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Материал для работы с текстом для технических специальностей

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 Solid Fuels In this field, technical improvements in terms of thermal efficiency play a vital role in fostering market penetration of new systems. In the solid fuel sector much attention has been paid to the so-called «clean coal technologies». This is due to recognition of the continuing importance of this fuel, especially in developing countries, but coupled with the need to improve the environmental and thermal performance of the combustion process. Most large scale conventional power plants have net thermal efficiencies in the order of 38 % for hard coal and 35 % for brown coal. New systems are being developed which are aimed at increasing this, over the medium-term, to at least 50 %. This will result in a reduction of 0.21 kg of CO2 per kWh generated per hard coal, and 0.34 kg/kWh generated for brown coal. In the EU countries alone, this equates to a CO2 reduction of 180 million tons per year; in line with targets set in the context of the climate change debate. This increased efficiency leads to lower fuel costs per unit of output, thought to equate to a reduction of some 2.5 EU/MWh in generating costs. For a 1 Gwe plant operating for 7,000 hours a year, this means a theoretical annual cost cutting potential of about ECU 18 million for consumers. 17 Oil and Gas the key priorities in this sector are to improve the efficiency of exploration and production of hydrocarbons and to reduce the environmental impact of the same. Some of the most important new technologies that have contributed to the objectives are related to: new drilling and completion techniques, new seismic methods such as multi-component and multi-dimension seismic, offshore production structures and facilities. New techniques for deep water storage; and new technologies for natural gas exploration and production. Demonstration and market deployment of such technology will allow not only a better exploitation of European indigenous resources but also an increased competitiveness of European service and supply companies. Gate 2020 – Gas Advanced Technology for Europe 2020 This project will assess existing and emerging technologies for the supply and utilization of natural gas in Europe. A research and development strategy will be identified which, if implemented, could accelerate the trend of increasing use of natural gas. Increased use of gas would result in reductions in emissions of CO2; this project will assess the possible benefits of such a scenario to the economy, the environment and industry. The technology areas that will be studied include: gas production and processing, gas transportation, LNG (liquefied natural gas), vehicles powered by natural gas, gas liquids and underground storage. Dissemination of the results of the research will encourage cooperation among European companies and organizations to develop natural gas technologies and take part in industrial initiatives.


 vital role – жизненная роль

 to foster – поощрять, одобрять

 to aim – нацеливать, направлять

 to equate – равнять, уравнивать

 exploration – исследование

 deployment – развертывание

to implement – выполнять, осуществлять

 benefits – выгоды, экономический эффект

 dissemination – распространение

solid fuel – твердое топливо

 thermal efficiency – степень термического влияния

 conventional power plant – электростанция на традиционных источниках энергии

 net efficiency – практический коэффициент полезного действия

 hardcoal – англ. дюрен, амер. Антрацит

 brown coal – лигнит, бурый уголь

indigenous resources – природные ресурсы

 liquefied natural gas – сжиженный газ

 refuse-derived fuel – топливо из отходов

 coal fired plant – электростанция, работающая на угле

18 clean coal technology – технология обогащения

 угля thermal performance – теплопроизводительность

 combustion process – процесс сгорания (топлива)

 gasification unit – установка превращения в газ

gasifier – газогенератор

 lean gas – обедненный газ

cogeneration – когенерация

to exhaust – выпускать (газ)

  ●Упражнение 1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих английских словосочетаний: market penetration – solid fuel sector – environmental and thermal performance – large scale conventional power plants – net thermal efficiencies – climate change debate – theoretical annual cost cutting potential – offshore production structures – deep water storage – natural gas exploration – natural gas technologies

●Упражнение 2.

Ответьте на вопросы.

 1. Why has much attention been paid to the so-called «clean coal technologies»?

2. What thermal efficiencies do most large scale conventional power plants have?

 3. What does increased efficiency lead to?

4. What are the most important new technologies in oil and gas sector?


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