Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока "Образование в Великобритании" 7 класс

Конспект урока "Образование в Великобритании" 7 класс

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Урок по теме «Education in Great Britain” в 7 классе

Цель урока: контроль навыков говорения и аудирования по теме «Школьное образование в Великобритании».


Ø  Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и говорении по теме

Ø  Активизировать и совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения

Ø  Обучение построению монологического высказывания о британских школах с опорой на образец, используя вводные слова и выражения

Ø  Обучение использования проектов

Воспитательная задача: Прививать интерес к системе образования в Великобритании

План урока:

Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you again! The topic of our lesson is “British schools”.

-          What do you think we are talking about today?

-          We’ll talk  about education in GB, school subjects, types of schools, hobbies and school life of British pupils

-          And why do we need to know it?

-          It is interesting to know about British schools, about their subjects, about traditions and culture

Yes, you are right, weʼll talk about education in Britain, learn some interesting facts about schooling and show how we can talk with your new friends.

Ход урока

Letʾs begin with repeating some words:

Science, Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Social studies, primary school, secondary school, independent, favourite subject, pay for education.

Iʾd like to know, if you like your school life and why?

What’s your favourite subject?

Can you write the names of subjects? Letʾs check! Guess, what subjects are they?

sumic                    urelitreat

 tar                        ggphyeoar

shitory                 themasmatic

The next task is to find out, what lessons British students need these things for.

Sneakers, a map, a dictionary, colour pencils, a ruler

And now, please, say these words in a word:

1.Chemistry, History, PE, Religion, IT and Science (subjects)

2.Football, netball, rugby, badminton (sports)

3.Primary, secondary, state, private, boarding (schools)


Yes, these schools are in Great Britain and school education there differs from the Russian one. Do you know anything about schooling in Britain?

Agree or disagree:

British students start primary school at the age of 8.

At most schools students wear a uniform

Eton is a famous private school

British students study Religion at school

The favourite sport  for British pupils is swimming

The first foreign language is Russian

Science is a mixture of Chemistry, Physics and Biology

I see you are informed about British schooling. And now youʼll listen to some more information about the educational system of Great Britain. Gleb will present it for you and you should complete the table with the words and numbers from the box.


1)      Schools in Britain

Most children in Great Britain start primary school at the age of 5. At the age of 11 they go to secondary school. There are some types of secondary schools in England:

Grammar schools, Modern schools and Comprehensive schools. Children stay at secondary school to the age of 16. And at 16 in England they take the examination - that’s the General Certificate of Secondary Education. After these exams 30% of students leave school. The others study for 2 more years. And then take A-level (Advanced Level examinations). About 20% of 18 year-olds go to universities. Another 20% go on to other kinds of education and training.
















100% of students go to ------------ school.

11 ------

100% of students go to ----------- school.


At the age of 16, in England, they take GCSE examinations (General -------- of Secondary Education)

----- 18

----% of students continue at school. At 18 they take A – levels ( ---------- level examinations)


20% of 18 – year – olds go to ---------- .


Another ---- % of 18- year- olds go on to other kinds of education and ---------- .


Iʾd like to add: After primary school boys and girls take their exams and enter the secondary schools. At the secondary school children have 3 “core” subjects (What are they? Your opinion): English, Maths and Science. And pupils take exams at the age of 7, 11 and 14.




Now, itʼs turn of Pashas story about school day. Listen to him carefully and then youʾll do the second task in your sheets of paper. Try to put the correct information in each column.


2)      School life in Britain

Students in Britain go to school from Monday to Friday and school starts at 9 o’clock. Most of schools are mixed – they are for boys and girls. At most secondary schools students wear a uniform. British students have a wide choice of subjects: Science, IT, History, Geography, English Literature, Religion, Foreign Languages and many others. They have lessons in the morning and a break of an hour for lunch. School finishes at 4 o’clock. After school some students do other activities like sport: football, netball, rugby, badminton. Some students learn music.

92% of British Schools are state schools, they are free. The government pays – not the parents. 8% of schools are independent or private. The parents pay for their education. Some of these independent schools are boarding schools, and the students live at the schools. Eton is a very famous independent school near Windsor. 






State school

Independent school








Eaton is one of them 
The parents pay for these.
8% of British schools.
The government pay for these.
92% British schools
Some of these are boarding schools.

Now it is time to interview a British student about his school life (the one of you is

from Russia, another – from Britain). Youʾll have 5 -7 minutes for your talk.

-Do you like your school life?

-Whatʼs your favourite subject?

-What do you think about your homework, private schools….?

-How do you get to school?

- How many days a week do you go to school?


Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов.

Look at our plan! Have we managed to do everything today?

Tell me please, what was new and interesting for you about British education? What have you learned today?

It was interesting for me to know that summer holidays in Britain are about 6 weeks and the boarding schools are for rich students. And what about you?

You were good at the lesson, especially …., thank you for your work. Your marks for today are…..

Good luck and see you tomorrow!


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