Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМетодическая разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме "Правила дорожного движения. Модальные глаголы."

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме "Правила дорожного движения. Модальные глаголы."

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                             План- конспект открытого урока

Предмет: Английский язык.

Класс: 7 «Новый курс английского языка для Российских школ» Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В.

Учитель: Логинова Людмила Сергеевна

Тема урока: « Правила дорожного движения. Модальные глаголы».

Цели:1) практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности по темам: «Правила дорожного движения», «Город», « Как мы выглядим»

2) воспитание транспортной культуры,

3) повторение правил образования повелительного наклонения и правил употребления модальных глаголов should/ shouldnt, must/ mustnt.

Тип урока: Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала.

Форма урока: Комбинированный урок- конкурс.

Оборудование: Карточки со словами по теме урока, наглядные пособия к уроку(«магическое дерево», «магический ларец», плакат с предложениями для заполнения пропусков модальными глаголами), запись фонограмм песни к уроку, презентация, жетоны- призы

                                  English Lesson №83. Form 7. Unit 6.

Topic: “The way we look” (Как мы выглядим), “Traffic rules” («Правила дорожного движения»)

The aim: 1) Practice all the kinds of speaking activities on the topic.

2)  practice learning traffic rules.

3) Make pupils interested in English through playing and competing moments of the lesson.

Equipment: Lesson words cards, “magic tree”, “magic box”, prise cards, placard with sentences for inserting modal verbs, phonograms of the songs for the lesson, a notebook, a presentation.





                              LESSON PLAN

Opening(вступительное слово)

Teacher- Children, we are going to have an unusual lesson today, the lesson- competition. You know, that to feel good and safe we should behave at the roads in a proper way. This time we are to revise the way we know traffic rules and to practice the usage of the modal verbs.  Two teams “A” and “B” will compete and show their knowledge of traffic rules. For  each right question you will get a praise card. You will find yourselves in magic land- “Traffic lights land” by name and meet a magic square, a quest tree, a magic placard, a magic box and a magician on your way. Let’s go!

I.Phonetic exercises:  revising the words(повторение лексики по теме) - the pupils repeat all together and individually the words of the topic after the teacher, they translate from Russian into English and  from English into Russian.


  E.g: keep traffic rules

         feel safe                                    turn to the right

         buy a ticket                              call a stranger

         get off the bus

         cross the street

         phone the police


II.Making up phrases: A game “Find the pair”( составление фраз: игра «Найди пару»)

In the right corner of the blackboard there are written the words on the topic- verbs, in the left corner- nouns.           

 Task: match the words, make up pairs.

cross                           traffic rules

get off                        to the right

phone                        a ticket

call                             the street

buy                            the bus

keep                           safe

feel                            a stranger

turn                           police





III. Matching true- false sentences(поиск правдивых высказываний)

         Teacher: Here is a magic placard. There are true and false statements in it. Open your exercise- books and copy only those statements which are true.

1.    Be very very careful when you cross the street.

2.    Always run over the street.

3.    Don’t play in the street.

4.    First use your feet, not eyes  and cars.

5.    Cross the street when the light is green.

6.    Look to the left, to the right, then look up and check up the light.

7.    Don’t wait for the cars to stop.

8.    When all the cars have stopped it’s time for you to go.

9.    Walk between the lines.

10    A driver must not reduce speed in the central street.


IV.Finding the kind of transport (нахождение слов, обозначающих виды транспорта)(5min)

Teacher: Now you’ll see a magic square. Guess what kinds of transport are hidden in it.

b c d u a b u s e r

a s t a x I y b l e

a I r p l a n e

b e c d o t r a i n

m o t o r c y c l e r

d u o t r a m n e t

c e n l o r r y I f

y a c h t c u d e n

v e b o a t u s l e




V.Checking up children’s knowledge of songs, poems, rhymes, proverbs, rebuses connected with traffic rules.(конкурс чтецов, певцов, проверка умения учащихся разгадывать загадки, ребусы, знание пословиц, связанных с ПДД).

Teacher: Now there is a quest tree on your way. There are different fruits and vegetables on it. Come and take any and do the task given to you. It is either a riddle or a joke, a song or a poem, a rhyme or a proverb or a rebus connected with traffic rules. (Учащиеся подходят к  дереву загадок, срывают плоды и выполняют задания.)

