Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииGoing to Britain

Going to Britain

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The aim of the lesson: to study the capital of the UK, its sightseeing, political,economic and culture conditions.

The objectives of the lesson:

 1.educational: to develop speaking and reading skills,grammar,lexical habits, to enrich pupil’s vocabulary.

2.development: to develop critical thinking, logical speech, to improve the habits.

3.bringing-up: to bring up interest in learning English,to broaden pupil’s minds.

The type of the lessons: travelling.

The methods of the lesson: question-answer,brainstorming,report.

The inter-subject connection: Kazakh,Geography,History.

The visual aids: an interactive board, pictures,slides, a diagram.


                                                               The procedure of the lesson:

1.Organization moment.

2.Homework : Ex 1,4,6 p127



Solve a crossword

In order to know our new lesson’s theme you’ll guess it using the multiplication table


4.Phonetic drill.


Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.

Don’t miss your chance and go to France.

Take your pan and go to Japan.

Buy some cheese and go to Greece.


5.New words


Cheap- арзан

Coach- күйме,вагон


Official- ресми

Head- басшы


6.Watch the video about Great Britain

Divide the words into two groups

true                         false

Great Britain consists of4  parts.

Great Britain is one of the smallest countries in the world.

The population of Great Britain is over 57 million

The area of Great Britain is 244 100square kilometres

Paris is the capital of Great Britain


7.Match the pictures and the words

Westminster Abbey

St. Paul's Cathedral

Trafalgar Square

Big Ben

The Thames




8. Reading the text

                                                                          Going to Britain

Money:There are one hundred pence(100p) in a

Pound .You can say “p” for “pence”

Where to stay:Hotels are expensive in Britain”a bed and breakfast” in someone s house is cheaper.You can also stay at youth hostels.

Getting around: There are , of course , double-

decker buses and you can get a good view from the top.There are also coaches between some towns.They are cheaper than trains.

There is also an underground with more than 500 stations.

It’s not easy to use, so you should learn before you use it.

Eating out: Restaurants are expensive and you cannot be sure the food is good.Pubs do good inexpensive food.

Fast food shops, hamburger shops are cheap.


9.Answer the question.

  1. What money can you use in Britain?
  2.  Where can you stay when you are in Britain?
  3.  How can you get around in Britain?
  4. Where can you get a cheap meal in Britain?


10.Grammar: Modal verbs

Must- қажеттілік және міндеттемелер туралы айтқанда,  көбінесе айтушының ойы ретінде қолданылады.

For.ex:  You must tell your parents about Great Britain

          You must remember when the teacher say about Great Britain

 Mustn’t- белгілі бір іс әрекетті істеуге болмайтындығын айтқанда қолданылады.       

For.ex: You mustn’t late for the lesson


Unscramble these places you find in a city and translate them into three languages

          dcthrlaae          ______cathedral___

          uummse          ________________

          eatlsc                   ________________

          rta yllgrea       ________________

          nsviiutery          ________________

          lleb                     ________________

           urhchc                ________________


Answer the questions

What is the official name of Great Britain?

What is the capital of Great Britain?

Who is the head of these countries?

How many parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

What are the countries of the United Kingdom?

What kind of state is the United Kingdom ?


11. Homework: ex7 p127,

retelling the text





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Краткое описание документа:

The theme: GOING


The aim of the lesson: to study

the capital of the UK, its sightseeing, political,economic and culture


The objectives of the lesson:


to develop speaking and reading skills,grammar,lexical habits, to enrich

pupil’s vocabulary.

2.development: to

develop critical thinking, logical speech, to improve the habits.

3.bringing-up: to bring

up interest in learning English,to broaden pupil’s minds.

The type of the lessons:


The methods of the lesson:


The inter-subject connection:


The visual aids: an

interactive board, pictures,slides, a diagram.

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