Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку за третий модуль.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за третий модуль.

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Surname & name _____________________________________________________   Class________



1 .Complete with: attends, armed, ashamed, well-paid, freelancer, architect, participated, runs.

carpenter, report.

1 – Many members of my family are in the ___________ forces. My dad is a soldier and my uncle is a pilot.

2 – John _____________ specialist school.

3 – Are you ____________ as a waitress.

4 – Jacob is a(n) _______________ . He loves designing houses and buildings.

5 – Mr. Smith ______________ his own business.

2 .Complete with: public, boarding, bank, driving, naval, medical, human, emergency, business, sponsored.

1. _________________ profession                

2 . _______________ activity                      

3 . _______________ transport                   

4 . _______________ clerk                        

5 . _______________studies                     

3 . Complete with:  will/’ll, won’t or the correct from of be going to

1 – Look at the clouds. It ______________ rain.

2 – Go on, tell me. I ________tell anyone.

3 – I promise I ________ do it tomorrow.

4 – He ______probably be here by 10.

5 – Oh no. The car ____________crash into the wall.

4 . Complete with:  at, up, on, out.

1 - Will you pick _________ Susan from school?

2 - Why are you picking  _______your food like that?

3 - Tom picked his book _________. from the floor.

4 - You shouldn't pick ___________younger children.

5 - Can you help me pick___________ a tie to match this shirt?

5 . Form nouns from the verbs in brackets.

1 - He's an excellent _____________(act)

2 – The______________ wants to see you. (manage)

3 - He wants to become an _______________ (art)

4 - Spielberg is a famous _________________  (direct)

5 - Is she the new _______________? (teach)

6 .Complete with: Thank you.  Good for you!  Oh dear!  Monday,  10:00 am. Not really.

1 – A: Please have a seat .                    B: ___________________________________

2 – A: When shall I start?                    B: ___________________________________

3 – A: I failed my exams.                     B:  ___________________________________

4 – A: I’ve got a pay rise.                    B: ____________________________________

5 – A: Do you have any experience as a secretary.          B: ____________________________________

7. Complete the text.

School Education in Great Britain

In Great Britain children begin to go to school  1.     . First they study at infant schools. In these schools they learn to draw with coloured pencils and paints. They also make figures out of plasticine and work with paper and glue. They play much because  __2.__. Later they begin to learn letters and read, write and count.

At the age of seven  _3.___. They do many subjects: English and Maths, History and Music, Natural History and Drawing, Handicrafts, French and Latin.

They do not go to school as early as we do, but they stay there longer. The first lesson usually starts at 9 o’clock. There are 3 lessons with short breaks of 10 minutes  __4.___. After lunch they have two more lessons which are over by half past three.

If you have a look at an English pupil’s school record, you will see that the marks in it differ from the marks we have. Our schoolchildren get marks from 1 to 5 (12).  __5.___ from 1 up to 10 and at some schools from 1 up to 100.

Junior school ends at the age of 11 when pupils take the Eleven Plus examination and then secondary school begins.  __6.___ schoolchildren take their exams. Only 45 per cent continue with fulltime education after 16. The rest go to work or join employment training schemes.

 A.    At the age of 16

 B.       at the age of five

 C.          they are very young

 D.         At English school there are marks

 E.       English schoolchildren go to junior schools.

  F.          between them and then an hour break for lunch














Surname & name _________________________________________________________   Class________


1 . Complete with: attends, armed, ashamed, well-paid, freelancer, architect, participated, runs, carpenter, report.

1 – Judy was so _______________when she failed her exam.

2 – My mom works from home. She’s a(n) _____________ .

3 – Can you see your school ________________ card?

4 – You need to learn  many wood working skills to become  a(n) ______________ .

5 – Everyone_______________ in the school project.

2 - Complete with: public, boarding, bank, driving, naval, medical, human, emergency, business, sponsored.

1 . ______________ school

2 . ______________ officer

 3 . ______________ services

4 . _______________ event

5 . _______________ license

3 - Complete with:  will/’ll, won’t or the correct from of be going to

1 – “The car is dirty.” “I know. I _______________wash it later.”

2 – I’ve seen a job advert. I _______________apply.

3 – I ________ get a taxi. I’m too tired to work.

4 – I think I _________ go out tonight.       

5 – I don’t think I ________have lunch now.

4.  Complete with: for, with, in, from.

1 - Jack works ______  an office.

2 - Did you apply ______  that job?

3 - He works _______ a small company.

4 - Can you deal ________ this customer, please?

5 - My uncle has just retired _________his job. 

 5 . Form nouns from the verbs in brackets.

1 - He's an excellent _____________(act)

2 – The______________ wants to see you. (manage)

3 - He wants to become an _______________ (art)

4 - Spielberg is a famous _________________  (direct)

5 - Is she the new _______________? (teach)

 6 .Complete with: Thank you.  Good for you!  Oh dear!  Monday,  10:00 am. Not really.

1 – A: Please have a seat .                    B: ___________________________________

2 – A: When shall I start?                    B: ___________________________________

3 – A: I failed my exams.                     B:  ___________________________________

4 – A: I’ve got a pay rise.                    B: ____________________________________

5 – A: Do you have any experience as a secretary.          B: ____________________________________


7. Complete the text.

School Education in Great Britain

In Great Britain children begin to go to school  1.     . First they study at infant schools. In these schools they learn to draw with coloured pencils and paints. They also make figures out of plasticine and work with paper and glue. They play much because  __2.__. Later they begin to learn letters and read, write and count.

At the age of seven  _3.___. They do many subjects: English and Maths, History and Music, Natural History and Drawing, Handicrafts, French and Latin.

They do not go to school as early as we do, but they stay there longer. The first lesson usually starts at 9 o’clock. There are 3 lessons with short breaks of 10 minutes  __4.___. After lunch they have two more lessons which are over by half past three.

If you have a look at an English pupil’s school record, you will see that the marks in it differ from the marks we have. Our schoolchildren get marks from 1 to 5 (12).  __5.___ from 1 up to 10 and at some schools from 1 up to 100.

Junior school ends at the age of 11 when pupils take the Eleven Plus examination and then secondary school begins.  __6.___ schoolchildren take their exams. Only 45 per cent continue with fulltime education after 16. The rest go to work or join employment training schemes.

A.     At English school there are marks

 B.    English schoolchildren go to junior schools.

 C.   between them and then an hour break for lunch

D.    At the age of 16

 E.     at the age of five

 F.    they are very young















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