Примерные образцы заданий:

1.      Tell us about your village (town).(3-4 sentences)

2.      Recite a poem.

3.       Sing a song.

4.       Riddles

( 1) It’s a man in a uniform, he stands at the street crossing with a stick regulating traffic.(a police officer)

2) It is a man who drives a car, a bus, a tram, a trolleybus.(a driver)

5.       Guess what word is hidden?(закодированы слова: S дерево T (street), AL на G (along), S, P (stop), D река (driver).

6.      Answer the questions:

1) How old do you have to be to ride a bicycle?

2) Who invented traffic signs?(Julius Caesar)

7.      Choosing proverbs(Выберите английский эквивалент пословиц)

 «Тише едешь- дальше будешь»

- Live and learn.

-More haste, less speed.

-One man- no man.


«Поспешишь- людей насмешишь»

- Well begun- half done.

- Better late than never.

- Haste makes waste.




VI.  Practice of using modal verbs :should, must

(практика использования модальных глаголов  в предложениях).

Teacher- Children, imagine we are on a bus and we need to repeat the traffic rules once more. You should insert the proper word into the sentences. So, good luck!

         ON A BUS ( в автобусе). Fill in “should” or “shouldn’t” (следует или не следует) You must be careful when you cross the street, first look right, then look left, because you are in Great Britain. Please, behave properly when on a bus and don’t forget to buy a pass.


1)You … obstruct the door.

2)You … give up your seat to old people.

3) You … drop the litter.

4) You … smoke.

5) You … make much noise.

    6) You … keep silent. 

7) You … buy a pass.

IN THE STREET ( на улице). Fill in “ must’ or “mustn’t” (должен или не должен)

1)      You … cross the street when the light is green.

2)      You … first look left then right.(in Br. or in Rus.)

3)       You … play in the street.

4)       You … cross the street quickly.

5)       You … run over the street.

6)       You … follow traffic rules.


VII.Summing up the results (подведение итогов)

Teacher- Here comes the policeman with the magic box ( приходит полицейский с волшебной коробкой, где лежит книга «ПДД»)

P1- Oh, what big box you’ve got!

Policeman- It is for you, my children. But first guess, what is it there?

P2- For us? What is it?

Policeman- There is my present for you.

P3- May I have a look at it?

Policeman- No, don’t open it, try to guess what is there in the box. It begins with the letter “B”.

P4- How interesting! Is it a ball?

Policeman-No, it isn’t.

P5-Is it a bag?

Policeman- No, it isn’t.

P6- Is it a box?

Policeman- A box in a box? Can you guess?

Ch.- No!

Policeman- Well, you are not babies. Every day you go to school and you should keep traffic rules. Here is a book for you. Study it and be always safe!

. Now let’s sing a song (звучит фонограмма песни “The more we are together”).

The more we think of safety,

Of safety, of safety.

The more we think of safety,

The safer we shall be.

Stop, look and listen

Before you cross the street,

Use your eyes, use your ears, and then use your feet.

VIII. Reflexion, marks and homework( оценки и рефлексия)

Teacher- Our lesson is over.

Thank you for your work! Look at the board and finish the sentences.

1.Сегодня я узнал…

2.Было интересно…

3.Было трудно…

4.Я выполнял задания…

5.Я понял, что…

6.Теперь я могу…

7.Я научился…

8.У меня получилось…

9.Меня удивило

10.Мне захотелось


Today  we did a lot of useful things, and you did your best! You all have excellent marks!

 I am glad that you know traffic rules.

Now I ask you to show what was your mood during the lesson. Put these smiles in the bag you like.

 Your hometask is to get ready for the testing- so, review the words and the grammar and don’t forget to bring your workbooks



















Приложение 1.



b c d u a b u s e r

a s t a x I y b l e k

a I r p l a n e o h l

b e c d o t r a i n n

m o t o r c y c l e r

d u o t r a m n e t s

c e n l o r r y I f v

y a c h t c u d e n y

v e b o a t u s l e d









Keep traffic rules


 buy a ticket   

get off the bus

cross the street

phone the police

turn to the right


call a stranger




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Краткое описание документа:

Children, we are going to have an unusual lesson today, the lesson- competition.

You know, that to feel good and safe we should behave at the roads in a proper way. This time we are to revise the way we know traffic rules and to practice the usage of the modal verbs.  

Two teams “A” and “B” will compete and show their knowledge of traffic rules. For  each right question you will get a praise card.

You will find yourselves in magic land- “Traffic lights land” by name and meet a magic square, a quest tree, a magic placard, a magic box and a magician on your way. Let’s go!

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