Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку "Углубление знаний по теме « Географическое положение США" (8 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Углубление знаний по теме « Географическое положение США" (8 класс)

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Тема: Geographical position of the USA

Урок: 35,

Класс : 8 А

Цель: Углубление знаний по теме « Географическое положение США». 

1.Продолжить формирование знаний по теме «Географическое положение США» 
2.Продолжить развитие коммуникативной компетенции через монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся по данной теме. Развитие общих умений работы с текстом, новыми словами 
3.Повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка. Воспитывать уважение к стране изучаемого языка США 
Оборудование, наглядные пособия/Equipment: доска, ноутбук, наглядный материал , дидактический раздаточный материал, цветовые карточки для рефлексии урока) 
Тип урока/The type of the lesson: Урок закрепления знаний 
Методы/Methods:словесный (беседа), наглядный – метод иллюстрации и метод демонстрации (показ слайдов), практический - метод упражнений (фонетическая разминка) 
Ход урока/The course of the lesson: 
I. 1.
Preliminary./Организационный момент 
Good morning, children! How are you today? 
Are you ready for the lesson? Our theme today Geographical position The USA 
Речевая зарядка и фонетическая зарядка/Warm up and phonetic drill: 
And now let’s talk and answer my usual questions: 
1 What is the date today? 
2 What day of the week is it? 
3 Who is on duty today? And who is absent? 
3. Read the proverbs and translate it (
Прочитайте пословицу и переведите ее
Учите клеет пословицу на доске 
Every country has it's traditions (
У каждой страны есть свои традиции

III. The main part of the lesson. /
Основная часть урока 
Давайте подумаем о чем иы сегодня будем говорить 
Учитель клеет на доску основные слова урока 
50 —
штатов и звездочек на флаге 
fourth largest country 4-
я большая страна 
Washington, D.C. -
English –
гос язык США 
250 Million people 
Our theme today "Geographical position of The USA” 
Дети отвечают речь идет о США Учитель показывает карту США И НАЧИНАЕТ ПОКАЗ СЛАЙДОВ 
Now we can watch a presentation 
The USA 
The USA is the fourth largest country after Russia China Canada 
ША 4-Я по величине страна после России Китая и Канады 
Справочная информация 
Territory more that 9 million squre kilometres 
Languages -English, Spain, German, Italian 
Capital -Washington 
Largest cities – Los Angeles, chicago, Holliwood, Philadelfia New Yourk 

The Flag of The USA called stars and stripes. There are three colours in the flag- red, blue, and white. Americans are pound their flag and display in it in many places. 
гордиться display — показывают 

Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years. 
The United States consists of 50 states. Each state has a capital, which is the center of the state government. 
составляет, Включает 

There are 50 states.Alaska and Hawaii are not connected to the other states. 
Connect -
Who discovered America? 
The answer is: nobody knows. 
In 1492 three ships- the "Santa Maria”, the "Pinta”, the "Nine” under Columbus landed the continent. 
Landed –
высаживаться на берег 
In 1507 Amerigo Vespucci explored the area of South America and introduced a new land to the world. This continent was called after him - "America”. 
представлять / знакомить 
Washington DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country and the seat of the government. It was named honour the fist President George Washington. 

The United States is a democratic federal republic. It comprises 50 states including the District of Columbia, where the capital of the country is situated. 
We are very tired? Let’s do the morning exercises. 
1. Stand up and have a rest 
It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the east. 
It is a very large country, so the climate is different from state to state. It is mostly temperate but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, and arctic in Alaska. 
Mostly —
главным образом 
Pathific ocean –
Тихий океан west -запад 
Gulf Mexico –
Мексиканский залив east- восток 
It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico on the south. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers. 
border –
граничит north – север south -юг 
The most important rivers in the USA are the Mississippi, the Colorado, the Ohio and the Hudson River. The main mountain chains are the Cordillera in the west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east. 
The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and the deepest in the USA 
тянутся цепочкой 
border –
deep -
Natural resources include nickel,gold,silwer, zink, lead, iron, petroleum, natural gas and others. 
свинец iron — железо petroleum- нефть 
The USA produces more than 52 percent ofthe word's corn, wheat, cotton and tobacco. 
The people of America are a mixture of many different nationalities 
corn —
зерно wheat — пшеница cotton -хлопок 
mixture —

The conclusion. Закрепление. 
"What I know about the USA 
Учитель прикрепляет на доску карту США, А дети берут листочки и пишут что они узнали об Aмерике 
Итоги урока/The sum of the lesson: Сегодня мы узнали больше о США. 
Я вас попрошу сказать на английском что вы нового узнали о США, 
Главное слово из предложения написать на воздушном шарике. 
Домашнее задание написать конспект о США,А также по желанию подготовить различную информацию о США 
Выставление оценок 

Текст выдается каждому ученику на уроке. 
The USA is the fourth largest country after Russia China Canada Capital-Washington Territory more that 9 million squre kilometres 
Languages -English, Spain, German, Italian 
Largest cities – Los Angeles, Chicago, Holliwood, Philadelfia New Yourk 

The Flag of The USA called stars and stripes. There are three colours in the flag- red, blue, and white. Americans are pound their flag and display in it in many places. 
гордиться display — показывают 

Head of the State is the President, who is elected every four years. 
The United States consists of 50 states. Each state has a capital, which is the center of the state government. 
составляет, Включает 

There are 50 states.Alaska and Hawaii are not connected to the other states. 
Connect -
Who discovered America? 
The answer is: nobody knows. 
In 1492 three ships- the "Santa Maria”, the "Pinta”, the "Nine” under Columbus landed the continent. 
Landed –
высаживаться на берег 
In 1507 Amerigo Vespucci explored the area of South America and introduced a new land to the world. This continent was called after him - "America”. 
представлять / знакомить 
Washington DC (District of Columbia) is the capital of the country and the seat of the government. It was named honour the fist President George Washington. 

The United States is a democratic federal republic. It comprises 50 states including the District of Columbia, where the capital of the country is situated. 
We are very tired? Let’s do the morning exercises. 
1. Stand up and have a rest 
It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the east. 
It is a very large country, so the climate is different from state to state. It is mostly temperate but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, and arctic in Alaska. 
Mostly —
главным образом 
Pathific ocean –
Тихий океан west -запад 
Gulf Mexico –
Мексиканский залив east- восток 
It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico on the south. The total area of the country is more than nine million square kilometers. 
border –
граничит north – север south -юг 
The most important rivers in the USA are the Mississippi, the Colorado, the Ohio and the Hudson River. The main mountain chains are the Cordillera in the west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east. 
The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and the deepest in the USA 
тянутся цепочкой 
border –
deep -
Natural resources include nickel,gold,silwer, zink, lead, iron, petroleum, natural gas and others. 
свинец iron — железо petroleum- нефть 
The USA produces more than 52 percent ofthe word's corn, wheat, cotton and tobacco. 
The people of America are a mixture of many different nationalities 
corn —
зерно wheat — пшеница cotton -хлопок 
mixture —

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