Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку 9 класс. Тема: Trains

Конспект урока по английскому языку 9 класс. Тема: Trains

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Theme of the lesson:  Trains                       Teacher:  Tashmanova Saniya 

The aims of the lesson:

Educational:  to explain the new theme.

Developing: to develop the pupils speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working   

 with texts, analyzing and doing exercises,                 

Up-bringing: to bring them up to be friendly, hardworking, polite and patient

The methods and techniques: explanation, discussion, question-answer

Type of the lesson: lesson trip

Equipments: pictures, cards, books


Organization moment

-          Good morning my  dear pupils! You are welcome for today’s  lesson.

-          Who is on duty today?

-          What was your home task? write an essay “Dream vacation”

Brainstorming:  : I think everybody likes travelling. So, during our lesson we’ll talk about travelling, means of transport, share and express opinions, and exchange ideas.

-          Why do people travel?

-          What are the reasons for travelling?

-          P1: People travel to discover new places.
P2: People travel to learn a language.
P3: People travel to see the sights.
P4: People travel to enjoy beautiful places.
P5: People travel to make new friends.
P6: People travel to discover different ways of life.
P7: People travel to see other countries and continents.

- What means of transport do you know?
- What are the most popular ways of travelling?

- by bus
- by train
- by bike
- by ship
- by car
- by taxi
- by motorbike
- by boat
- by tram
- on foot

Teacher: OK. Today we shall speak about travelling. You know that our life is impossible without  travelling. Many people like to travel. They can travel by plane, by train, by ship, by car, on foot. Today we shall travel by train. Many people prefer travelling by train. They think it's more comfortable and it's also not very expensive.

 Write down the date and the new theme.

We are going to sit to the train from Aktau to Almaty. I think it will be an interesting journey.

Do you know that travelling by train called –journey.

1st  station  is Aktobe  and the 1st  task is Speaking. Let’s begin our travelling and do exercise 1 on page 122 orallly.

Choose one kind of transport and complete the table. Which statements are true for the transport you have chosen?





a.       They are comfortable



b.      They usually come in time.



c.       They are expensive



d.      They are often crowded



e.       You have to wait long



f.        They are quick



g.      It’s an enjoyable way to travel



h.      It’s a safe way to travel




2nd station is Kyzylorda and the task is Writing.

Make up sentences using following adjectives. Which of these adjectives describe the public transport in your village?

3rd station is Zhynkent and the task is for Discussion.

I. Are these statements true or false in your experience?

1. Trains are more reliable than buses.

2. Train fares are more expensive than bus fares.

3. Train journeys are more interesting than air flights.

4. Railway stations are nicer places than airports.

5. You get to the place you are going faster by car than by train.


4th station Zhambyl and the task is Reading. Look at the book and read the text.

1st task is read the text A The Orient Express and answer the questions according to the text

1.      When G.Nagelmackers  start his company?

2.      Why did he want to make a new railway line?

3.      When did the Orient Express make its last journey and why it had to stop?

2nd task is read the text B High –speed trains.

1.      Some countries in Europe use high speed trains.

2.      Transrapid is a type of train in England.

3.      TGV travels at the speed of 250 miles an hout



Last station is Almaty. Before getting of the train let’s solve the crossword.

1.      The types of transport ……

2.      Shortest synonym of the word travelling

3.      Translate into English –қауіпсіз

4.      Antonyms of the word –cheap

5.      Travelling by train called –journey.


Conclusion. Today's theme was the train. We were traveling, doing a lot of exercise. At the end of the lesson lets speak about  Advantages and  Disadvantages of travelling by train.





1)      it is a fast transport

2)      it is a comfortable transport

3)      you can see the nature

4)      you can eat in the dining-car

5)      you can sleep comfortably

6)      if it is rainy, you will not get wet

1)      it is slower than plane

2)      it can be crash

3)      it is noisy


Marking:  You are very active today. Your marks…









































The Orient Express

Georges Nagelmackers, a Belgian businessman, had a brilliant idea. He wanted to make a new railway line from 










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