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Методическая работа на тему" Обучение монологической речи"

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Методические рекомендации

по английскому языку при обучении монологической  речи


Методическая разработка педагога дополнительного образования МБУ ДО «Центр внешкольной работы» г. Сочи

Пискуновой Татьяны Григорьевны


Основное назначение иностранного языка как предметной области обучения - в овладении учащимися умением общаться на иностранном языке Речь идет о формировании коммуникативной компетенции, способности и готовности осуществлять как непосредственное общение (говорение, понимание на слух), так и опосредованное общение (чтение с пониманием иноязычных текстов, письмо).

Формирование коммуникативной компетенции является основной и ведущей целью обучения.

Монологическая речь – это, как известно, речь одного лица, выражающего в более или менее развёрнутой форме свои мысли, намерения, оценку событий и т. д.

Обучение монологической речи – чрезвычайно сложное дело. По утверждению психологов, в частности А. А. Леонтьева (психолога и лингвиста), она сложнее и труднее диалогической речи, т. к. требует от говорящего умения связно и последовательно излагать свои мысли, выражать их в ясной и отчетливой форме. Любое монологическое высказывание монологично по своей природе, всегда кому-то адресовано 

 Монологическое высказывание характеризуется целым рядом качеств. Вот те качества, которые являются наиболее специфичными именно для монологического высказывания:

целенаправленность. Она проявляется в том, что у говорящего всегда есть определенная цель - решить определенную речевую задачу, причём задачу, направленную на собеседника.

логичность. Под нею понимается такое свойство высказывания, которое обеспечивается последовательностью изложения

структурность или связность как последовательность изложения, обеспечиваемая внешними (по отношению к логике) специальными средствами языка («сцепками»).

  завершенность в содержательном, тематическом плане;

выразительность - наличие логических ударений, интонации, мимики, жестов и т. п.

Монологическая речь может быть подготовленной и неподготовленной.

Раньше предполагалось, что подготовленная речь -- это ступень к неподготовленной. Сегодня подготовленная речь рассматривается как самостоятельный вид монологической речи, типичный для конференций, симпозиумов, заседаний и других форм делового общения, требующих предварительной подготовки, планирования, продумывания. Подготовленная речь готовится с помощью самостоятельных творческих упражнений, требующих умения сообщать информативный материал, обобщать и оценивать его, выстраивать в связное, личностно-окрашенное высказывание.

Чаще всего на занятиях обучающиеся испытывают следующие трудности:

– неверное построение предложений;

– небогатый словарный запас;

– неуверенность в правильном построении ответа;

- неправильное произношение;

- речь характеризуется однообразием синтаксических конструкций;

-неудачный порядок слов и т.д.

Таким образом,  я поставила перед собой  следующие задачи:

- обучить школьников умениям грамотного оформления речевого высказывания;

- разработать систему уроков, направленных на развитие монологической речи обучающихся с применением элементов современных образовательных технологий, эффективных методов и приёмов;

-разработать дополнительные тексты для развития монологической речи

 - сформировать интерес к предмету у обучающихся

В данной методической разработке   я предлагаю дополнительные тексты, созданные мной, которые способствуют развитию монологической речи и помогут учащимся сдать ОГЭ.

                                           About myself

My name is Ann. I am a girl. I am eight years old. I am a pupil. I am in the third form. I live in Russia. I am tall and slim. I have green eyes and dark hair. I am clever and kind.

I have a family. My family is big. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My mother is a teacher. My father is a driver.

I go to school every day. Usually I have five lessons. My favourite subject is Maths. I am a good pupil.
My hobby is swimming. I also like to read books and go for a walk with my dog Sam.

                                               My friend

I have got a friend. Her /His name is________.

She/he   is ______years old. She/he   is   tall (short) and slim(plump).She/he  has got green(black, grey, blue) eyes and dark(fair) , curly( straight) long(short) hair.   She/he is kind and (clever, friendly, polite, generous, funny, joyful, hardworking).

She/he   has got a family. Her /His   family is big(small). She/he   has got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother.

She/he (name) is a pupil. She/he goes to school.

 She/he   is in the third form (in class 3). Her /His   favourite subject is English (Russian, Art, Music, PE, Technology). She/he   is a good pupil.

Her /His    hobby is swimming (singing, dancing, painting, playing   football, tennis, computer games)

She/he   also likes   to read books (watch TV, play with her/his dog/cat, ride a bike, draw, go for a walk)

                                                  My free time

Hello! My name is……… .1. I would like to tell you about my free time and how I spend it.

