Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект открытого урока по 5 модулю УМК "Spotlight" 6 класса. Тема "Festive time"

Конспект открытого урока по 5 модулю УМК "Spotlight" 6 класса. Тема "Festive time"

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Класс: 6 В

Используемый УМК  - Spotlight

Тема урока: «Время праздников» («Festive time»)

Тип урока: введение новой лексики и её закрепление

Цель : мотивировать учащихся на работу с новой темой, организовать деятельность учащихся, направленную на совершенствование лексических навыков по теме,  развитие речевых умений, закрепление  лексики по теме, повторение ранее изученных грамматических конструкций.

Задачи : 1. Образовательная: тренировка фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков; закрепление  лексики по теме;

2. Развивающая:  развивать навыки говорения, развивать  речемыслительные и познавательные способности, развивать логическое мышление, память, внимание, творческое воображение, языковую догадку

3. Воспитательная: поддерживать  интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать  культуру общения, развивать умения работать в коллективе


Организационный момент, приветствие.

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Please, sit down! How are you today?

Are you ready to begin? Show me your books, exercise books, pens. Well, you are ready! (Далее, привлекаем внимание учащихся к заготовке в виде подарочной коробки)         Учитель: I have a box, as you can see

                        It is unusual one, what can it be?

Предполагаемый ответ: Its a present.

Учитель: Yes! It’s a present… but for whom is this present, we’ll see later.

Now, look at the projector, please. I’ve written our theme. (Тема представлена в форме ребуса) : Farmer – arm + stick +oven + a – rock – an =?

                      Toy + image – ago – y =?

 It’s not easy, but try and guess, what we are going to talk about? You should find 2 words, adding and striking out the letters (Ответ - Festive time). What does it mean in Russian? Время праздника. Now, open your books at page 46, look through the page and guess what shall we do at the lesson?

Предполагаемый ответ: We shall learn the new words, the differences between “make” and  “do”, do exercises, read and play.

Учитель: (Заготовка, написана на доске.) Our aim is to learn the new words, the differences between “make” and  “do”, and information about some holidays. Our task is to do lexical exercises, using the new vocabulary. Our problem is to find a way of creating a project.

First of all, let’s look at our word list, Module 5a. Listen and read the new words after me: (Знакомство с лексическим материалом модуля) Well done!

It’s time to do a phonetic exercise (отработка нового лексического материала включенного в фонетическую зарядку): Look at the projector, listen and read after me:

Celebrations, celebrations!

Need a lot of preparations,

We all are busy,

Phone calls we make,

Do shopping, dusting, washing,

And also bake a cake!

Help me to translate the poem, please!

And now, let’s play! (закрепление нового лексического материала) Here you see a fillword. You have the same on your desks. Your task is to find 12 words, connected with our theme. Work in groups. Ok, who has found a word? (Работа в группах)











































































Предполагаемый ответ : bake, dance, wish, busy, excited, shopping, preparations, cake, festive, dusting, washing, tea.

Now let’s relax and do some exercises for our eyes. (Учитель проговаривает действия, комментируя, по необходимости.)

Look at the ceiling, look at the floor,

Look at the window, look at the door.

Close your eyes. Roll your eyes clockwise (one, two, three)

Roll your eyes anticlockwise. (one, two, three)  Open your eyes!


Well, it’s high time to learn the differences between “make” and  “do”. Look at the projector.  Both these words mean “делать”, but what is the difference?

