Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа "Экология", 7 класс

Контрольная работа "Экология", 7 класс

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Контрольная работа по теме «Экология»

7 класс УМК «Rainbow English», О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. – М.: 2014.

Unit 5

I. A. Read the text.

What is Ecology

No living thing or group of living thing things can live and grow in isolation. All organisms, plants and animals need energy to develop and all species of living things influence the lives of others. Ecology is a science. It studies how plants, animals and human beings live together and influence each other. It is also a science about our environment. People have always studied living things in their natural environment. In other words, they have always studied the air, the water, the soil and all other things that are around a person, animal or a plant. The environment can influence the growth of living things and the way they develop. Ecology also study what happens to different species, how they change. The scientists collect the information about the number of living things in different areas, their size and behavior. Ecology is one of the most important sciences in the 21st century. It teaches us how to survive in the modern word.

B. Complete the sentences.

1) Ecology is a … 2) Ecology studies …3) A natural environment is … 4) Ecology teaches us … 5) Ecologists collect information about …


II. A. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

1) Jack says he (to forget) to buy vegetables for lunch and asks me to do it, but I can`t. I`m doing my homework, I (do) it for two hours already and I (not, finish) all the exercises yet. 2) Kate (dream) about going to Greece since last year, I think she already (buy) plane tickets for her trip. 3) My sister (learn) to drive a car for half a year already. But I don`t think she (become) a real driver. I think she is still afraid of London roads. She always (be) afraid of them. 4) How long you (know) Mrs. Smith? – Oh, I (know)her for ages, but I (not, see) her lately. 5) We (not, meet) the Simpsons for a long time. Is everything all right with them? – Yes, it is. I just (speak) to Mr Simpson on the phone.

B. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) (Among/Between) you and me I can`t say I believe his story. 2) The flowerbed was (among/ between) two tall trees. 3) We spent last summer (among/between) friends in France. 4) The road was running (among/between) tall trees in the forest. 5) You can choose (among/between) porridge and omelette for breakfast.


III. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) There is (little/a little) water in the pond. You can`t swim there. 2) (Few/little) children will be able to do this difficult test. 3) (Not many/ not much) people live to be a hundred years old. 4) There is (little/ a little) milk in the fridge. Can you buy (some/ several)? 5)There were (a few/ a little) apples on the plate and one pear. 6) Can you wait for (a few/ few) minutes? 7) Would you like (a few/few) of these flowers? 8) Hurry up! We have (little/ a little) time. 9) We have (little/ a little) time left. You can finish your e-mail. 10) I remember (little/ a little) about my school years, you can say I remember nothing.


IV. Use reflexive pronouns where necessary to complete the sentences.

1) How are you today? – Thank you. I feel … much better. 2) It is not a difficult rule, you can easily understand it …, I`m not going to help you. 3) Dress … nicely and wait for me. I`ll come at about 4 o`clock. 4) I have some free time today, and I`ll cook the dinner … . This time I want to do it on my own. 5) I hope they will enjoy … at the party tonight.  6) I don`t like the way he behaves … with younger children. 7) The children hid … at the back of the garden.

V. Write:

1) how long you have known your best friend;

2) how long you have had your backpack or schoolbag;

3) What you have wanted to do all your life;

4) since when you have been a pupil;

5) whom you have always loved.


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