Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку на тему "Home sweet home"

Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему "Home sweet home"

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Контрольная работа 6 класс Раздел №3

I variant

1.       Listen  to the text and choose the right variant.


1.The house is   ……….

a)       Small     b) big     c) unusual

2.He has ………

a)          one room     b) two rooms    c) a bedroom

3. There is a  …….  on the wall.

a)  a clock         b) a flower         c) a picture

4. There is a   ……    on the floor.

a) brown                   b) blue                 grey

5. There are   ………  books  on the shelf.

a) 10                         b) 5                   c) many


2.       Read the text and do some tasks.


“A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot”

                                                              Part I

First I must tell you about myself. I am thirteen and I am in the second  form at a school in Manchester. I have a little sister Bess, who is very silly and I have a very clever dog. His name is Pal.
What a bad day Monday was for me! I woke up late and did not have time to eat my breakfast. I did not see my books and my school cap in their places. I looked in my room. I looked in the dining- room. Then I looked into the bathroom and saw my books there. Then I saw my dog Pal under the table with my cap. I put my books into my bag, took my cap and ran very quickly to school.
The first lesson on Monday is Maths. What a difficult subject to begin the week with! Mr. Green, the mathematics teacher, took our homework. He saw that my exercise-book was dirty. He gave me a bad mark for it. Then he gave us tasks to do. I sit behind Jane, who is fat and silly. But she likes  Maths very much and has good marks for it. I asked her to tell me the answers, but she didn’t want to.
The second lesson on Monday is French. I like French. It’s nice to talk to your friends at the lesson in another language. Then it was eleven o’clock — time for break. Nell gave me a piece of cake to eat with my milk and then gave me her homework to copy. I think Nell likes me, and she is a nice girl.
After break we had two lessons of  Latin! They are bad  lessons: I do not like Latin. I talked to Nell at the lesson and Mr. Williams gave me a hundred words to write in my exercise-book after school. I wrote those words at the lesson when the boys and girls were reading  a Latin book.


          Say  “True or False”:


  1. I am thirteen and I am in the second  form at a school in Manchester.
  2. What a bad day Monday was for me!
  3.  I like English.
  4. She wanted to tell me the answers.

      5.   I  do not like Latin.



  1. Fill in the gaps with there is/there are.

1.There ____ twenty cars in the street. 2. There ____ a glass of water on the table. 3. There ___ a table, a bed and a wardrobe in the bedroom. 4.  ____ there a coffee table in the room? 5. There ___  fruit on the plate. 6. There  ____ children in the yard. 7. How many rooms  ____ there in your house? 8. There  ____ jam on the plate.



4.   Fill in the gaps with suitable words: living room, cosy, wardrobe, modern conveniences.

1. You can find clothes in a ____ . 2. We have ____ in my house. 3. In the _____ there is a wall unit, a table, a sofa and a TV set. 4. My room is comfortable and ____.

5. Put the correct verb in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I already (have) a shower. 2. They (play) football yesterday. 3. We (not see) him last week. 4. I (meet) him several times before. 5. I ( pay)  for electricity and gas yesterday. 6. When you (see) Tom last? 7. You ever (be) to London? 8. Yesterday I (go) to the cinema and (see) a very interesting film.

6. One word is odd out.

1.  a sofa, a cupboard, a chair

2. a living-room, a kitchen, a bedroom

3. central heating, running water, a cooker

4. a cupboard, a fridge, a wardrobe



















Контрольная работа 6 класс Раздел №3

II variant

1.       Listen  to the text and choose the right variant.

1.The house is   ……….

b)      Small     b) big     c) unusual

2.He has ………

a)          one room     b) two rooms    c) a bedroom

3. There is a  …….  on the wall.

a)  a clock         b) a flower         c) a picture

4. There is a   ……    on the floor.

a) brown                   b) blue                 grey

5. There are   ………  books  on the shelf.

a) 10                         b) 5                   c) many


2.       Read the text and do some tasks.

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

At half past twelve the long break for dinner begins. I ran to the dining-room and sat down at the table. They gave us meat and vegetables for dinner. I do not like vegetables and I ate very little at dinner. Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.
After dinner break we had a History lesson. I don’t usually like History, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in the year 1066. In summer we were at Hastings and saw all the places that the History teacher told us about.
At three o’clock we had the lesson which I like very much. It is games. We went to the playground and played football! Pete hit John, but Mr. Temple, the games teacher, did not see that.
After school, at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some ice-cream and I went to his house to listen to his new record. It is a nice record and I want to buy it, but now  I  have no money.
I came home at half past seven. Mum didn’t speak to me. She doesn’t like when I come home late after school. I had cold supper in the kitchen. After supper I did my French homework, but I didn’t do my History homework because I watched TV. I can do it at school during  a break .

  Say  “True or False”:

  1. I  like vegetables.
  2. I don’t usually like History.
  3. I came home at half past six.
  4. Mum didn’t speak to me.
  5. I can do History  at school during  a  break .

3.       Fill in the gaps with there ia/there are.

1.       There ___ a box of chocolate on the shelf. 2. There ____ a bus stop near our house. 3. ____ there paper on the table? 4. There ___  apples on the vase. 5. There  ____ people in the street. 6. ____ there flowers in the garden? 7. There  ___ a fridge in the kitchen. 8.How many apple-trees  ____ there in the garden?

4.       Fill in the gaps with suitable words: fridge, running water, cupboard, floors


1.       There are new cups and plates in the ______ . 2. My house has got two  _____ . 3. We keep milk, meat, sausages in the ____ .  4. Modern conveniences are: gas, central heating and ____.


5. Put the correct verb in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I already (see) this film in the cinema. 2. We (go) to the circus yesterday. 3. We (not do) the test last lesson. 4. I (not pay) for my courses yet. 5. You (do) homework yet? 6. When he (sell) his house? 7. You ever (see) him before? 8. We (begin) a new topic two days ago.

6. One word is odd out.

 1. an armchair, a fireplace, a cupboard

2. a dining room, a living room, a bathroom

3. a  fridge, gas, electricity

4. a wallunit, gas, an armchair

























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