Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему Хорошие привычки ¬– основа здоровья … (9 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Хорошие привычки ¬– основа здоровья … (9 класс)

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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Хорошие привычки ­– основа здоровья … (9 класс)

Тема урока: «Хорошие привычки ­– основа здоровья»

Дата: 24.11

Тип урока: комбинированный

Орг. форма: традиционная


практическая: учить учащихся читать иноязычный текст и контролировать понимание прочитанного;

образовательная: повышать общую культуру учащихся;

воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся культуру речевого поведения;

развивающая: развивать у учащихся внимание и память.

Оборудование: учебное пособие по английскому языку для 9 класса (Л. М. Лапицкая), рабочая тетрадь, тетрадь-словарь, доска.



1. Warm-up

Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? What is the weather like today? Who is absent today?

We are discussing healthy lifestyle during some lessons and today we continue speaking about it.

The theme of our today’s lesson is “Healthy habits”. And the aims of the lesson are to repeat the words and phrases that we learnt last time, to speak and read about healthy.

2. Checking hometask

But let’s start with checking the hometask. I’ll give you the card with positive and negative opinions about fast food. Your task is to define the pluses and minuses of fast food.

(Приложение 1)

3. Speaking

Now, I have a question to you: What do we need to do to have good health?

Answering this question use your book – pages 54-55.

4. Pre-reading

Right now we will read the text about health and after that we will answer the question: What is it necessary to do to be in good health and why?

But before starting to read we will look at unknown words from the text: … . Let’s read them altogether.

concern /kənˈsɜːn/ to be about something

human /ˈhjuːmən/ (connected with) people

survive /səˈvaɪv/ to continue to live or exist

properly /ˈprɒpəli/ in a way that is correct

Приложение 2

5. Reading

Let’s start reading. Now, let’s check how you understand the text. Take the cards with the tasks.

Приложение 3

6. Exercise for eyes

Before working with cards look at exercise for your eyes. So to say: Just do it during a minute. There different actions, try all of them.

7. Post-reading

Answer the questions, please!

All the answers are in the text!

8. Hometask

Your hometask is ex. 4, page 65. Complete the quiz!

9. Reflection

What did we do today?

10. Round up

Your marks are … . Good bye! Have a nice day!

























Приложение 1

High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -



















Приложение 2

concern /kənˈsɜːn/ to be about something

human /ˈhjuːmən/ (connected with) people

survive /səˈvaɪv/ to continue to live or exist

properly /ˈprɒpəli/ in a way that is correct


Приложение 3

3.1: The letters re mixed, make the words:

ehthal –

ensfits –

ydbo –

hpycasil –

oodf –

weovighter –

ciseeexr –


3.2: Translate in English:

главная забота –

жить хорошо, лучше, легче –

быть сильным –

добывать пищу –

быть необходимым –

поддерживать тело в форме –

правильное питание –

скинуть вес


3.3: True or false?

1. Earlier life wasn’t very hard and humans didn’t use to hunt in order to survive, and their body didn’t have a lot of physical exercise.

2. Before people don’t have to be strong to get their food and as a result, they hardly do enough of physical exercise which is necessary to keep the body fit and healthy.

3. Becoming healthier and fitter is very very difficult but needs a lot of work.

4. People should eat more fast food.

5. Doing just two simple things – eating properly and exercising regularly – one can live most happily.


Приложение 4

Answer the questions:

1. Is health a major concern today?

2. Why is it important to do physical exercise?

3. Do people choose their food carefully today?

4. What do we need today?

5. Is it difficult to become healthier and fitter?

6. Should people eat more smart food or fast food?

7. What are two simple things that people should do to keep fit?















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -


















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -


















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -

















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -


















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -


















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -


















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -


















High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -






























High in fat        tasty         you may become fat     kill appetite control system        quick     heart disease  

high in cholesterol     delicious      smell well       unhealthy    convenient      

not expensive    high in calories     can lead to health problems

+ + +

- - -






































3.1: The letters re mixed, make the words:

ehthal –

ensfits –

ydbo –

hpycasil –

oodf –

weovighter –

ciseeexr –


3.2: Translate in English:

главная забота –

жить хорошо, лучше, легче –

быть сильным –

добывать пищу –

быть необходимым –

поддерживать тело в форме –

правильное питание –

скинуть вес


3.3: True or false?

1. Earlier life wasn’t very hard and humans didn’t use to hunt in order to survive, and their body didn’t have a lot of physical exercise.

2. Before people don’t have to be strong to get their food and as a result, they hardly do enough of physical exercise which is necessary to keep the body fit and healthy.

3. Becoming healthier and fitter is very very difficult but needs a lot of work.

4. People should eat more fast food.

5. Doing just two simple things – eating properly and exercising regularly – one can live most happily.


Answer the questions:

1. Is health a major concern today?

2. Why is it important to do physical exercise?

3. Do people choose their food carefully today?

4. What do we need today?

5. Is it difficult to become healthier and fitter?

6. Should people eat more smart food or fast food?

7. What are two simple things that people should do to keep fit?


3.1: The letters re mixed, make the words:

ehthal –

ensfits –

ydbo –

hpycasil –

oodf –

weovighter –

ciseeexr –


3.2: Translate in English:

главная забота –

жить хорошо, лучше, легче –

быть сильным –

добывать пищу –

быть необходимым –

поддерживать тело в форме –

правильное питание –

скинуть вес


3.3: True or false?

1. Earlier life wasn’t very hard and humans didn’t use to hunt in order to survive, and their body didn’t have a lot of physical exercise.

2. Before people don’t have to be strong to get their food and as a result, they hardly do enough of physical exercise which is necessary to keep the body fit and healthy.

3. Becoming healthier and fitter is very very difficult but needs a lot of work.

4. People should eat more fast food.

5. Doing just two simple things – eating properly and exercising regularly – one can live most happily.


Answer the questions:

1. Is health a major concern today?

2. Why is it important to do physical exercise?

3. Do people choose their food carefully today?

4. What do we need today?

5. Is it difficult to become healthier and fitter?

6. Should people eat more smart food or fast food?

7. What are two simple things that people should do to keep fit?


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Тема урока: «Хорошие привычки ­– основа здоровья»

Тип урока: комбинированный

Орг. форма: традиционная


практическая: учить учащихся читать иноязычный текст и контролировать понимание прочитанного;

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развивающая: развивать у учащихся внимание и память.

Оборудование: учебное пособие по английскому языку для 9 класса (Л. М. Лапицкая), рабочая тетрадь, тетрадь-словарь, доска.

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