       This one ( make)  of steel.

      is made     B) makes

      I ( ask)  two difficult questions today,  so I must  do something  about it.

      asked       B)  have been asked

      This  must (  do)  at once.

      do      B)  be done

      This rule ( explain)  to me twice.

      explained    B) was explained

      Nowadays  we ( entertain)  by professionals.

      entertained   B) are entertained

      In 1941 our country ( attack)  fascist Germany.

       was attacked  B) was attacked by

      In  1985  part of Mexico City ( destroy)  by an earthquake.

      was destroyed    B) destroyed

      Breakfast ( bring) us  to our room.

      brought              B) is brought

      The best selling game Monopoly  ( create)  the 1930s.

       was created       B)  created

       In 1975 Monopoly  money ( print) in the USA  than  real  money.

       was printed       B) were printed

      Charlie Chaplin  ate  his boots in the film  “ The Gold rush”. They( make)  of black sugar.

       made                  B)   were made



              Эталон ответов на тест по теме «Времена пассивного залога»


































      Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа №1



Reading the text


Uranium is a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table, with symbol U. Uranium is weakly radioactive. Many contemporary uses of uranium exploit its unique nuclear properties. Research by Enrico Fermi and others starting in 1934 led to its use as a fuel in the nuclear power industry, the first nuclear weapon used in war. An ensuing arms race during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union produced tens of thousands of nuclear weapons that used uranium metal and uranium-derived plutonium-239. The security of those weapons and their fissile material following the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 is an ongoing concern for public health and safety. The major application of uranium in the military sector is in high-density penetrators. This ammunition consists of depleted uranium (DU) alloyed with 1–2% other elements. At high impact speed, the density, hardness  of the projectile enable destruction of heavily armored targets. Tank armor and other removable vehicle armor are also hardened with depleted uranium plates. The use of depleted uranium became politically and environmentally contentious after the use of depleted uranium munitions by the US, UK and other countries during wars in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans raised questions of uranium compounds left in the soil. During the later stages of World War II, the entire Cold War, and to a lesser extent afterwards, uranium-235 has been used as the fissile explosive material to produce nuclear weapons. The mushroom cloud over Hiroshima after the dropping of the uranium-based atomic bomb nicknamed 'Little Boy'.

          2.  Rewrite  the sentences with a suitable form of the phrasal verbs in the box.



left ,exploit, use ,nicknamed , were developed, was used ,raised , to fuel,


      The mushroom cloud over Hiroshima after the dropping of the uranium-based atomic bomb  … 'Little Boy'.

      The main use of uranium in the Commercial nuclear power plants  … fuel civilian sector is  … nuclear power plants.

      Many contemporary uses of uranium … its unique nuclear properties.

       The US, UK and other countries during wars in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans … questions of uranium compounds … in the soil.

      Two major types of atomic bombs  … by the United States during World War II: a uranium-based device (codenamed "Little Boy") whose fissile material was highly enriched uranium, and a plutonium-based device.

      Nuclear power  … for the first time for propulsion by a submarine, the USS HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Nautilus_(SSN-571)"Nautilus, in 1954.




Вариант 2.

Reading the text

Two major types of atomic bombs were developed by the United States during World War II: a uranium-based device (codenamed "Little Boy") whose fissile material was highly enriched uranium, and a plutonium-based device whose plutonium was derived from uranium-238. The uranium-based Little Boy device became the first nuclear weapon used in war when it was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. Exploding with a yield equivalent to 12,500 tons of TNT, the blast and thermal wave of the bomb destroyed nearly 50,000 buildings and killed approximately 75,000 people (see Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki).[23] Initially it was believed that uranium was relatively rare, and that nuclear proliferation could be avoided by simply buying up all known uranium stocks, but within a decade large deposits of it were discovered in many places around the world. The most visible civilian use of uranium is as the thermal power source used in nuclear power plants.

