Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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Фамилия __________________________ класс______ 



1 Match the types of stories to their descriptions.


1 A funny story with a happy end                                                     ______            A suspense story

2 A story about someone’s life written

   by another person                                                                           ______            B mystery

3 A story that take place in the future or in the space.                      ______            C biography story

4 A story about a crime or a strange event                                       ______            D science fiction

5 A story which makes you feel worried, because you don’t

   know what is going to   happen next.                                            ______            E humorous story



2 Fill in the correct word


glance             intelligent                   discover                      compass                     imagination                hide                                         magnifying                initials             solve               famous


1.      The police do a lot to _____________________ the crime.

2.      What are these letters? – They are my friend’s ____________________________ .

3.      I think every writer and poet has a wonderful ______________________________.

4.      At first ________________________ Miss Marple is a typical old lady, but she put lots of criminals into the prison.

5.      Who is the most _____________________________ student in your class? – It’s Dan, of course.

6.      Where’s the North? – I don’t know. Let’s use a _____________________ to find out.

7.      What’s this? – It’s a __________________________ glass. My grandma uses it to read small letters.

8.      Jules Verne was a ______________________________ adventure stories writer.

9.      Did the Professor and Axel _______________________ an unknown place?

10.  Where did you _______________________________ my book? I need it right now!




3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

1.      How __________________________________________________ (Captain Nemo/travel)?

2.      Sherlock Holms ___________________________________ (smoke) a pipe.

3.      Dr Watson __________________________________________ (not/wear) a cape.

4.      Miss Marple ________________________ (be) an old lady who liked knitting.

5.      _____________________________________________ (Agatha Christie/create) a lot of detective stories?




4 Underline the correct item

1.      We walked in the park as soon as / until it got dark.

2.      Please close the window when / after you leave.

3.      Don’t forget to call me then / as soon as you get home.

4.      Nick had breakfast after / then he left for work.

5.      They were not nervous until / as soon as they heard a noise.







5 Write sentences using used to / didn’t use to according the example

Example: He used to drink Coke, but now he drinks mineral water.


Ten years ago


be fat

he is thin

have long hair

he has got short hair

didn’t wear glasses

he wears glasses

ride a bicycle

he drives a car

didn’t wear suits

he wears suits


1 ________________________________________________________________________________________



4 ________________________________________________________________________________________

5 ________________________________________________________________________________________




6 Read this extract from a science fiction story and for each question, choose the correct answer

A, B or C

            Captain Lawrence looked at the amazing view from his spacecraft. It was the alien planet Xen. It took him seven years to travel this far, and now he was here.

            He was happy because it was a big moment, and not just for him, but for his crew (команда). But he was also worried. He knew there were aliens on the planet, and he didn’t want the crew to have problems.

            The spacecraft landed and the captain gave the last instructions. “First Officer Michaels,  get ready to open the door. Second Officer Daniels, stand behind him. Watch for aliens. And remember… be careful!” said the captain.

            First Officer Michaels left the spacecraft and saw three aliens coming to the spacecraft. The aliens stopped a few metres in front of the spacecraft. “Captain, I don’t know about this. These aliens seem terrible,” said Michaels.

            Just then, Daniels screamed, “Be careful! Three aliens right behind you!” The three aliens took Michaels from the spacecraft. When the captain saw that he was in trouble, he ran out of the spacecraft. He had to help his crew.


1 Captain Lawrence travelled for 10 years to get Xen

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


2 His crew was worried about the aliens before they landed.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


3 The aliens stopped a few metres in front of the spacecraft.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


4 Daniels screamed when he saw the aliens.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


5 Captain Lawrence stayed in the spacecraft all the time.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5x2=10_______






Very good!



Try again!


