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Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме "Животные"

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 6 класс.   Тема «Животные в нашей жизни»

Тип урока: комбинированный.


-учебная: формирование навыков изучающего чтения, совершенствование лексических навыков;

-развивающая: обучение умению использовать изученную лексику в устной и письменной речи;

-воспитательная: развитие интереса, любознательности, любви к животным.

Оборудование: набор карточек для игры «цепочка слов», картинки по теме «Животные», слайд «Животные»

План урока:

1. Орг.момент.

It’s time to say «Hello» and start our lesson.
Who is on duty?
What date is it today?
Who is absent today?

2. Фонетическая  разминка.

На доске сделана запись стихотворения.

Tiny tiger is my cat,
All in stripes and very fat.
Tiger, do not hunt the flies,
In the kitchen catch the mice.

3. Просмотр слайд-шоу (повторение названий животных, изученных ранее),

name all these animals ( носорог, крокодил, бегемот, жираф, корова, тигр, леопард, лев, заяц, кот, белка, хомяк, зебра, лошадь, верблюд, змея, лягушка, бурый медведь, белый медведь, панда, обезьяна, орел, сова, попугай, пингвин, курица, утка, слон, лиса, волк).

If we want to see all animals on one day, where we go?
Yes, you are right, we go to the zoo.
Every city has its own zoo London has its too.

Объявление целей и задач урока.

Today we shall play some games, review the words on topic “Animals in our life” and find out some new facts from the history of London Zoo.

4. Речевая разминка.

Let’s play the guessing game . We shall remember the names of the animals. The pictures on the blackboard will help you.  Name the wild and endangered animals.

1 It is long and green. It can be very terrible and  aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish.It is very wild. It lives in the water. What is it?   (a crocodile)

2  It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth.It likes to eat  honey, berries,  fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It  can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is funny and  nice.What is it? (a bear)

3  It is nice, cunning, clever. It lives in the forest. It is reddish, it likes to eat   cockerels, hens and rabbits and other small animals. What is it? (a fox)

4   It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean, but it is not a fish.What is  it? (a whale)

5 It is funny and clever. It lives in the forest in the trees. It can run, climb, jump very well. It can be big or small. It likes bananas.What is it? (a monkey)

6 It is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India, it is kind, clever and very intelligent. What is it? (an elephant)

7 This animal is very unusual. It cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly, it can

only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. Name this animal. (a kangaroo)

The next game: this pupil is a member of a Zoological Society. Ask him questions.
We all have pets at home. Who
is ready to tell us about your pet? ( на доске развешаны фотографии домашних животных учащихся данного класса).

5. Совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Животные в нашей жизни» All children like to play games. Now I want you to divide into two teams 6 А and 6 Б.Each team will have the cards with the words. You must put the words in the right order to make a chain.



a cage


the kind


an animal

быть свободным

to be free


to save


a rabbit




to fight


an insect


to join



6. Контроль навыков выразительного чтения стихотворения.

It is time to listen to the poem. Now read it. Who will be the first?  Ex.14,p. 107.

7. Физкультминутка.( выполняется любой набор движений по желанию учителя).

8. Тренировка навыков изучающего чтения.


На доске написана транскрипция следующих слов:Zoological, scientific, visitor, situated, regent, famous,Species, born, reptile.

3. )  Работа с текстом . Now let’s learn some information about  London Zoo from the text.

1. Read the text. Be ready to translate it.

«London Zoo» (card 1)

London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the World.

It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1827 for a scientific work.

But in 1847 the first visitors came to the zoo.

London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park.

It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World.

Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo.

Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.

Many animals were born in the zoo.

A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.

London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house and the first children`s zoo.

2. Find the English equivalent to the Russian Phrases

1.был открыт

2.старый зоопарк

3. научная работа

4.зоологическое общество Лондона

5.первые посетители


7.самая знаменитая

8.виды животных

9.такие как

10. вымирающие животные

11.были рождены

12.принимают пищу


3. Fill in necessary words   ( card 2)

1  London Zoo is……….. zoo of the World.

2  It was opened by the Zoological Society of London……………. for a scientific work.

But ……………the first visitors came to the zoo.

London Zoo is situated in……………….

It has the most ……………….of exotic animals in the World.

Today there are ……………of animals in the zoo.

Here you can see such………………. as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.

Many animals …………………in the zoo.

……………..to visit the animals is when they take their food.

London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house and


endangered animals

755 species

the first    children`s zoo.

famous collection

A good time

Regent`s Park.

in 1827

the oldest

were born

in 1827

4.   Make the sentences using the beginning and the ending (card 3)

London Zoo is …………..

It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1827…………..

But in 1847 the first visitors………….

London Zoo is situated……………..

It has the most famous collection…………….

Today there are 755 …………….

Here you can see such endangered animals as………………….

Many animals………………..

A good time to visit the animals is…………….

London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house


species of animals in the zoo.

exotic animals in the World

in Regent`s Park

came to the zoo

for a scientific work.

the oldest zoo of the World.

the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino

were born in the zoo

when they take their food

and the first children`s zoo.

5.   Put the sentences into  order     (card 4)

But in 1847 the first visitors came to the zoo.

London Zoo is situated in Regent`s Park.

It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World

Here you can see such endangered animals as the African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino.

Many animals were born in the zoo.

A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food.

London Zoo opened the first Reptile house, the first public Aquarium, the first insect house

and the first children`s zoo.

Today there are 755 species of animals in the zoo

It was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1827 for a scientific work

It has the most famous collection of exotic animals in the World.

.                     London Zoo is the oldest zoo of the World

Make the plan of the story using the key-words

 the oldest zoo, 755 species, endangered animals, were born, а good timе,                                                     opened, in 1827,  in 1847, is situated, famous collection

Lets check them up.( проводится фронтальная проверка работы).

9. Youг home task will be ex.3, p.118.

(объявляются оценки учащимся за работу на уроке).

10. Рефлексия.

What do you like most of all at our lesson? What would you like to use more often at our lessons? Who would you like to thank? Our lesson is over, see you next lesson, good bye.





     Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

       Средняя общеобразовательная школа №3 города Чадана






Разработка урока по английскому языку в  

по теме «Животные в нашей жизни»



Провела: Куулар Сырга Борисовна,

 учитель английского языка

 МБОУ СОШ №3 г. Чадана









2012 год.




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