Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа и ключи для 8 класса по модулю 3.

Контрольная работа и ключи для 8 класса по модулю 3.

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Test 3 (Module 3)

DATE_________    GRADE ______ NAME ___________________________Scores: 91


A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

e.g.                                         job           work         career

a) Simon wants to find a second job because he needs the extra money.

b) Liz has been looking for work since the beginning of the week.


1. employees       employers         colleagues

  a) The workers of the plant are very happy because their ................. gave them a pay rise.

  b) Professor Stone is very grateful his close......................   for their support in his research.

2. raise                     lift                         put  up

  a) The bag is so heavy, please, help me  ......................  it.

  b) I'm very angry with my older brother. At first he tried to ........... .......his voice during the explanation of the    Maths  task.

3. wages                      money                      salary

  a) Her sister has got rather high ......................    for her part-time job.

  b) If Lily gets the promotion, it will add some extra ................... to her income.

4. toddler                            infant             child

   a) Tommy  is such a cute .................. ! He's learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.

   b) My aunt and her husband has got a .............................. who is going to study at school this year.

5. invented      found out       discovered

   a) Alexander Bell ...........................   one of the most popular devices in the modern history.

   b) I'm going round  to her house to .............................. what's wrong.

  (Marks:  5×2      /10 )

B. Fill in the missing word. There are words you do not need to use.


swap     overtime   conclusion    permission   limping      freelancer    performing   manages

career    job    meet deadline      graduated       research                   

6. Why is Jack .......................................  ?   Has he injured his leg?

7.  Unfortunately, the first results of the research were unavailable to ...................................  for the publication.

8. She has got a lot of work but she .............................................. to.

9. I'm hoping for a ............................... in Navy.

10. After the explanation the teacher came to .............................................. that both boys should be punished.

11. When she ........................................... from Cambridge, she got her Master's degree.

12. I'm good at Chemistry,  like ...................................  experiments  using different culture  plates at the lab.

13. Does your dad often work ..................................?

14. One of the things Eric loves about working as a .......................................... is that he doesn't have to spend all his time in an office every day.

15.  They  always  ..... .................................the results of their experiments because their mutual research work  will be important for the scientific society.

                                                                  (Marks:  10×2      /20 )


C   Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

16. A: Ann felt really bad.

      B:  I see, she ........................................... (run) for an hour.

17. A:  Did she finish  cooking  dinner?

      B:  No, she............................................. (not/ finish)  by the time we arrived.

18. A: How many times .............................................(you/meet) her before  yesterday ?

      B: I didn't count but I thought twice or three times.

19. A: I wasn't hungry, because I .............................................(already/eat) a big lunch.

      B: Me too, I had done it before the meeting.

20. A: Why was Pete so happy to see his brother?

      B: He ............................................. (not/see) him for a long time.

       (Marks:  5×2      /10 )

D   Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect,

Past Perfect Continuous.


21. Zoe .................. (open) her handbag and .........................(find) out that she ........................ (forget) her credit card.

22. When I........................ (to come) home, my little sister.................. (to sleep).

23. I................. (to go) to the cinema when I ......................(meet) you.................. (decide)  to call to the service.

25. Lisa ............................ (know) her husband for two years when they ............................(get) married.

       (Marks:  5×3      /15 )

E   Underline  the correct item.

26. He graduated   from /  at  the  university and went on his research work.

27. The great scientist Maria Curie died  in / of  the radiation poisoning.

28. Medical officer is in  / under  charge of health of warship crew.

29. When/ While they bought a new house , their children swapped the school.

30. He doesn’t    bring  in / out      a huge salary.

31. Seeing your brother again after all these years brought round / back  a lot of memories for me.

32. There are very few people  who can work well on / under  great pressure.

33. He left school on /  at  the age of 17 and entered  the institute.

34.As usually my dad watches the news by/at the beginning  of the day.


       (Marks:  9×1      /9 )

Everyday English

F    Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

a  How does he like his job??                                    d  Really? What happened?
b That's great.                                                             e   How does he like his new job?
c   Wow! That's fantastic!!                                          f   What does his new job involve?