2.I`m a student, so I study a lot and have to do homework every day   but I try to spend my free time in the way I want to. 3.When I`m tired, I like relaxing.

4. As for me, I can hang out with   my friends.  5.We go to the cinema   or to the cafe. 6.Also, I enjoy doing sport, playing   computer games, surfing the Net and    shopping.7. The other way of spending my free time is travelling. 8. I think travelling is the most interesting activity for me.9. I can meet new friends, discover new places and try   local dishes .10. In my opinion, travelling to other countries or going for a small trip   around your city can be a wonderful thing because it gives you positive emotions and helps you relax.

11.All in all, free time is the best time to relax after  difficult school days and do what you like.

That`s all about my free time.  


I`m going to tell you about public holidays in Russia.

1.Russian people like holidays very much. 2.There are many holidays in Russia   such as New Year, Victory Day, Women`s Day, Motherland Defender Day, May Day.3 A lot of people celebrate Christmas, Easter  and Maslenitsa.

4. As for me, my favourite holiday is New Year which is celebrated on the 31st of December.5.I like the festive atmosphere of this holiday.6. We decorate a New Year tree, give each other presents and   have a family meal .7 I have a lot of fun.8. I watch TV    programs, sing, dance, and set(let) off wonderful fireworks9 I don`t go to bed till morning.10 Best of all I like getting presents ( setting off/watching stunning fireworks.).

11.All in all, it`s impossible to imagine our life without holidays .In my opinion ,  holidays  are the best time

                                              My day

I am going to tell you about my working day.

1.I usually get up nearly six o'clock.2. Then I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on (get dressed) and have breakfast. 3.My mother usually prepares   breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. 4. I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

5.Then I go to school. 6.It is rather far (  not far) from my house and I go there by bus( on foot). 7.I have classes till two or three o'clock, it depends on a week day. 8.Then I come home and have dinner.

9.After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. 10.If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. 11.Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.

 12.Then I have free time. I hang out with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favourite computer games. 13.After that, I have supper with my family.14. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.
15.I usually go to bed at about ten or  eleven o'clock.

16.All in all, I’m very busy on my week days.


.I`m going to tell you about my school life.2.School plays a very important role in our life.

 3 .I study at school #_________. 4. As for me, I like my classmates most of       all.5.They are friendly , helpful and reliable. 6 We spend a lot of time together.

 7 .I usually have 6 lessons at school.

 8   I think the most difficult weekday is_______________ because I have 7 lessons.9.Besides, I have 1 extra class   in Maths   ( training) 10 Also, I have to do a lot of  homework.  11. As you can see, I am a little bit tired at the end of the day.

12. All in all, I spend most   of my life at school and I like my school.

That’s all for now.

                                                  School holidays

1.     I`m going to tell you about my school holidays.2 Schoolchildren   like their holidays very much.3. They always look forward to them.

4. We have school holidays 4 times a year: in autumn, summer, winter and spring.

5 As for me, I would make autumn holidays longer  because they are the shortest.6 They last only 1 week.

7.I am not a coach potato .8 I   lead an active  lifestyle.9 So I usually enjoy doing sports during my holidays.10 I play football, ride a bike and go hiking with my friends.

11.All in all, holidays are the best time of the year.12.I like holidays very much



I am going to tell you about summer.

1 It is summer now. 2.It is my favourite season because   I have summer holidays.3.They are the longest holidays.4. Besides, it is sunny and warm in summer. 5 It seldom rains and windy.

6There are a lot of things to do in summer.

6.When it is   rainy I usually stay   at home .7 I read books, watch TV, listen to music, cook, play computer games,    tidy my room, draw and   play with my dog(cat).8.When it`s sunny I usually go to the beach with my friend (family).9.I swim,  dive and sunbathe . 10. In summer I like to   walk with my friends, play different games such as football, tennis,

badminton and basketball.11. Also, I like to go hiking and cycling.12 My favourite things about summer are swimming and eating a lot of ice-cream.

13.All in all, I like summer and summer holidays very much

                                My plans for summer.

I am going to tell you about my plans for this summer

1.There are a lot of things to do in   summer.

2.Firstly, I am going to go to the beach (sea)with my friends (family).3. I like to swim very much.4. Secondly, I am going to visit my grandparents.5 They live in   the countryside.6. I am going to go to the river and help them in the garden. 7. Next, I am going to meet my friends   and   do sports.8. Finally, I am going to read   books and learn English.

9.All in all, I am going to do a lot of interesting things in summer.10. I like summer and summer holidays very much


                                               Part 1

        I’d like to tell you about my country .

