Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМетодическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Travelling"

Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему "Travelling"

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I. Орг. момент:


Teacher – Good morning, dear students. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? How are you today? I hope everything is ok. What date is it today? Who is absent today?


Teacher – Look please on the board. What do you see? What is our topic today? That is right, our topic is Travelling.

Мотивация учебной деятельности обучающихся. Сообщение темы. Постановка целей

-the topic and

-the aim of the lesson

(Смотрят на картинку, называют тему и цель занятия)

Teacher-So.What’s the topic of our lesson? – Right, “Travelling”, “Means of Travelling”.

Цель нашего занятия изучить лексические единицы на тему путешествие и закрепить их в лексических упражнениях.

Today We will:

1. Learn and practice wordsand word combinations about countries in English.

2. Learn some means of travelling. Name advantages and disadvantages of each means of travelling.

3. Discuss-the question Why do people travel?

4. Learn Present Perfect Tense.

5. Find the answer to the question What does travelling give people?

6. Made mind mapping.


3. Речевая зарядка.Look at the board. There are idioms about travelling. You must match them. Идиомы- это устойчивое выражение c переносным значением. Идиомы близки с фразеологизмами.

Get itchy feet

испытывать тягу к путешествиям

red-eye flight

поздний перелет

Travel light

путешествовать налегке

live out of a suitcase

жить на чемоданах

Hit the  road

отправляться впуть

Its not my cup of tea

Не для меня (не по душе)






1.     Основная часть урока

1. Dear students, what comes to your mind when you hear the word «Travel»?

Do you like travelling? What countries do you know?

-(На экране появляются изображения стран, студенты называют их на английском языке с переводом) Mind the transcription

Teacher - I see you know well these countries. Let’s practice these words and play snowball game.

Teacher-Мы с вами изучили страны, и теперь вы можете сказать по-английски в какой стране вы были. Как будет: я был в Китае…..(по цепочке) А сейчас мы с вами научимся спрашивать, в какой стране вы были, как раз тема путешествие помогает нам употребить Present Perfect Tense.

1. Введение грамматического материала

Объяснение грамматики:

Ребята, а в каких странах были вы?  Для этого мы должны изучить следующий вопрос. В английском языке он задается в Present Perfect! Обратите внимание на предлог to, который стоит перед страной.

Я приготовила карточки для вас, чтобы нагляднее было лучше понять данный материал.

Посмотрите: Have you ever been to Egypt? Cделать карты

Мы образуем Present Perfect: Have/Has + V3(been)

Have -I/ You/ We/ They

Has- She/ He/ It


Давайте потренируемся и позадаем вопросы друг другу.

Например: Ты был вАнглии?-Have you ever been to England?

Ответ: Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t .

Put have/ has in the sentences:

1.     Mary ____ been to Mexico on weekend.

2.     We _____been to the USA in March.

3.     You _____been to Egypt in April.

4.     ____you ever been to Germany?

5.     I and Tom ____never been to Italy.

6.     _____she ever been to Africa?

7.     Jim is on holiday. He___gone to France

8.     My parents ______ been to Greece in May.

9.     _____ your brother been to Turkey?

10. Our friends _____never been to New Zealand.

Teacher- So, students, we know some countries. We can ask each other Where you ever been to? But we don’t know means of travelling. Could you answer the question: What means of travelling do you use?  Let’s learn some of them

Look at the board and name them:

by taxi

на такси

By boat

на лодке

By bus

на автобусе

by car

на машине

By plane

на самолете

by train

на поезде

By ship

на корабле

On foot



Teacher- Now we have to read the text and fill in the table about advantages and disadvantages of each means of travelling. Some vocabulary to the text:

Way - способ

At the same time- в тоже самое время

Even - даже




Luggage – багаж

Trunk- багажник

Single ticket- билет в один конец

Return ticket-обратный билет

Of course, travelling by plane is the fastest and the most comfortable and safe way of travelling to other cities and countries, but at the same time it is the most expensive too. When you go by plane you must arrive at the airport one or two hours before the flight and try not to miss the plane. Sometimes the flight can be delayed. On the plane you sit in a comfortable armchair and can watch a film, have a meal, listen to music, play a game, see the sky or sleep. But if you are afraid of going by plane it is not for you.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but when you are on the train you can relax look through the window and see the nature of the country. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. If your trip is short you can sit at the small square table and have tea, coffee or lunch. If your journey is long you can even sleep upstairs or downstairs. When you want to go by train you must buy a single or a return ticket in the booking office at the railway station or buy it online. Then you take your luggage and go to the railway station where you find the platform in the timetable. From the platform you get on the train and your journey begins. If your train is a through train you don’t have to change trains and your trip will be easy.

