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Конспект урока Debate: " Should parents choose friends for their children?"

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Topic: Debate: Should parents choose friends for their children?

Level: Intermediate

Age: Teens


Цель урока:

Создание условий для формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в формате дискуссии на основе личностно ориентированной коммуникативной технологии.

Задачи урока:


  • развитие критического мышления,
  • развитие умений построения связного аргументированного высказывания,
  • формирование опыта участия в дискуссии



  • воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению, отличного от своего,
  • воспитание осознанного отношения к выбору друзей



  • совершенствование навыков устного иноязычного общения, включая навыки аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи.



I. Организационный этап.

Приветствие. Задачи урока для учащихся. Тема. Правила дискуссии

II. Основной этап.

·         Предварительные выступления сторон:


1)Group A:

Speaker 1: Let me take the floor and start the debates. To begin with, I am completely FOR the idea. Parents should control the connections of their children and help them make better friends. I am sure parents must know who their child hangs with, what they talk about, what things they plan to do. I think good parents should teach their children to distinguish Good or Bad.

Well, to sum up, I’ll just repeat the idea: parents should choose friends for their children in order to prevent them into getting into trouble.

Speaker 2: To continue, I want to support Misha’s’s opinion. Choosing friends should be parents’ big concern. Because if a teenager makes terrible friends, he can be under bad influence. If parents see such friendship, they must interfere with it and forbid it just saying “You can’t meet them any more”.


Speaker 3: I have just a few words to add to what the previous speaker has said. I also support the idea. Parents should be interested in their children’s life outside home. A child must get used to sharing his problems with his parents and telling them everything about his problems. If parents know everything, it is easier for them to give their child a right direction.


2) Подведение итогов группы А.

Ведущий: Thank you! It was fine! Now it is time to sum up. Your arguments seem quite convincing. You insist that your parents should choose friends in order to prevent them from bad influence of the street and from getting into trouble.

Parents are more experienced and know better how to choose friends. Well, it is all right! Now let us look at the issue from the other point of view. Group B will take the floor.

Слово бёрёт вторая группа, противники идеи.

3) Group B:

Speaker 1: I stand against the idea. From my point of view, any teenager lives through a very important phase. He is getting an experience for life. Teenagers develop the skills of making good relationship. They learn to say yes or no. They learn to understand who is real, who is false. Any teenager wants to be accepted in the society of his peers. It is more important for him than to obey his parents. It makes him feel confident and allows to form a self-estimate. If you make a mistake, it is your own mistake. As a saying goes, we all learn by our own mistake. So, my position is as follows. Nobody can decide who can be your friends, even your parents.

Speaker 2: I am against either. To me it is nonsense. I don’t think parents should ever choose your friends, because they might pick people you don’t like. We can’t make friends with those whom we feel awkward. Friends are interested in each other. Friendship is a spontaneous thing, isn’t it? You never know at what moment you feel like being friends with someone. Friendship is always natural. When parents choose friends, it is never natural. Do you agree with me?

Speaker 3: I agree with Sveta. I think it is foolish when parents choose friends for a boy at the age of 16. I can’t imagine the situation when mother says to his son, “Honey, Oleg is a very good boy. He never lies, never smokes, never says abusive words. He is polite. He does well at school. He can be a good friend for you? Honey!’

I don’t think a teen would like to be friends with the Anton only because his mother wants it. So, I am sure, parents shouldn’t interfere with your relationship with anyone. Thats my position.

4) Подведение итогов группы Б.

Ведущий: Thank you! Very well! Now let us summarize the arguments of the opposing group. As you see, there are some of them.

“Parents have no right to recommend friends to their teenagers because children must develop the skill of good relationship and get life experience by their own mistakes”.


·         Cобственно дебаты


Ведущий: Now we start the second part of the discussion. You will see a few problematic statements on the screen suggested by our groups. You should agree or disagree with them and justify your position. You should ask questions to each other. Mind the debates rules.

 “Teenagers should choose their friends themselves because it is the only way to learn how to make good relationships”.

 Ведущий: Where do you stand? Give a support. … Who agrees or disagrees? ... Who else would like to add?

Учащиеся обеих групп высказываются по очереди, спорят, пытаются переубедить противника.


Утверждение 2. “Parents should not choose friends for their teenagers”.

Ведущий: Where do you stand? Explain your position.

Учащиеся по очереди высказывают согласие, несогласие,  отвечают на вопросы ведущего и друг друга.

Вопросы: Do you think parents should know all about their children: who they hang about with, what they talk about, what they are busy with when they are out?

How can parents prevent their children from getting into trouble?

Can parents forbid making friends with fellows they don’t like?

Can you choose friends? Who is a good friend?



Утверждение 3. “Parents know better how to choose friends for you”

Ведущий: Where do you stand? What is your opinion?

Учащиеся высказываются.

Утверждение 4. “Teenagers and parents should talk about choosing friends and come to a compromise”.



III.Заключительный этап. Обобщение и подведение итогов.

Ведущий: The time is running out. We have 3 minutes left to summarize our discussion and take a vote on what group has had a stronger argument. As I can see, both group A and B insist on their position. As for the audience, allow me to ask you again what opinion you support.

Проводится голосование сторонников и противников идеи. Считаем голоса, записываем счёт на табло. Сравниваем результаты.



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