The main use of uranium in the Commercial nuclear power plants use fuel civilian sector is to fuel nuclear power plants. That is typically enriched to around 3% uranium-235. The CANDU and Magnox designs are the only commercial reactors capable of using enriched uranium fuel. Fuel used for United States Navy reactors is typically highly enriched in uranium-235. The world's first commercial scale nuclear power station, Obninsk in the Soviet Union, began generation with its reactor AM-1 on 27 June 1954. Other early nuclear power plants were Calder Hall in England which began generation on 17 October 1956 and the Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania which began on 26 May 1958. Nuclear power was used for the first time for propulsion by a submarine, the USS HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Nautilus_(SSN-571)"Nautilus, in 1954.


2.Complete the questions  tags with the affirmative or negative  form of the verbs do, be or have.


      The main use of uranium in the Commercial nuclear power plants use fuel civilian sector is to fuel nuclear power plants,  _____ it?

      The world's first commercial scale nuclear power station, Obninsk in the Soviet Union, began generation with its reactor AM-1 on 27 June 1954, __ it?


Контрольная работа № 2

Вариант 1.

Read the text.

People have been recycling metals for hundreds of years. Today, re-using metal waste or scrap provides work for many people, especially in developing countries. Three kinds of metals are recycled. They are ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and precious metals.

Ferrous metals contain iron. They are low in cost and recycled in huge amounts. Metallic iron called pig iron is produced when iron is heated in a hot industrial stove. This kind of stove is called a blast furnace. Pig iron also contains another element, carbon. Pig iron is useful because it can be formed into solid, heavy objects or objects with unusual shapes.

Another kind of iron is steel, which is iron without the carbon. Making steel is simply removing the carbon by burning it away. This makes the steel stronger and easier to cut than iron. Both pig iron and steel waste or scrap are useful because they can be melted to make new products.

In countries where there is a shortage of steel scrap, old tin cans are sometimes used and melted. Tin cans are mostly steel. If the scrap is heated before the temperature gets to the melting point, the blast furnace can be more simply designed and less costly. These simpler furnaces are called foundries. Products are made in foundries all over the world, but especially in Asia.

Non-ferrous metals include copper and aluminum. Copper is the perfect material for recycling. It is valuable, easy to identify and easy to clean. People who operate foundries around the world buy copper wire and cable to recycle.

Aluminum is another very popular non-ferrous scrap metal. It is cheap to produce and very easy to work with. In developing countries, small foundries produce aluminum bars, sheets and wire.

Precious metals like silver also are recycled. Silver can be found in pictures made with old cameras. And it can be found in X-rays after they have been developed. X-ray film is very valuable for recycling silver, because both sides of the film are usually developed.

2.       Answer the questions


       What  are three kinds of metals recycled?

       What metal  do ferrous metals contain ?

       Where is metallic iron produced?

       What makes the steel stronger and easier to cut?

       What is called foundry?

        What countries use the products made in foundries ?

       Are precious metals also recycled ?




                              3. Post  - reading exercises


                Complete the sentences. Consult the text if necessary


1.It is a ductile metal with very high thermal

2. It is used as …

3. Machining of copper is possible …

4. Copper motor rotors, a new technology designed…

5. Copper has been used …

6. … as an architectural material include …

               Insert the right word or word combination. Translate into Russian.


machining of copper , copper’s architectural, copper wire, antimicrobial indoor products ,  the copper industry,



      …. . is used in power generation, power transmission, power distribution, telecommunications, electronics circuitry, and countless types of electrical equipment.

      Electrical wiring is the most important market for the copper industry.

      ….. is possible, although it is usually necessary to use an alloy for intricate parts to get good machinability characteristics.

      ….. use has been expanded in modern times to include interior and exterior wall cladding, building expansion joints, radio frequency shielding, such as attractive handrails, bathroom fixtures, and counter tops.



        Критерии оценки знаний и умений


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- работа выполнена непоследовательно и неаккуратно;

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- ответы  на тесты даны неверно (менее  40- 30%).



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- работа выполнена непоследовательно и неаккуратно;

-  практическое  задание не раскрыто полностью относительно  поставленной  коммуникативной цели;

- ответы  на тесты  даны неверно ( более  50 %).


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