Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКраткосрочный план открытого урока английского языка на тему “Fruits” (1 класс)

Краткосрочный план открытого урока английского языка на тему “Fruits” (1 класс)

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Unit 5 “My food

School:   named after Khamraev M.

Date:  20/01/2017

Teacher names:  Amansupieva M K

 Grade: 1




Theme of the lesson:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.UE9 use basic present simple forms [positive and negative] to give basic personal information использовать основные  простые формы [положительное и отрицательное], чтобы предоставить базовую информацию

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Доходчиво произносить основные слова и выражения

1.S5 produce words in response to basic prompts

произвести слова в ответ на основные запросы

1.S1make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

формировать основные выражения и простых высказываний об объектах

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to /Все ученики должны будут знать/ :

·  listen and repeat the words, follow  the instruction according to the task слушать и повторять слова, следуя инструкции по задачам

·    Make up correct sentence about the things they like and dislike

Составить правильные предложения о том, что ему нравится и не нравится

Most learners will be able to /большинство учеников должны будут знать/ :

·    recognise and name some words according to the topic, follow  the instruction according to the task

распознавать и назвать несколько слов по теме, следуя инструкции по задачам

·    Make more than 1 sentence correctly using different sentence structure

Строить  более 1 предложения правильно, используя разные структуры

Some learners will be able to /Некоторые ученики должны будут знать/ :

·    recognise and name most of the words according to the topic, follow  the instruction according to the task

распознавать и называть множество слов по теме, следуя инструкции по задачам.

·    Read and write some of the words from the topic

читать и писать некоторые слова из темы

Success criteria

Students will have succeeded in this class if they:

1.      Name at least 4 out of 6 words correctly

2.      Followed the instruction of the teacher immediately without support

3.      Say at least 2 sentences about what they like and dislike correctly

Cross curricular links

Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature (naming things in Kazakh, Russian and English)

ICT skills

By teacher, interactive websites if trusting the class

Previous learning

“My food”


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Organization moment

Pupils stand in a circle and greet each other

Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning

We are glad to see you!

    Dividing into groups using the pictures of foods

Teacher shows pictures of fruits and asked to guess the topic of the lesson.

Telling the LOs and success criteria:

Tell the learners about what they are going to do today:

-          So as you probably guessed we will learn today – food and drinks. You will learn 6-8 new words and how to say what you like and what you don’t like eating.

-          By the end of the lesson you should name me 6 words correctly and make 2 sentences with some of them. So, what will you have to do?

-          Also I have a question. How will I know that you can do it?

-          But tell me how do good students behave when they work in groups? What should you do if you know the answer?

Then the teacher shows the video clip on the theme of fruits






Ppt  slide


board, marker
































Teacher drills pronunciation of the words correctly. Once they repeat after the recording, then they repeat individually. Different sounds like whispering or shouting can be used.


Group work. The teacher gives the task for the group work. students should be from the jumbled letters to form the name of the fruit and to correctly place the letters. then they draw the fruit. work is evaluated according to the criteria. groups will evaluate each other


Warm up. The task  includes a workout called "catch the ball". the pupil must throw to another pupil the ball and name a favorite fruit. pupils stand in a circle and playing ball, so call your favorite fruit.






cards on the board

flashcards. A ball.



Feedback (stairs)

Ask learners to rise a hand if they are able to:

-          Name 6 words of fruits correctly

-          Say a sentence correctly

-          Say 2 sentences correctly

Teacher gives comments about students’ work and awards pupils with motivating stickers.

Every pupil has their cards on the table (green,blue). Leaving the class, students should leave to the box one of them:

Green - I am satisfied with the lesson, the lesson was helpful to me, I worked a lot and I got deserved mark, I understood everything that was said in class.

Blue  – I didn’t get any useful information for me, I didn’t really understand what was going on, I do not really need that information, I won’t do my homework, I wasn’t ready to answer

Home task – learn the words (cards, make sentences)

Color cards

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

more support can be given during elicitation, instruction and  questioning phases of the lesson by nominating learners to  answer items relating to more high frequency vocabulary to build confidence through participation.

through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities


- Use waterbased markers

- Work with the SMART board not more than 10 minutes. Make short breaks.

- Ensure proper ventilation

- Monitor classroom space when sts start moving around

- Check sockets’ safety





































Сriterias for the assessment of group work/ Топ ишини баһалаш критериялири


Берилгән һәрипләр бойичә сөзни дурус йезиш


Мевә нами бойичә сүрәтни дурус ясаш


Сүрәтниң тазилиғи, эстетикилиқ безәлләндүрүлиши


Оқуғучиларниң вақитни пайдилиниши


Берилгән соалларға жавап бериши



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