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Контрольная работа"1,2 четверть по Spotlight" (7 класс)

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Контрольная работа 7 класс 1 четверть

Match the words/phrases to their definition.

1.     ID    -                                                A look for information on the computer

2.     Computer games -                        B a sport

3.     Beach volleyball                            C a machine that signals danger

4.      Surf the Net                                  D identification

5.     Alarm system                                E fun activities on the computer


I.                   Match the types of stories to their definitions.

1.     An exciting story about a hero who does dangerous things.           A mystery

2.     A serious and emotional play written for the theatre.                     B biography

3.     A story about someone’s life written by another person.               C science fiction story

4.     A story that takes place in the future or in space.                             D adventure

5.     A story about a crime or a strange event.                                           E drama


II.                Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

1.       He …(visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.  2. He …(feed) the cows every evening at 5.00. 3. We …(go) to the park this evening. Do you Agatha Christie …(write) over thirty novels. 5. He …(study) in his bedroom want to come with us? 4. at the moment. 6. Do you think she’ll be here soon? The film …(start) in the minutes. 7. Arthur Conan Doyle …(be) a famous writer. 8. …(Dr Watson/help) Sherlock Holmes? 9. “When …(he/arrive)?” “ An hour ago. He …(bring) Ann with him.” 10. …(Hercule Poirot/live) in Belgium?

III.             Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) DS(doesn’t say).

Going to school in the Australian Outback.

The places in Australia that are very far away from the city are called The Australian Outback. In the Australian Outback, children don’t walk to school. They don’t even take the bus or the train. This is because the school is more than 300 kilometers away.

So how do these children get an education? The answer is simple. These children don’t go to school at all! The have lesson on their home computer and speak to their teachers through a web camera.

Children in  Australian Outback are very good students. Maybe this is because it is easier to study away from the hustle and bustle of a big city or maybe computer lessons are more fun than normal lessons. Whatever the reasons, children in Australian Outback seem to enjoy “school” more than other children in the world.

1.     The Australian Outback is close to the sea.

2.     Children in Australian Outback don’t get education.

3.     The students study online.

4.     The students don’t speak to their teachers.

5.     School is more fun for children in Australian Outback.

1.       Whats the English for. Конан Дойл когда-то писал исторические романы.  2. Я раньше читал только фантастику или сказки.3.Когда Джону было 6 лет, он играл в футбол. 4. Когда я приезжала к бабушке, мы с друзьями, играли в прятки в большой пещере.

Контрольная работа 7 класс (2 четверть)

I.                   Fill in the correct word.

Curiousdaring, determined, patient, athletic

1.     Be …! We’ll be finished soon. 2. We did something … this weekend. We went bungee jumping. 3. Don’t be so …! If he wants to tell you what happened, he will. 4. My sister is very … . When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it. 5. Michael goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. He is very …


II.                 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1.      Gary …(ride) his bycycle while Alan was skateboarding.

2.     I …(pass) the exam without difficulty.

3.     Mum …(cook) dinner before dad came home.

4.     They …(go) on holiday in June.

5.     My aunt Jane … (drive) to Oxford when I phoned her.


III.               Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits each space.

1.     LERN.COM  is a great … website                     EDUCATION

2.     This teacher taught us a lot about …                  CONSERVE

3.     My father works as a                                           REPORT

4.     There was a big … in the city center today.        DEMONSTRATE


IV.              Read the text and choose A, B or C

Two brothers, Albert (1) Bob Browns, are in hospital after their boat sank off the south coast last Thursday. When the boat left the port (2) …. Thursday afternoon, the sun was shining and the sea was calm. The two men were fishing near White Island (3) … the weather suddenly changed. All of a sudden, it became and the sky changed from clear, light blue to dark grey. The men decided to return to the port, but unfortunately (4) … boat hit a rock and sank almost immediately. When the Search and Rescue helicopter arrived at the scene, the men  (5) … holding onto floating pieces of wood. Luckily, big pieces of wood (6) ….the boat were floating on the water and we were able to hold onto them until the rescue team arrived, “ Albert told reporters. The two brothers were wet and cold, but happy to be alive.

1.     A of                     B and               C but

2.     A in                     B at                   C on

3.     A when                B where           C while

4.     A  a                      B their              C an

5.     A were                 B was                C are

6.     A of                      B on                 C from    


V.                 Translate the sentences.

1.      Человек, который работает с животными, должен быть добрым и терпеливым. 2. Друг моего отца, который вчера приехал из Москвы, известный писатель-фантаст. 3. Что он за человек? – Общительный и очень дружелюбный. 4. Как выглядит его сестра? – Это невысокая худенькая девушка, со смешными хвостиками и симпатичными веснушками. 5. Будь настойчив, не расставайся с мечтой.

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