Фамилия __________________________ класс______ 




1 Match the types of stories to their descriptions.

1 A story that take place in the future or in the space                       ______            A mystery

2 A story about someone’s life written  by another person              ______            B drama

3. A serious and emotional play written for the

   theatre or television                                                                        ______            C humorous story

4 A story about a crime or a strange event                                       ______            D science fiction

5 A funny story with a happy end                                                    ______            E biography story



2 Fill in the correct word


magnifying                solve                glance             discover                      initials                         imagination                hide                            compass                                 famous                                               intelligent


1.      At first ________________________ Miss Marple is a typical old lady, but she put lots of criminals into the prison.

2.      Where did you _______________________________ my book? I need it right now!

3.      What are these letters? – They are my friend’s ____________________________ .

4.      Did the Professor and Axel _______________________ an unknown place?

5.      I think every writer and poet has a wonderful ______________________________.

6.      The police do a lot to _____________________ the crime.

7.      Who is the most _____________________________ student in your class? – It’s Mary, of course.

8.      Where’s the South? – I don’t know. Let’s use a _____________________ to find out.

9.      What’s this? – It’s a __________________________ glass. My grandma uses it to read small letters.

10.  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  was a ______________________________ detective stories writer.



3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

1.      ___________________________________________ (Otto and Axel/find) a message?

2.      Captain Nemo ________________________________ (travel) under the sea.

3.      Sherlock Holmes ________________________________ (not/wear) a sweater.

4.      Agatha Christie _________________________________ (be) a famous writer.

5.      _____________________________________( Jules Verne/live) in the USA?



4 Underline the correct item

1.      The cat ran away as soon as / until it saw a dog.

2.      Please turn off the computer when / after you leave.

3.      They were not nervous until / as soon as they heard a noise.

4.      Tom had breakfast until  / after he had a shower.

5.      Don’t forget to call me then / as soon as you get home.

5x1=5 _____









5 Write sentences using used to / didn’t use to according the example

Example: He used to go to the restaurant, but now he goes to the work canteen.

When he was rich


go to the restaurant

 goes to the work canteen

  1. buy expensive clothes

 buys cheap clothes

  1. go to work with a chauffeur

 goes to work by bus

  1. travel a lot

 stays at home

  1. have a Mercedes

 has no car

  1. have a lot of friends

 has a few friends


1 _____________________________________________________________________________________

2 _____________________________________________________________________________________

3 _____________________________________________________________________________________


5 ____________________________________________________________________________________




6 Read this extract from a science fiction story and for each question, choose the correct answer

A, B or C

            Captain Lawrence looked at the amazing view from his spacecraft. It was the alien planet Xen. It took him seven years to travel this far, and now he was here.

            He was happy because it was a big moment, and not just for him, but for his crew (команда). But he was also worried. He knew there were aliens on the planet, and he didn’t want the crew to have problems.

            The spacecraft landed and the captain gave the last instructions. “First Officer Michaels,  get ready to open the door. Second Officer Daniels, stand behind him. Watch for aliens. And remember… be careful!” said the captain.

            First Officer Michaels left the spacecraft and saw three aliens coming to the spacecraft. The aliens stopped a few metres in front of the spacecraft. “Captain, I don’t know about this. These aliens seem terrible,” said Michaels.

            Just then, Daniels screamed, “Be careful! Three aliens right behind you!” The three aliens took Michaels from the spacecraft. When the captain saw that he was in trouble, he ran out of the spacecraft. He had to help his crew.


1 Captain Lawrence travelled for 7 years to get Xen

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


2 Both the captain and his crew were happy about the end of the trip.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


3 The captain gave instructions as soon as the spacecraft landed.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


4 Michaels was worried that the aliens were not nice.

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say


5 Captain Lawrence didn’t get out of the spacecraft to help his crew .

A  Right                      B  Wrong                    C  Doesn’t say                                                           5x2=10______







Very good!



Try again!


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Контрольная работа составлена по материалу, изучаемому во втором разделе учебника "Spotlight 7". Данный тест позволяет проверить лексические и грамматические навыки обучающихся по теме "Tale". Можно использовать контрольную работу как итоговый тест по теме или для закрепления полученных знаний.

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8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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4 ч.

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