Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииКонспект урок и презентация по английскому языку на тему "The Myth of Prometheus" (Unit II Man the Believer) к учебнику 10 класс, English, Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В.

Конспект урок и презентация по английскому языку на тему "The Myth of Promrtheus" к учебнику 10 класс, English, Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В.

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The Myth of Prometheus


(English Student’s book Form X by O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva

Man the Believer Unit 2)


  • To practise listening skills
  • To review vocabulary
  • To practise using the Past tenses and retelling the story
  • To develop learners’ confidence in speaking


Age Group


Level   B1

Time   45 minutes


Presentation; English Student’s book Form X by O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva

Worksheets ‘The Myth of Prometheus’


I.         Warm – up.

Discuss the following quotation in pairs:



“All myth is an enriched pattern, a two-faced proposition, allowing its operator to say one thing and mean another, to lead a double life”. (Anne Carson)

Do you agree or disagree? Why?


II.      Watching the video “The Myth of Prometheus”.

1.      Vocabulary: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/

Match the words below with the definitions (a – g)

   worship         vulnerable      envision        foresight           entrust       conceal     empathy                                                                       

a)    the act or ability of foreseeing

b)    to give a trust or responsibility 

c)    to show profound religious devotion and respect

d)     capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt

e)    to picture in the mind; imagine

f)     to hide sb/smth

g)     the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person's feelings


2.      Watch the video and choose the correct answer:


1. The Titans were

  1. The most ancient Greek Gods
  2. The gods of the underworld
  3. A group of demons
  4. A group of giants

2. In Greek, the name Prometheus means:

  1. Fire
  2. Knowledge
  3. Foresight
  4. Doom

3. Zeus wanted the humans Prometheus had made:

  1.   To progress
  2.   To worship the Gods
  3.   To be independent
  4.   To question authority

4. Prometheus stole fire:

  1.    To defy Zeus
  2.    To help humans
  3.    To trick humans
  4.    To defy Zeus and help humans

      5. As punishment Prometheus:

  1.   was tortured by vulters
  2.   was sent to Tartarys
  3.   was stripped of his powers


3.      Watch the video again and answer the following questions.

a)      How does Prometheus’s view of humanity’s purpose differ from that of Zeus?

b)     Why did the gift of fire allow humans to advance faster than the other creatures on earth?

c)      Why do you think Prometheus bore his punishment without complaint? What does this tell us about his belief in human progress?

d)     Prometheus has been imagined as both a trailblazer for progress and as a dangerous figure who pushes the boundaries too far. What do you think?


III.   Do you remember the Greek legend about Prometheus? Tell your classmates what you remember. The phrases below can help you. (English Student’s book Form X by O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva) (Ex. 7 p. 56)

·         the friend of man, protector of the human race

·         to steal fire and give it to man as a gift

·         to teach people all he knew

·         to anger Zeus

·         to punish Prometheus

·         a harsh punishment

·         to chain Prometheus to a peak in the Caucasus

·         to fly to the peak every day

·         to peck out his liver

·         to grow back again during the night

·         to undergo the same torment the next day

·         30 years to pass

·         to come and release Prometheus (about Heracles)

Listen to the Greek legend about Prometheus and compare it with your story.


IV.   Discussion of the questions:

1.    Do you like reading myths and legends?

2.    Why do modern people find them remarkable and attractive?


V.      Homework.

Prepare a talk on Greek or Roman mythologies.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The Myth of PrometheusUnit 2Калюжная З.П., учитель высшей категории
г. Чел...

    1 слайд

    The Myth of Prometheus
    Unit 2

    Калюжная З.П., учитель высшей категории
    г. Челябинск
    Гимназия №93
    English Student’s book Form X by O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva
    “Man the Believer” Unit 2

  • Discussion of the quotationhttp://www.notable-quotes.com/m/mythology_quotes....

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    Discussion of the quotation

    All myth is an enriched pattern, a two-faced proposition, allowing its operator to say one thing and mean another, to lead a double life.


  • Vocabularyhttps://www.thefreedictionary.com/Match the words below with the...

    3 слайд


    Match the words below with the definitions (a – g)
    worship vulnerable envision foresight entrust conceal empathy
    the act or ability of foreseeing
    to give a trust or responsibility 
    to show profound religious devotion and respect
     capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt

    to picture in the mind; imagine
    to hide sb/smth
     the power of understanding and imaginatively entering 
    into another person's feelings


  • The Myth of Prometheus1. The Titans were
The most ancient Greek Gods
The god...

    4 слайд

    The Myth of Prometheus

    1. The Titans were
    The most ancient Greek Gods
    The gods of the underworld
    A group of demons
    A group of giants
    2. In Greek , the name Prometheus means:
    3. Zeus wanted the humans Prometheus had made:
    To progress
    To worship the Gods
    To be independent
    To question authority
    4. Prometheus stole fire:
    To defy Zeus
    To help humans
    To trick humans
    To defy Zeus and help humans
    5. As punishment Prometheus:
    was tortured by vulters
    was sent to Tartarys
    was stripped of his powers

  • Answer the questions.
How does Prometheus’s view of humanity’s purpose differ...

    5 слайд

    Answer the questions.
    How does Prometheus’s view of humanity’s purpose differ from that of Zeus?
    Why did the gift of fire allow humans to advance faster than the other creatures on earth?
    Why do you think Prometheus bore his punishment without complaint? What does this tell us about his belief in human progress?
    Prometheus has been imagined as both a trailblazer for progress and as a dangerous figure who pushes the boundaries too far. What do you think?

Thank you for your work!

    6 слайд

    Thank you for your work!

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