Pete: Guess what! I've got some great news!

Liz:   35) ...........................................................

Pete: My father got a new job last week.

Liz: 36) .......................................................

Pete:  Yes, he works for a company as a graphic designer.

Liz: 37)..........................................................

Pete:  Well, he create effective visual designs for posters,

billboards, vehicles, presentations, television, movies.

Liz: 38).......................................................................

Pete: He loves it , but the pay isn't really good.

Liz: .39)........................................... Is he upset?

Pete: No. He is really optimistic. He will work with a new project and the pay will rise.

Liz: Excellent!

       (Marks:  5×1      /5 )



G Read the following text and choose the correct answer.


                         Over the years scientists have invented a great number of things, which we now use in everyday life, for example, computers, printing machines, telephones, radio, television, automobiles, photography, electricity, steam engine, planes etc.

                       One of the most useful and handy devices today is the computer. It is a comparatively new invention, which came into use in the 20th century. However, the form of computer was designed already in the mid- 1830s by the British mathematician Charles Babbage. Today, people simply can’t imagine their lives without computers. There is a whole generation which has grown up with calculators, computer games, word processor, Internet and else.

                            Another vital device is the TV. This invention has truly changed the leisure habits of millions of people worldwide. Television was pioneered in the 1920s by Scottish electrical engineer John Logie Baird. He was the first to realize that light could be converted into electrical impulses, which are then transmitted over a distance. Electricity, perhaps, is even more important. We wouldn’t be able to use computers and TVs without it.

                             The invention of electricity dates back to the 19th century and is connected with such renowned names as Michael Faraday, Alessandro Volta, Humphry Davy and Andre Marie Ampere. For the invention of telephones we should be grateful to Alexander Graham Bell. He is an Edinburgh-born scientist who patented the invention of telephone in 1876. A year later a great American scientist Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone.

                            The invention of different types of transport has also changed the world, for example, airplanes and motor cars. Planes have brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. American-born Wright brothers were the first to make the flight in 1903. The first petrol-driven car was produced in 1885 by the German engineer Carl Benz. Whether we like them or not, cars have given people great freedom of travel.


40  The invention of computer is rather new and came into use    

     A   at the beginning of the 20th century                C  in the 20th century

     B   in the mid of the 19th century                          D in the mid of the 20th century

41 The invention swapped the way of free time spending  

     A  computer                                                           C  television

     B  Internet                                                              D calculators

42 The humanity couldn't turn into reality   a lot of projects without

     A  transmission                                                       C electricity

     B  telephones                                                           D solar energy

43 The first petrol-driven cars were invented by the

     A American inventors                                             C British inventors

     B German scientists                                                 D Scottish engineers

       (Marks:  4×2     /8 )


H     Listen and complete the missing information.



       (Marks:  7×2     /14 )



A  1 a) employers     b) colleagues

     2 a) lift                  b) raise

     3 a) salary             b) money

     4 a) toddler           b) child

     5  a) invented        b) found out

B  6-limping   7- meet deadline     8- manages   9- career     10- conclusion

     11- graduated     12- performing   13- overtime   14- freelancer 

     15- swap

C  16- had been running       17- hadn't finished    18- had you met

     19 - had always eaten      20- hadn't seen

D   21- opened, found,  forgot   

      22- came, had slept

     23 - was going, met

      24- had fixed, decided

      25- had known, got

E  26- from     27- of     28- in    29- when    30- in    31- back    32-under

     33- at     34- at

F   35- d    36- b   37- f    38-e   39- c


G    40-c    41-c    42- c    43- b

H   1- Science

    2- native

    3- teaching

    4- August

    5- 9 a.m /2p.m

    6- CV

    7- programmes




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Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский

Преподаватель иностранного языка

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

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Проектный подход к рекламе: эффективные стратегии и инструменты

8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Разнообразные методы и формы обучения в высшем образовании

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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