Travelling by ship is rather expensive and not very popular in our country but it is very popular abroad. On large ships and small river boats passengers can visit foreign countries and different places of interest of their country too. It is very nice to be on board the ship and to see the water, to feel a fresh sea wind which is blowing in the face and to hear the cry of the sea birds.

Travelling by car is very comfortable too. You don’t have to book tickets. You can take much luggage and put it in trunk of the car. You can stop where and when you want and spend there as much time as you like. You can listen to theradio. But at the same time it is expensive to buy a car. Petrol is expensivetoo. You must pay for parking.

Travelling on foot is very interesting for young people because they are very active and strong and can walk for many hours a day with their backpacks .You can go and see beautiful nature, animals and birds, swim in the lake or in the river, make a fire and cook food, put a tent and sleep outdoors. You don’t have to buy tickets and you can be sure that you won’t miss a bus, a train or a plane. For those people who are old or lazy, travelling on foot isn’t comfortable.


There are many different means of transport and you can travel alone, with your friends, family and relatives. Travelling is always interesting and helps you to learn a lot of new things, meet new people, make new friends and see new places of interest.

Means of travelling




- is comfortable

- it is safe

- it is fast

-you can read sleep during the flight

- it is expensive

- depend on timetable

- flight can be delayed

- buy ticket in advance

- afraid ofheights













Teacher-My dear students, you know advantage and disadvantage of each means of travelling. Now say please your own opinion, what means do you prefer. Useexpressionsontheboard:

Студенты называют, на чем они хотят путешествовать и почему…

So my dear student, we know some countries, we know some means of travelling, Let’s answer the next question Why do people travel?

Please look at the board and find the answers.

to discover new places


Исследовать новые места

to learn a language

Изучать иностранный язык

to know the history, culture

знакомиться с историей, культурой

To make friends

Заводить новых друзей

to know customs, traditions

Изучать обычаи, культуру

to visit new places

посещать новые места

To meet people

встречаться с новыми людьми

To see the sights

смотреть достопримечательности

Off the beaten track

В глуши, в глухомании




Teacher -Listen to the text twice and try to understand why do this man travel, and then complete the text.

share information, prefer staying in hostels, no hotel reservation, everything in advance, love planning trips, understand different cultures ,many wonderful experiences.

List of expressions to understand the meaning of the audio:

hotel reservation – бронирование отеля

planning trips – планирования поездки

wonderful experiences – великолепный опыт

share information – делиться информацией

planning trips- планировать поездку

in advance- заранее

Complete the text

Travelling gives you _____________ cannot find in your own country. You meet local people and get to _______________________. It’s so exciting. I_______________________ and doing some research on the country or countries Iwant to visit. Sometimes I like to plan _______________________, my flights,hotels and tours, etc. For me, the most exciting thing is arriving in a country with _______________________ and no fixed plans. I _______________________ and guest houses. You get to meet and talk to different and interesting people _______________________. I also liketo visit places that are_______________________. Being somewhere with thousands of other tourists?It’s not my cup of tea.

Teacher: -Dear students as you see travelling is the most exciting thing. And what about you? Do you like travelling and why?   

Students answer ….

Teacher - Good for you. And let’s find other reason of travelling

Before watching look at some new words:

to be confident















Teacher-Read the statements and say if they are true “T” or false “F”:

It is true- это верно

It is False – это неверно

·        The woman still can’t find her place in her life.

·        The woman used to feel disoriented and insecure.

·        The woman is afraid of travelling alone.

·        Travelling is her way to feel confident and to grow.

·        The woman believes that travelling can help everyone to feel better.

Students, so, we learn a lot of words about travelling and answer our questions, I offer to play one game and check, how did you learn material of our lesson.

Teacher-The result of our lesson is mind mapping. Этот вид работы подытоживает пройденный нами материал. Я раздаю вам плакат, картинки, выражения связанные с темойпутешествие. Ваша задача оформить его красиво, фломастеры вам в помощь. На это у вас есть 10 минут.


Teacher - Dear students, we learn a lot of information about travelling today. Your homework- translate the text at home. Выйдите на образовательный портал там будет ссылка на электронный учебник Голубева стр.158.

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