Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииКонтрольная работа по первому Модулю Spotlight 10

Контрольная работа по первому Модулю Spotlight 10

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  • Test 1 Spotlight 10Completed by Lopatkina A.N.

    1 слайд

    Test 1 Spotlight 10
    Completed by Lopatkina A.N.

  • Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold:

    2 слайд

    Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold:

  • Cross the odd ONE out:11. Loyal, patient, moody, creative

12. Aggressive, re...

    3 слайд

    Cross the odd ONE out:
    11. Loyal, patient, moody, creative

    12. Aggressive, respected, trusting, dedicated

    13. Caring, loyal, supportive, dishonest

    14. Selfish, jealous, mean, patient

    15. Trusting, creative, mean, supportive

    16. Selfish, jealous, dedicated, moody

  • Fill in the gaps with the correct words.Becoming better.
Nowadays a lot of pe...

    4 слайд

    Fill in the gaps with the correct words.
    Becoming better.
    Nowadays a lot of people are concerned about improving their character qualities. A recent study shows that the problem of self-improvement is of great value. People tend 17)_____ to overestimate their positive qualities or underestimate their negative ones. 18)______ claim that one of the most negative factors that influence the growth of the 19)________qualities is the stress level. Scientists say that to become a better version of ourselves we need to follow the routines and plan everything.
    Routine is the key word. The explanation is simple, if you do certain actions on a daily basis, they become a part of your life and don’t 20)_______ your 21)_______attention to be done. This helps to reduce the stress level which rises when we have to deal with something we have 22)_________done before.

  • Complete the text with the correct form of the phrasal verb "look“:I   23)___...

    5 слайд

    Complete the text with the correct form of the phrasal verb "look“:
    I 23)_______ this holiday for a very long time. This year I am going to go on holiday two weeks later than usual because I need to 24)_______
    my little sister. I usually book my holiday online. I 25)________ different hotels and choose the best one in my view. But you always need to 26)__________ travel fraud online.

  • Correct the mistakes. 27) Our local shopping centre qualified / provides a wi...

    6 слайд

    Correct the mistakes.
    27) Our local shopping centre qualified / provides a wide range of services.

    28) His words hurt / involved me so much, so I’ve been thinking about it two days long.

    29) You should cut the amount of sugar you consume in a tease / half.

    30) We must put an end to placement / discrimination at schools.

    31) Alice is reluctant / half to help her mum with the housework.

  • Fill in the gaps with: * gone to,* been to, * been in.
33). I am alone in t...

    7 слайд

    Fill in the gaps with:
    * gone to,* been to, * been in.

    33). I am alone in the house. My parents have _____ London.

    34). “Is Philip at home?” “No, he has _____ work”.

    35). Anita has just come home. She has _____ the theatre.

    36). They have _____ Rome for two months. They enjoy the city.

    37). She’s having a shower right now because she _____ the gym.

  • Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Presen...

    8 слайд

    Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

    38) _____ ( you \ drink) coffee with your breakfast every day?

    39). Tom ____ ( leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.

    40). Tim and Matilda______ ( be ) married since 2010.

    41). He _____ ( drink) two cups of coffee this morning.

    42). Clare’s train _____ ( arrive) at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

    43). I can’t go to the party on Saturday. I ______ ( leave) for Spain on Friday night.

    44). Liz and I are good friends. We _____ ( know) each other for four years.

    45). She _____ (revise) for the exams since Monday.

  • Listening:Match speakers 1-6 with statements A-G. Use the statements only onc...

    9 слайд

    Match speakers 1-6 with statements A-G. Use the statements only once; there is one you do not need to use.

    A The speaker can’t wait to take up a new extreme sport.
    B The speaker isn’t sure about extreme sports.
    C The speaker wouldn't dream of trying extreme sports.
    D The speaker finds extreme sports too dangerous.
    E The speaker is crazy about winter sports.
    F The speaker would consider trying an extreme sport.
    G The speaker recommends a new sport.

  • Completing the tableDivide the words into two categories.

    10 слайд

    Completing the table
    Divide the words into two categories.

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Коррекция нарушений у детей: сна, питания и приучения к туалету

6 ч.

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Эффективное создание и продвижение школьной газеты

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Политология: теория, практика, законодательство

10 ч.

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