      To make means to produce something (изготавливать, производить)

      To do means to perform an action (выполнять действие)

Please, open your workbooks. Who can tell me what date is it today? Заготовка, написана на доске. Write down the date, classwork. Divide your sheet of paper into two columns: title them “make” and “do” . Ready? Ok, we start doing exercise 1 at page 46. Shall we use the first combination with do or make?  And what about the second one? … Go on doing the exercise themselves.  Right you are!

to make

      to do

the decorations

the dusting

a phone call

your homework 


the gardening

a special dish 

the washing up

а саке

the shopping

Let’s check the exercise together and play. (Выдаем заготовки: 1лист – со словом «make», 1 лист – со словом «do»,  и 10 листов с выражениями из проделанного упражнения). Those children, who have “make” and “do” go to the blackboard. Other guys will have to add their words/word combinations to the necessary verb. (работа над словосочетаниями с глаголами to make и to do в игровой форме. У доски в результате самостоятельного выбора учащихся формируются 2 группы).    Right you are! Please, sit down.


(Закрепление грамматического правила модуля – использование Present Continuous в вопросительных предложениях)

Now I offer you to play the game “Pantomime”.  One of you will show an action (from the new vocabulary) while  your classmates will have to guess it’s meaning.  Well, who will be the  first? (Предполагаемые вопросы к показывающему: Are you making a phone call? Are you doing the dusting? ect.)

At home you’ll do practically the same exercises, using “make”, “do” and the new vocabulary. Write down your home task: ex 1,2 page 29 in your workbooks, learn the new words by heart.

(Смена учебной деятельности)  I think you’re a little bit tired, aren’t you? Shall we do a physical exercise? Stand up please! (Выполняем зарядку с опорой на видеозапись )

Ok! It’s much better now! Sit down.

         Look at page 46. Here you see a text an email. Tell me, please, who is sending it? To whom? (Предполагаемый ответ: Rosa is sending the email to Lizzie)

We should put the paragraphs in the right order. Let’s listen and read it after the speaker sentence by sentence. (Работаем с текстом с опорой на аудиозапись).

Tell me please, what is the email about?      

 Do you like this holiday?  Why?

Let’s remember some other Russian holidays. Look at the blackboard, write down the names of the holidays and translate them in your workbooks.

Праздники на доске: Victory Day, Christmas, Russia Day, New Year’s Day, Women’s Day.

Now, exchange your workbooks with your desk-mate, and we’ll check up what you’ve done. ( спрашиваем 1 ученика чтение и перевод, остальные проверяют). Give your works back to each other and raise your hands those, who has no mistakes….. who has 1 mistake….. 2… well done!

Now we’ll do the crossword. Look at the blackboard.


1.     ……………... is celebrated on the 7th of January.

2.     …………….. Day is celebrated on the 9th of May.

3.     ……………... Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.

4.     ……………... Day is celebrated on the 8th of March.

5.     ……………... Day is celebrated on the 12th of June.



Coming back to our box with presents, tell me please, what holiday is celebrated this weekend? … the old New Year's Day.

It’s interesting to know, what is there in the box?  

Into the box, we see a poster and some sweets,

And Christmas balls for decoration.

We’ll do some tasks, we’ll treat,

And we’ll prepare for the project’s presentation.

What does the poster look like? ……. Like a Christmas tree, right you are!


 (Раздаем заготовки шаров  и списки прилагательных) On your desk you have a list of adjectives. Think of your New Year’s holidays, and choose 2 adjectives, the most suitable for them. Write them down on your Christmas balls. One by one you’ll come to the poster, tell us about your holidays and stick the ball to the poster.   Start your sentence

with “My New Year’s holidays are usually ….

Who will be the first?       

What are your holydays like?                  

Ученики по очереди подходят к заготовке в виде елки и приклеивают «шарики» с прилагательными, характеризующими их новогодние праздники.

Our poster looks great!! And now you can make your own greeting card at home. Great you are!

All of you tried so hard at the lesson, and the most active were …they get 5.

So our lesson is coming to the end. Let’s sum it up: we’ve learnt the new words, the differences between “make” and  “do”, and information about some holidays. We’ve done lexical and phonetic exercises and made a joint greeting card. You have made a lot of progress.

(Рефлексия)If the information of the lesson was clear for you show me red hearts. If you had some difficulties show me yellow faces. (Элемент самоконтроля)                            

 All right! That’s all for today, thank you.











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