Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыКонтрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе. Разделы 1 - 2. "Чтение.... Почему нет?" "Пусть будет музыка"

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе. Разделы 1 - 2. "Чтение.... Почему нет?" "Пусть будет музыка"

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         Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе к УМК Кузовлев  В. П. и др.

           Разделы 1 – 2. «Чтение…. Почему нет?» и «Пусть будет музыка».


Учитель Свечкарева Л. В. МБОУ Туриловская СОШ Ростовская область


1.      Reading.

This is a story of pop music but the paragraphs are mixed up. Decide in what order they should follow.

                   What is Pop.

1.      The 80’s gave us a new kind of music made by computers and synthesizes. Pop was becoming more international. Superstars of the 80’s are, of course, Michael Jackson and Madonna. At that time pop videos were sold out as well as pop records. M. Jackson’s videos were new and exciting. He was brilliant dancer with a new type of dance called moonwalk.

2.      Pop music was born in the USA in the 50’s. There existed all kinds of music in the USA in those days: blues, jazz, rock and roll and others. Pop appeared, in fact, at the time Elvis Presley began singing. His first hit was “ Heartbreak Hotel” (1956). Elvis became the first pop star. Boys and girls liked him and imitated him. He was different and they all wanted to be like him and different from their parents.

3.      The 90’s are known and will be remembered  for rap. Rap wasn’t knew, it started in New York in the 70’s but it became popular and important twenty years later. Rap like punk in the 70’s was the music of the city streets. It reflected dark feelings and problems of the streets and a new danger – AIDS.

4.      Pop” is popular music. It was born as a genre more than forty years ago. Pop is the music for the young. Pop songs tell us about love and our feelings, having a good time and growing up, dating and dancing. The music makes us happy or sad, it sounds strange or amusing. It’s the most enjoyable type of music.

5.      In the early 70’s pop music started to get boring. New sounds as heavy metal or hard rock appeared. In the USA a different kind of music was developing – punk. The music was loud and unmusical, angry and ugly, and pessimistic. At the same time another type of music came into existence – disco. The film “ Saturday Night Fever” about disco dancing made it extremely popular.

6.      Nowadays the sound is changing greatly. Computers are very important. Samplers can take any sound and make it into part of a new sound. CDs are more important than records. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the electric guitar – the main musical instrument of pop.

7.      The 60’s were a time when young people believed that rock music could give love and peace to the world. But when some great rock musicians died of drugs, it was the end of the dream. There were many prominent musicians and singers in America, but it was English groups that changed pop music: the Beatles and Rolling Stones.




2.      Use of Grammar.

1. Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. Use each word once only. There is an example at the beginning. There is an extra word which you do not need to use.

Musician    records             bands   songs                       orchestra            hit             style          guitar    

1.      This group is well known for their political _______.

2.      Maggie prefers her parent’s collection of old __________, and she knows a lot about the history of rock.

3.      The “U2” differs from other big rock _____________.

4.      In the 1960s the _____ of their music changed a lot.

5.      In the 1980s the groups started to publish _______ parades in the UK and America.

6.      The young ________ thinks the violin is a difficult instrument.

7.      The ________ became as important as the voice: Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton were players more than singers.



 2. Choose the correct answer.


1.      I ______ a decision yet.

a.       Haven’t made          b. made           c. am making         d. will make

2.      I ______my coffee at the time.

a.       Have drunk              b. was drinking        c. am drinking        would drink

3.      I ______ to talk to you now.

a.       Wanted         b. am wanting         c. have wanted          d. want

4.      I ____Dick since 1990.

a.       Hadn’t seen            b. didn’t see               c. haven’t seen                  d. never saw

5.      I ____you’ll come to the party.

a.       Hoped              b. hope               c. will hope             d.   am hoping

6.      Come on, or _________ the plane.

a.       We’ll miss    b. we’ve missed            c. we’re missing      d. we miss

7.      This time last year she __ for her FCE exam.

a.       Prepared             b. was preparing          c. has prepared      d. is preparing

8.      John _____ smoke.

a.       Has hated         b. had hated            c. hates              d. is hating

9.      Last year we _  __ the States.

a.       Visited               b. have visited             c. had visited              d. used visiting

10.  _______ long to write this book?

a.       Did it take        b. How much              c. took it               d. did it take you

11.  Who _ into the house last week?

a.       Breaks                       b. broke             c. does break               d. did break


 3. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.



Many, many years ago a town ___ ran through the                                      CRY

streets and shouted out all the news.


But now we live in the Atomic Age. Too many                                            FASHION

things happen too quickly for us to learn about

them in the old - __________ way.


That is why we have to read more and more in order to                            READ

find out what is happening in the world. _______ is

rarely a waste of time.


Have you ever ____ about the kind of books people                                   THINK

used long ago? It is only in the last 500 years that

books have been printed on paper. Before that time

 the only way of making books was to write them out by hand.


No one knows when writing first began, but we have                                  FIND

_______ drawings on the walls of caves and scratches

on bones which are at least 25 000 years old.


The ___of paper played a very important part in                                          INVENT

the development of books.


In the 11th century the art of papermaking reached                                       SECRET

Europe but no trace of printing was found in

Europe until 1423. It is known that Johann

Gutenberg ____ tried out ways of printing in

Strasbourg,  Germany, in 1440.



 3. Personal Letter.

You have received a letter from your English – speaking pen friend John who writes

…I prefer reading books to working on the computer. I don’t have a computer at home and I don’t think I must have it.  And what about you?  Are you fond of computer games or reading? Why? As for the school news, we had tests on Maths and English literature last week…

Write a letter to John. In your letter – answer his questions.

-          Ask 3 questions about his tests. ( 100 – 140







Система оценивания работы.

За верное выполненное задание – 1 балл, письмо – 5 баллов. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа – 0 баллов.

Чтение (рецептивный вид деятельности) – «5» - 7 – 6 баллов

                                                                         «4» - 5  баллов

                                                                          «3» - 4 балла

                                                                          «2» - 3 и менее баллов

Грамматика, лексика, письмо – «5» 30 – 28 баллов

                                                        «4» - 27 – 22 балла

                                                          «3» - 21 – 18 баллов

                                                         «2» - 17 и менее баллов




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