Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонирольноя работа для 11 класса в формате ЕГЭ

Конирольноя работа для 11 класса в формате ЕГЭ

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 11 класс


Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (8-14). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use./Заполните пропуски 8-14, выбрав правильный ответ из предложений A-H, из которых одно лишнее.


I lived in Port Stewart, one of the small villages on the coast. I rented a small room at the top of an old damp two-storey Victorian terrace house. The house was the last one in the terrace and from its window I could look out on the grey, ever-restless ocean.

         8__________ The weather in that part of the North of Ireland was never the kindest, though when the summer came the landscape around us, the easy access to Donegal and to the remoter parts of the North gave the area its own particular delight.

         An old retired couple who owned the house lived in two rooms on the ground floor. 9_______His bent figure would brave even Port Stewart’s weather as he walked along the sea front.

         I never saw the old man at any other time apart from these walks. 10_________His wife, his second, would sit quietly in the kitchen beside the fire constantly knitting and offering us cups of tea as we came in from the pub or back from studying. She never bothered us much, was always friendly and enjoyed a cup of tea with those of us who would sit and chat with her.

         11_________ We were not surprised, aware even then that age can be cruel. But what moved me most was his rapid worsening, the fact that I never again saw him walking bent double against the wind, and the sight of his walking stick always lying in the hall. It became a strange kind of symbol.

         12_________ The fact that we were only aware of this old man's illness through his rasping cough and his wife's nursing him gave the house an air of heavy sadness.

         One evening, I came in from the cold and went I straight to the kitchen to heat myself at the fire. Mrs. Paul sat alone. There was a silence I couldn't understand. I recall now that her knitting needles were for once not in evidence. 13________ Her face was very still.

It took her some time to acknowledge me coming into the room. 14________ She looked up slowly and I remember her old, lined but still quite beautiful face as she said calmly and without emotion: ‘My husband is dead’.


A           Mr. Paul became ill very suddenly.

B           ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ I asked.

C           Mr. Paul was in his eighties and I remember him going for his nightly walk accompanied by his walking stick and a small dog.

D           Late into the night I could hear him coughing.

E           However, I could not believe what had happened.

F           I can still remember the view from the window and the constant changes in the sea.

G           I heard him occasionally in his own room.

H           Neither was there any steam coming out of the old kettle normally kept hot by the fire.


Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант в бланке ответов.

I. The word hippie is derived from the words hip or hep that mean «understanding, knowing». Their philosophy and subculture originally appeared in the 1960 's in the U.S.A.

Their ideals include love, peace, freedom of self-expression, and non-conformity to society’s rules. Against the background of speeches, reports, slogans, which served as a smokescreen for corruption and moral crisis, hippies showed to young people an alternative to all that. Unfortunately, now the hippie community is becoming a place for really hopeless characters and those having no ideas and principles. It is not so difficult to look like a traditional hippie: a pair of old worn-out blue jeans, long hair tied with a bit of string and a couple of decorative chains. This is often used by drug sellers. They have noticed if you are wearing your hair long and your jeans are old, you have a much easier time on the road.

Remarkably, while in society at large the drug problem is becoming more serious, in the hippie society it has stopped growing.

Many hippies didn’t belong to any organized religion and preferred a more personal spiritual experience, having their own beliefs. Though some of them took to Buddhism, Hinduism and the Jesus Movement.

Today hippies are more socially active. They set up environmental groups and join charity projects.

“Everything that brings people together is good; everything that draws them apart is evil. Love is the most powerful thing that brings people together.”

A1. First hippies lived in

1) America

2) England


A2. Hippies were against 

1) any society’s rules

2) love, peace, freedom of self-expression

3) non-conformity

A3. To look like a hippie one should

1) know a lot of songs and live in the USA

2) wear blue jeans, chains, bright clothes and have long hair

3) be really hopeless and have no principles and ideas

A4. The most important ideal for the hippie society was

1) religion

2) love.

3) corruption

A5. Hippies

1) were very religious

2) took a lot of drugs

3) were for freedom and peace




Use of English


Task 3

Choose the right option from a), b), c), d)/ Выберите правильный вариант ответа*


1.I... glasses since I was a child,

a) wear, b) wore, c) am wearing, d) have been wearing.

2. When the phone rang, I... dinner.

a) cook, b) was cooking, c) had been cooking, d) have been cooking.

3. He usually had dinner at 4 p.m., ... ?

a) had he, b) hadn't he, c) did he, d) didn't he.

4. He works ... and makes good progress.

a) hard, b) hardly, c) good, d) badly.

5. He reminds me ... someone I knew in the army.

a) of, b) to, c) from, d) about.

6. Mary is here. Where are ... ?

a) other, b) others, c) the others, d) another.

7. What ... bad weather we are having today!

a) the, b) a, c) an, d) — .

8. Did you read ... English books at school?

a) some, b) many, c) much, d) none.

9. I want to know what ...,

a) are you doing, b) were you doing, c) will you do, d) you are doing.                         

10. I've made ... mistakes now than I made last time.

a) few, b) a few, c) fewer, d) less.

11. I want to tell you ... interesting.

a) some, b) something, c) somebody, d) somewhere.

12. ... postman comes every morning.

a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the.

13. Mike is a careless driver, he drives ... than you.

a) good, b) better, c) bad, d) worse.

14. Look ... the window. Is it raining outside?

a) at, b) to, c) out of, d) through.

15. You ... leave earlier today if you want.

a) may, b) must, c) have to, d) should.

16. Sam had to take his exam one more time, ... he?

a) had, b) hadn't, c) did, d) didn't.

17. In the sitting room there ... a table, four chairs, a TV set and a sofa.

a) is, b) are, c) has, d) have.

18. How many ... pages must I translate?

a) yet, b) still, c) more, d) other.

19. I watch the news ... on TV at 9 o'clock regularly.

a) showing, b) shown, c) showed, d) having shown.

20. He didn't expect... such a question.

a) to ask, b) asking, c) to be asked, d) being asked.





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