Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыМетодическая разработка урока английского языка (чтение) в 11 классе Food and Drinking

Методическая разработка урока английского языка (чтение) в 11 классе Food and Drinking

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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 11 классе (профильное обучение)

Бутяева В.В –учитель высшей квалификационной категории СОШ №33 г Нижнекамск


Тема:    Food and Drinking  (reading)

Цель:  развитие навыков чтения с определением логической и грамматической  последовательности событий в тексте ; обучение навыкам выполнения подстановочных упражнений.

Тематическая лексика: herbs, fry, bake, spices, peel, specialty, slice, recipe, ingredients, roast. 


                   Ход занятия


I  Организационный момент


II Подготовка к восприятию текста. Warm up!


Answer the following questions: .Which of the meals are often eaten in your home? ·

Can you cook?

What can you cook?

 Is it important for people to learn how?

Should cookery be taught in schools?


III Develop your reading skills

Read these pairs of sentences. In the second sentences, find words that refer to the words in bold in the first sentences. Put a circle around them.


1 I tasted my soup and added salt and pepper.

 I decided it needed more herbs.

2 We’ve got two kitchens at our school.

The small one is used for cookery lessons and the other for school meals.

3 There are no tomatoes left in the fridge.

 How can I make a salad unless we get some?

4 Fry the potatoes for a further five minutes.

When you've done that, add the onions to the frying pan.

5 AIice said she couldn't cook pasta.

Sandy offered to go round to her place to show her how.

6 I didn't read the recipe.

I had, I would have noticed that I needed half a kilo of flour.

IV Referring forwards

Read these pairs of sentences. In the first sentences, find words that refer to the words in bold in the second sentences. Underline them.


1 There are many traditional dishes that visitors to Britain can enjoy.

Yorkshire pudding and Lancashire hotpot are always great favourites.

2 I loved doing cookery at school, apart from one thing.

Every week, whatever we were cooking, I would forget something.

3 It's not that I dislike cooking.

The problem is that other people dislike eating what I cook.


V Spot the mistakes

Each paragraph has a sentence in the wrong place.

Underline the sentence and put an arrow to show where it should go. Use the words in bold to help you.


1 The restaurant had been open for three months when I went. I knew Rene,

the chef, from his last job, so I looked for his specialties. I was a little late,  but the waiter kept my table. I ordered a bottle of house wine and picked up a

menu. I was rather surprised that none of them were there. Instead, it was all

pizza and salads. I was a bit disappointed.


 2 Coriander has had an effect on cooking in many places. Many parts of the plant are eaten, including the root, the seeds and the leaves. The root is used in Thailand in stews and curries. In Asia, though, many dishes get their flavour from the strong-tasting leaves. The seeds have been used as a spice in Southern Europe since classical times. The leaves, with their strong smell, are not generally used as a herb in Europe, except in Portugal.


 3 My father was a "bee-keeper and. L used to help him with the hives. J.had my

own, in a smaller size. We did get stung sometimes». but you soon got used to it.My father would also. carry a can of smoke with him to calm the bees down.

I used to open the hives and  lift out the honeycombs.

When we had collected the  honey, we would close the hive and die bees would

go back to making more. He. had special equipment , such as a mask and gloves, to protect his face and arms from the bees' stings.


VI Let’s practice!

a. Read the text and draw an arrow showing where you think each sentence could go. Use the words in bold to help you.

I The Ancient Greeks, though, had three: drink, staple food (bread) and things to go             with bread.

2 The floor was then swept to get rid of the bones.

3 One thing they particularly loved was fish.

4 They would get together in a special room at one of their houses.


We have two categories at mealtimes: food, which we eat and drink, which we... well, drink. It seems they ate bread with the left hand and other things with the right. Unlike meat, fish was not controlled by a system of sacrifices to the gods. Their comedies are full of characters who eat tuna slices and octopus boiling hot, straight from the pan.

One way the men drank wine was to hold a symposium. They ate fish, bread and olives and the tables would be removed when they had finished. Wine was brought in and water added to make it weaker. The men would drink and tell stories or talk about politics.

b. Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.


*Make sure you have all the ingredients ready before you start cooking.

*We use a knife to slice bread, cheese and vegetables.

*We roast meat, and sometimes vegetables, in the oven. .

*My mum likes to bake her own  bread and cakes.

* Follow a recipe if you're not sure how to make the dish.

*You forgot to peel the potatoes before you cooked them!

*When we fry food, like chips, we cook it in hot oil.

*I'm going to have steak because it's the chefs speciality.

*Herbs are plants, such as oregano, whose leaves we use for their taste.

*Spices add flavour to food and they usually come from seeds.


 1      Chop the---------------,including the mint, and add to the soup.          

2       It's not very healthy if you----------------all your food in oil.               

3        You need to the bread for         ---------------about half an hour.                 

4       Indian food uses a lot of hot---------------to flavour the dishes. 

5        You should---------------  the onions before you chop them.               

6       I can do spaghetti, but my ----------------is pizza.            

7        Make sure you-------------the carrot thinly so that it cooks welt          

8       I'd love to have the         for the-----------sauce you made last night.           

9        We can't make a cake unless we have all the--------------.


 VII  Homework. To prepare a story with the examples  why it is so important to learn how to cook.













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