Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект урока "Строитель. Современные покрытия пола"

Конспект урока "Строитель. Современные покрытия пола"

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Theme: Floor covering

Objects: to activate in oral and writing speech vocabulary and grammar of the Present Tenses and Passive Voice necessary for conversation on the topic.

To develop skills to ask and answer the questions.  
Foster a sense of orientation on success, confidence in the work.


Facilities: handout, a blackboard, presentation.


Procedure of the lesson


I. Greeting. The report of the pupils on duty.

What date is it today?

What is the day today?

Who's absent and why?


II. Topic presentation.

Watch the presentation.  What do you think about what we’ll talk?

By the end of the lessons you’ll have known how to tell about Floor covering in English

III. Kinds of flooring.

1. What can see in the first slide / picture? Match pairs.







3D - наливные полы




flooring (parquet,)



3D poured floors


2. Reading / writing.  

What kind of flooring is applied in the house? / wooden, flooring (parquet), carpet, laminate/

garage ?   / concrete, rubber/  

industrial areas ? / concrete, rubber/  

bathrooms ? / tiles, 3D poured floors /


1. Ковровые покрытия

Carpet floor coverings used to call the term "carpet", although this material is divided into different types. It can be made from natural or artificial raw materials, textile, or rubber-based, have a high pile or not have it at all. It is with the "carpet" you need to be very careful when choosing, as this coating has the property to accumulate in its structure a large amount of dust and dirt.

write disadvantage of Carpet.


2. Половая доска


It is made from softwood, after laying the floor is covered with paint or varnish to protect the material from abrasion. At some interval of time, the layer of decorative coating needs to be updated.


+ Advantages: environmental friendliness, durability (due to the applied protective layer). It should also be noted that for the floorboards just enough to care.


-  Disadvantages: efficiently cover the floor boards is not easy. Can cope with it, perhaps, only specialist. As for diversity of design, the choice is very poor!




Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile impregnated with thermosetting resins. This sandwich is then pressed and subjected to heat. Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use. It resists severe weather conditions for more than ten years without serious deformation. As a structural material it is recommended for exterior work. Being used for surfacing, laminate gives the tough surface.

sufficiently [səˈfɪʃntlɪ] достаточно, довольно

rigid [ˈrɪʤɪd] жесткий, твердый

resin [ˈrezɪn] смола



I.                    Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences. Memorize them:

1. Laminate has been developed for ... (a) only inside use, b) only outside use, c) both inside and outside use). 2. Laminate is impregnated with ... (a) thermo­setting resins, b) rubber). 3. The sandwich is pressed and subjected ... (a) to cold, b) to heat). 4. The laminate gives ... (a) a mild surface, b) tough surface).


мягкая подложка

пробковая подложка

soft padded

cork underlay

слайд № 6


4. Parquet Board and parquet

In the production process of parquet boards on a wooden base is glued a layer of valuable species of wood thickness from 3 mm to 5 mm. the Installation of such flooring can be one of two options. The first is similar to the method of stacking the laminate on the adhesive, the second represents the gluing of the boards to the base.

The flooring is a separate small boards. They are stacked mosaic and fasten by means of a bridge on a pre-prepared base.

+ Advantages: environmentally friendly and durable. Like many modern flooring, easy to lay, easy to clean.

-  Disadvantages: limited design (the diversity is represented only by the natural form of the wood).


5. Линолеум

Linoleum can be found in the sale of the following types: sheets in rolls (width from 1 to 6 m, thickness 1,5-5 mm) and in the form of tiles, the so-called PVC tile. Laying linoleum is produced by gluing with special adhesives. The subfloor surface must be carefully prepared.

+ Advantages:  put the cover, simply, to the base are loyal requirements, very easy to clean, design is very diverse, all types of this material are water-resistant. Good linoleum is characterized by even and wear resistance.

-  Disadvantages: poor ergonomics and environmental friendliness.

6. Керамическая, кафельная плитка и керамогранит

 Ceramic, tiles and porcelain

More and more fans become ceramic tiles. Put her on a special adhesive, and as the Foundation is a concrete screed.

+ Advantages: durability, environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, easy operating.

- Disadvantages: installation complex and requires certain skills and experience; a high injury risk.


7. Наливные или жидкие полы

Liquid or liquid floors

The main components of the liquid allow the sexes to divide the coating: polyurethane, epoxy, methylmethacrylate and acrylic cement. Among the above mentioned are the most eco-friendly acrylic cement, but the largest selection design have epoxy floors. The most rarely used metilmetakrilata because they are the most expensive.


+ Advantages: durability and environmental friendliness. Resistance to water and, importantly, to such substances as oil, chemical reagents, organic solvents. Very easy to care for floors liquid.


- Disadvantages: poor ergonomics and demands on the basis of the installation process (it should be as smooth, clean, dry).


слайд № 7-19


эпоксидная смола - epoxy resin

anti – fungal

Сводная таблица характеристик напольных покрытий







Половая доска





Все кроме: кухни, ванной, туалета, балкона






Комнаты и спальни - 23 класса

Прихожая, гостинная, столовая - 32 - 33 класса

Паркетная доска или паркет





Все кроме: туалета, ванной

Линолеум (высокого класса)

+ -




Все кроме: детских комнат

Ковролин синтетический







Офисные  помещения

Спальня и детская

Керамическая плитка





Ванная, туалет, кухня, балкон






Все кроме: детских комнат

Наливные полы





Ванная, туалет, гостиная, прихожая, столовая

Пробковые полы





Все кроме: туалета, ванной, прихожей






a) Marks

b) T: So, our lesson is over.


Did you know anything new about the topic?

Where and when do you think you can apply the knowledge you've got at the lesson?


Homework. to tell about flooring.





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