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Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме "Страна через океан" (6 класс)

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Контрольная работа по теме:

«The Country Across the Ocean»

(Unit 4)


1.     Прочитай текст и отметь соответствующие его содержанию варианты (а—с), чтобы за­кончить предложения (1—4).

Labour Day

The first Monday in September is Labour Day in the USA — a holiday of workers. Here is a short story of how it started.

On September 5, 1882 there was the first Labour Day march in New York. On that day 20,000 workers walked along Broadway with flags. They wanted to show how important working people are for the country. After the parade there were picnics all around the city. In 1894 the US Congress made it a national holiday.

Today most Americans believe that Labour Day marks the end of summer. They enjoy the last long weekend on the beaches and in the parks. School for children starts on Tuesday after Labour Day.

1.  To have a parade in September 1882 was the idea of____ .

a)    The US Congress

b)   working people

c)    people who loved parades

2.  The first Labour Day parade took place in _____ .

a)    the US Capital

b)    a big square in New York City

c)    a large street in New York City

3.  After the first parade in 1882 people _____ .

a)    had a meal at home

b)   had a meal in the open air

c)    had a meal in a cafe or a restaurant

4.  Now people ______ on Labour Day in the US.

a)    don’t work

b)    go to work and to school

c)    have picnics

2.     Соедини слова в двух колонках, чтобы получились географические названия. Впиши соответствующие буквы в левую колонку.

1.  the Rocky                      a) City

2.  Liberty_____________ b) of Columbia

3.  District                          c) River

4.  New York__________ d) Mountains

5.  the Mississippi_______ e) Avenue

6.  Fifth                              f) Island

3.     Впиши в предложения соответствующие слова из рамки.

sailors   discovery  planets   wigwams   remember   fight

1. Mars and Jupiter are____________ , but the Moon is not.

2. I _______________you — we met three years ago.

3.  They must___________ for their liberty.

4.  How many___________ are there on the ship?

5.  They made some important___________ in medicine.

6.  North American Indians lived in____________

4.     Выбери и обведи лексически и грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

1.  We arrived (at/in) the airport late at night.

2.  The (banks/shores) of the river looked very beautiful in late spring.

3.  When the game finished, it was (near/nearly) ten o’clock.

4.  My brother (shall/will) help me with this work.

5.  Lucy went on a (trip/voyage) to Paris by train.

6.  This (English’s/Englishman’s) name is Mr Donald Perry.

7.  Long, long ago they (fight/fought) for their land.

8.  This house belonged (for/to) a poor man.

5.     Впиши в предложения глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующих формах.

1.     You (not see) ________________ the skyscrapers before you (come) ___________ to the city centre tomorrow.

2.   If you (read) ____________ this book now, you (know) _____________ more about American Indians.

3.    I (give)_________________you my present as soon as we (meet) _________________ next Monday.

4.     When he (visit) _________________ America next autumn, he (see)________________this unusual festival.

6.     В этом диалоге есть только вопросы. Допиши ответы.

A: I’d like to know more about the USA. Can you help me?

В: (1)__________________________________ What do you want to know?

A: Is New York the capital of the country?

B: (2)

A: What is New York famous for?

B: (3)

A: What is the most famous museum in New York?

B: (4)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A: And what is the symbol of New York?

В: I think (5)________________________________________________

A: Thanks very much for your help.













Контрольная работа по теме:

«The Country Across the Ocean»

(Unit 4)


1.     Прочитай текст и отметь соответствующие его содержанию варианты (а—с), чтобы за­кончить предложения (1—4).

Columbus Day

On the second Monday in October American people celebrate Columbus Day. As you know, Columbus was an Italian explorer who discovered the New World in 1492. Three hundred years later they organized a ceremony in New York City to remember the discovery. First they called the new holiday Discovery Day and celebrated it with parades, banquets [ˈbæŋkwɪts] and dances. Later, in 1869, the holiday got a new name — Columbus Day. Not all Americans like the idea of celebrating Columbus Day. For a lot of Native Americans (Indians) the discovery of America by Europeans means the beginning of a very sad period in their history.

1.     Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World___

a)    from Italy

b)   to discover the new continent

c)    at the end of the 15th century

2.  First this American holiday____

a)    had a different name

b)   was a popular holiday in New York City

c)   was not so popular as it is now

3.  Parades, banquets and dances____

a)    took place on this day some time ago

b)   take place on this day now

c)   will always take place on this day

4.        _________ in the USA celebrates Columbus Day.

a)    Everybody

b)   Not everybody

c)   Nearly everybody

2.     Соедини слова в двух колонках, чтобы получились географические названия. Впиши соответствующие буквы в левую колонку.

1.  Central____                a) River

2.  Rhode_____                b)D.C.

3.  the Statue_____          с) Lakes

4.  Washington,_____      d) Park

5.  the Potomac____         e) Island

6.  the Great_____           f) of Liberty

3.     Впиши в предложения соответствующие слова из рамки.










1.  Which sports club does she___________ to?

2.  The______________to the new land took two months.

3.  I want to know more about this African _______________ 

4.  It’s___________ one o’clock, time to leave for the airport.

5.  Mr Brown couldn’t find any_______________for his car.

6.  My friends will_____ ______ at the airport to say goodbye.

4.           Выбери и обведи лексически и грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.

1.  Boston isn’t a (Europe/European) city.

2.  I’m going to stay here (about/till) five o’clock.

3.  Soon the class and their teachers arrived (in/at) the park.

4.  Sally is (as/so) happy today! She says it’s the best day in her life.

5.  The (trip/voyage) across the ocean wasn’t easy at all.

6.  Fred doesn’t (remember/belong) his first visit to Petersburg.

7.  At that time the country (fight/fought) for its liberty.

8.  The (state/space) between the two towns is grassland.

5.           Впиши в предложения глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующих формах.

1. What (be)___________ you going to do after you (come) ___________home from school?

2. They (visit) _____________  Washington tomorrow after they (see) ________ the places of interest in New York.

3. Larry (read) ____________  the poem if you (ask) ______________ him nicely.

4. If I (have) _____________  little time tomorrow morning, I (take) __________ a taxi.

6.           В этом диалоге есть только вопросы. Допиши ответы.

A: We’d like to read a good new book about the USA. Can you help us?

B: (1)___________________________________ This book is very good.

A: There are a lot of photos of New York in it. Is it the capital of the country?

B: (2)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —------

A: What is the name of the river on whose banks Washington D.C. stands?

B: (3)--------------------------------------------------------------------------- —----------

A: Is the Statue of Liberty situated in Washington D.C.?

B: (4)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A: And what do the letters D.C. mean?

B: As I know, (5)____________________________________________

A: Thanks very much for your help.

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