1.I live in Russia.2 Russia is the largest (biggest) country in the world.3 It is situated on 2 continents: Europe and   Asia. 4.The  capital of Russia is Moscow.5.The population of Russia is 146 million people.6 Russia is  washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific,the  Arctic and the Atlantic.7 It borders on China, Japan, Mongolia, Finland, Ukraine and so on.8. The official language is Russian.9 The   national flag has 3 stripes: white, blue and red.10.The symbols of Russia are a two-headed eagle, the brown bear and the birch tree.




                                          Part 2

1.There are a lot of rivers, lakes, mountains and forests in Russia. 2.Everest is the highest mountain in Europe. 3.The Volga is the longest river in Europe. 4.Lake   Baikal is the deepest. 5.The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in Russia.

6.Russia is a beautiful country with lots to see.7. Tourists come to Russia to   visit Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring and Sochi.8. They go to Sochi to swim in the sea in summer or ski in winter.

9. All in all, I am proud of my country.

10. Welcome to Russia.

                                 My meals

I usually have 4 meals a day. The first meal is breakfast. As  I’m always short of time in the morning I just have light breakfast at…o’clock which consists of coffee or tea, cheese sandwich or boiled or scrambled eggs with a slice of bread and butter. At the weekend I eat porridge(semolina ,buckwheat),pancakes, French toast, cereal with milk, yoghurt, curd or curd-flitters with sour cream.

The second meal of the day is lunch. I usually have it at school. As a rule I eat junk food such as pizza or chips, a hot dog or a bun and drink hot chocolate or juice.

Dinner is the biggest meal. I have dinner at 2 o’clock. I usually have some green salad as a starter:  tomato and cucumber salad, cabbage salad, Russian salad or vinaigrette. For the first course I have some soup or  borshch  for a change. I like mushroom soup. For the second course I eat fried or roast meat, chicken, cutlet with potatoes (mashed, boiled, fried) ,spaghetti with cheese and tomato sauce.

I prefer meat to fish but my mum makes eat it. She says it’s good for my brains.

For dessert I   have different fruits such as apple   pears,   peaches, bananas, plumps, oranges or grapes. In summer I eat melon or watermelon. I also like eating

 milk chocolate, cakes, sweets, cookies, pies and ice-cream because I have a sweet tooth.

Supper is the last meal of the day. Supper must be a light meal because it isn’t good to eat too much in the evening. The English proverb says: “After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile”. I prefer sausages with pasta. I eat a lot of fresh vegetables such as green peas, corn, eggplants, radishes, lettuce and carrots and drink freshly-squeezed juice. They are rich in vitamins and make my skin clear.

                    My eating preferences

I’m not a fussy eater but I prefer home-cooked meal. I never complain about food. I eat everything my mother cooks for me. She is an excellent cook. My favourite dish is pizza. I know it isn’t healthy to eat it but I like eating pizza from time to time. On Sundays I go to McDonald’s. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers, Big Macs, pies and milkshake. I don’t like….because I’m allergic to.. (I’m on a diet/ They are too sour (spicy) for my liking).

It goes without saying we should eat balanced and healthy food. We shouldn’t eat fatty or junk food because we can put on weight. We shouldn’t eat too much chocolate, sweets and cakes because they are full of sugar and bad for our teeth.

We should eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and dairy products. The English proverb says:  An apple a day keeps a doctor away”.

 In conclusion I can say that food must be nourishing and appealing. We must take care of our

                         Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg is on the river Neva. It`s the second biggest city in Russia. It was founded by Peter the Great.

 There are   a lot of things to see and do in Saint Petersburg. It is famous for its canals, moving bridges, beautiful fountains, interesting museums, theatres and «white nights» in summer. There are a lot of parks, squares, monuments and statues in Saint Petersburg   . You can take a boat ride on the river. You can visit the Hermitage. It`s one of the biggest museums in the world.

All in all, Saint Petersburg is a wonderful city. You should visit it one day.


MOSCOW is the capital of Russia. It was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147.It`s the biggest city in Russia

 There are a lot of   things to see and do in Moscow. It is popular with tourists. It is famous for Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Kremlin. The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of the country. There are a lot of beautiful palaces, churches  , monuments , amusement parks and shops in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Tretyakov Gallery. The best- known theatre is the Bolshoi Theatre. You can also visit Moscow Zoo and see the   animals from all over the world.

All in all, Saint Petersburg is a wonderful city. Moscow is worth   visiting.


















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