Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по теме "Путешествие"

Конспект урока по теме "Путешествие"

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МКОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 им. А.М.Горького»











Кругосветное путешествие











Работу выполнила:

Бароновская Елена Юрьевна,

МКОУ ««Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 им. А.М.Горького»






Кругосветное путешествие

Цели и задачи: 1. Закрепить лексический материал по теме «Путешествие» и продолжить знакомство с достопримечательностями  англо-говорящих стран (знакомить с их местоположением на карте)

2. Развивать речевые умения (монологическая и диалогическая речь), развивать умения аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации.

3. Мотивировать обучающихся изучать английский язык при помощи использования электронных образовательных ресурсов.

4. Воспитывать уважение к мнению других людей и интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

II. Работа над темой урока.

The theme of our lesson is “Round-the-World Tour.” But what is travelling?

The diagram will help you.


1. Phonetic exercise.

    Let’s read this poem.

Wandering, wandering, all the day long,

Walking, running, singing a song,

I’m a traveler, and I’ll never stop

I wander the world from bottom to top.

(T-CL, P1, P2…)


2. And now we’ll check your hometask. - What was your hometask?

 (to make a dialogue)

1. Going Out For a Drive.

— It's a beautiful day, Terry. Let's go out for a drive.

— That's a good idea. I'd enjoy going out for a drive.

— Let's go down to the docks. We can watch the big ships come in. Some day I'd like to make a journey by boat.

— I'd rather fly. It's the quickest and most comfortable way to travel.

— But travelling by boat is leisurely and more restful.

— That may be true but a trip by jet is exciting and you have more time for sightseeing when you arrive.

— It's difficult to make a decision. But look! Here we are at the airport.

— Look! There's a jet plane landing right now.

— It's moving very fast. Do you think it's going to crash?

— No, it won't crash. Watch how carefully the pilot brings the plane down. Travelling by jet is quite safe.

— Good. Then we'll take a jet instead of a boat. We can buy our tickets over here.

— What are you talking about? What tickets? We're not going anywhere. We're just out for a drive, remember?

2. Travel agent.

Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?

Visitor: Yes, please. I'd like to go to Britain this summer. Where can I get some information about holidays in Britain?

Travel agent: Oh, that's quite easy. I'll give you some travel leaflets. You'll find lots of information there.

Visitor: Thank you. Um... I'm fond of horse riding. And I'd like to take a riding holiday. What can you suggest?

Travel agent: No problem. We have some special tours.

Visitor: Um... One more question, please. How much will it cost?

Travel agent: In this leaflet you'll find all the prices.
Visitor: Thank you.


 Look at the blackboard and say what we are going to visit? 

1. Russia,

2. Great Britain,

3. Canada,

4. The USA,

5. Australia,

5. New Zealand,

6. India

    -You are right.



3. During our lessons you are to fill in the table.






Principal towns

Interesting facts

The UK


















Commonwealth of Australia






New Zealand







4. First of all let’s talk about our own country The Russian Federation

Video #1

(слайды 6,7,8)


The united Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland

Video #2

(слайды 9,10,11)


5. Have a rest

Заполните пропуски, вставив нужные слова, данные в рамочке.

travel leaflets, afford, a sleeping-bag, tickets, pursuits

1. Those people who prefer to sleep out of doors should take … with them.

2. Our family can ... to go to the Black Sea coast every year.

3. Plane ... are more expensive than train ones.

4. Where did you get information about this tour? -  I found it in...

5. Active ... are popular among teenagers nowadays.




Video #3

(слайды 13,14,15)


The United States of America

Video #4

(слайды 16,17,18)


7. Have a rest

Найдите лишнее слово в каждой группе.

1. trip, journey, tour, holiday

2. airport, station, platform, port

3. train, underground, coach, plane

4. museum, gallery, camp, palace

5. square, town, village, city

6.  visa, passport, ticket, computer.

7. travel leaflet, active pursuits, tourist guide, encyclopaedia




Video #5

(слайды 20,21,22)

New Zealand

Video #6

(слайды 23,24,25)



Video #7

(слайды 26,27,28)


9. Let’s check your knowledge of English-speaking countries.. (Сдайд 29)







Principal towns

Interesting facts

The UK

In the north-west of Europe

about 60 million


Manchester, Glasgow, London



In North America

about 250 million

Washington D.C

New-York, Chicago, Los-Angeles



In North America

about 30 million


Ottawa, Toronto


Commonwealth of Australia

The continent of Australia and a number of islands

about 20 million


Sydney, Melbourne


New Zealand

Several large and many smaller islands

about 4 million


Auckland, Nelson




10. Read the poem. (Слайд30)

What is travelling for me?

It is the shining sun, the sea;

The golden sand which looks like beads;

The blue – eyed sky and tender breeze…


What do I see when close my eyes?

A milk – white ship with two red stripes;

The limpid clouds at the dawn

And sun, that rises all alone.


And when the twilight falls from height

The night appears from heaven’s gate,

I see the moon in magic light

And star, that sparkle at the night.


That’s what I’m looking for in dreams

And they are my inspiring beams!

I want to see it, to behold

And travel all over the world!


11. Saying the result of the lesson.

          What can you say about travelling?

          And what about you? What pros for travelling can you mention?


   I'm fond of travelling. I see and learn a lot of things that I can never see or learn at home,
thought I may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, and
to listen to different musical rhythms. Travel broadens your mind and scope.

          What can you add?

Travel has always been a part of people's education. It teaches people about art and culture. You can also improve your knowledge of foreign languages.


Thank you for your working .

 I think travelling will become a part of your life.

Your hometask is “to learn the poem”

Your marks are…

The lesson is over, good bye!




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