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Методические материалы к неделе английского языка

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    Учитель  Черных Н.И


  Неделя английского языка.



 С 5декабря по 9 декабря  2016 года в МБОУ лицей №4 была проведена неделя английского языка.



Обучающиеся   6а класса подготовили  сценку «Трусиха»





             Обучающиеся   7б класса  приняли участие в конкурсе

                                      «Мир Гарри  Поттера»



 Главная цель этого мероприятия – привлечь и заинтересовать учащихся изучением английского языка,



   Для учащихся-“артистов” задачей было:  развитие творческих способностей, развитие навыков устной речи,

  а учащихся-зрителей – развитие умений аудирования.



















                                         A COWARD



NINA, a girl of 12

NICK, a boy of 1!





                  Nina is standing on the table and screaming.


NICK (comes running in): What’s the matter?

NINA (pointing to the corner of the room): Look, there is a mouse   there!

NICK: What of that? Why are you standing on the table? Why are you shouting?

NINA: I am afraid1 of the mouse.

NICK: The mouse is afraid of you.

NINA: Take it away, Nick! Please!

NICK (goes to the corner, looks for the mouse and takes some thing from the floor): Here it is. Look at it! It is nice. It is grey.


Nina gets down on the chair at the table. Nick comes up to her and wants to show something in his hand to Nina. The girl screams and jumps on the table again.


MOTHER (coming in): What is it?

NINA: Oh, Mother dear! Nick has a mouse in his hand. He wants to throw it at me!

MOTHER: Nick, why do you want to frighten   Nina?

 NICK (laughing): Mum, look what I have in my hand. Look what she is afraid of!


He shows her his hand in which he has a small grey ball of wool.


MOTHER (laughing): Nina, what a coward you are! Look at this thing!

NINA: No! No! Don’t show me this thing! ( Covers  her  eyes with her hands). I know it is a mouse.

MOTHER: It is not a mouse. Look, Nina!


She takes her hands from her eyes and makes her look at Nick’s hand.


NINA (ashamed): Oh, it’s a ball of wool. It’s not a mouse.  (Laughs.)  Now I’m not afraid.


She gets down from the table.


NICK: You must not be a coward.

The World of Harry Potter


В начале соревнования на экране даются фрагменты из фильмов о Гарри Поттере (около 3 минут), далее идут слайды с вопросами командам, а между заданиями - фотографии с героями из фильмов. На стенах кабинета висят постеры и плакаты с отдельными сценами из фильмов. На столе лежат все книги о Гарри Поттере и журналы с комментариями о них.


I. Warming-up.

The story about Harry Potter has many exciting events, magic things and interesting characters. Let’s remember some important facts from this story.

Answer the teacher’s questions about Harry Potter books. You are going to get a red star for the right answer. If the answer isn’t complete, you’ll get a blue star.


Ведущий-учитель задает вопросы командам по очереди. Если отвечаю­щая команда не может ответить на вопрос, то на вопрос могут ответить зрители, болеющие за свои команды.


1.                  Who wrote books about Harry Porter? (Joanne Kathleen Rowling)

2.                  What was Joanne Rowling by profession? (A teacher of French)

3.                  How many books about Harry Potter did she write? (Seven books)

4.                  When was her first book about Harry Potter published? (InJune 1997)

5.                  Who is Harry Potter’s best friend? (Ron Weasley)

6.                  What is the name of the school where wizards studied? (The Hogwarts    school of Witchcraft and Wizardry)

7.                  What is there on Harry’s   fore­head? (A lightning-shaped scar)

8.                  Who was Harry Potter’s greatest enemy at school? (Draco Malfoy)

9.                  Who was Harry’s least favourite teacher? (ProfessorSeverus Snape)

10.               What school uniform did the students of Hogwarts wear? (Black robes and pointed hats)

11.               What language could Harry Potter speak except English? (The lan­guage of snakes)

12.               Who was Harry Potter afraid of very much? (Dementors)


II.                Each team will get one and the same card about the main idea of Harry Potter books. Think a little and choose the right answer. Who is quicker to answer?

What do you think about the main idea of "Harry  Potter” book series? Choose from the next suggestions:

1)                  The book is about the powerful Dark Arts and evil Dark Wizards.

2)                  The book is about the problem of being popular in the world. The popular boy, H. Potter, has many problems. He tries to sort them out.

3)                  The book is about Hogwarts - the magic school. Teenagers - witches

and wizards - go to Hogwarts to learn new things about the magic world.

4)                  The book is about love, friend­ship, life and death and the events which take place in the magic world.


(The right answer is ‘‘4”)


III.             Joanne Rowling wrote seven books about Harry Potter. Put the books about Harry Potter in the logi­cal order of reading.

Raise up your hands when you are ready.


Каждая команда получает кар­точку с одним и тем же заданием. Если задание выполнено, то участни­ки поднимают руку, что они готовы.


1.                  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


2.                  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


3.                  Harry Potter and the Philoso­pher’s stone.


4.                  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.


5.                  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


6.                  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.


7.                  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.


(The answer:3, 7,4,5,2, 6, 1)


IV.              You can meet a lot of unusual things, magic creatures and scaring places in Harry Potter books. Tell us what the following things mean.

Команды вытягивают no 3 кар­точки с названиями предметов или волшебных существ, встречающихся на страницах книг о Гарри Поттере, и объясняют их по-английски.


Aragog,   Dobby,   Privet Drive, Muggles, the Basilisk, Hogsmeade, Tom  Riddle, the Forbidden Forest,  He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.


Possible answers:

      1. Aragog is the largest spider of the size of a small elephant living in the Forbidden Forest who was saved by Hagrid many years ago.

     2 .Dobby is a house-elf that was freed by Harry Potter from its master Lucius Malfoy having given the elf a sock.


  3. Privet Drive is the name of the street where Harry Potter lived in the Dursley’s House.


  4. Muggles  are ordinary people with­out a drop of magical blood in them.


 5. The  Basilisk is the most terrible monster that can kill with the help of a murderous stare.


 6.Hogsmeade is a village not far from Hogwarts where students can go on their holidays to try tasty things such as chocolate frogs, butter beer, pumpkin juice and some other things.


  7.Tom Riddle is the name of Voldemort.


 8. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is the most powerful dark wizard Lord Voldemort who killed Harry’s parents but could not kill Harry himself.


   9. The Forbidden Forest is a place which Hogwarts students are not al­lowed to visit because this forest is full of dangerous beasts.


V. The students of Hogwarts study different subjects like in any other school but these subjects are different from ordinary ones. The teachers who teach these unusual subjects are un­usual too.


Take one of the two cards and do the task.

Каждая команда вытягивает одну из двух предложенных  карточек.


Card 1.

Match the names of subjects at Hog­warts School of Wichcraft and Wizard­ry with their Russian translations:


  1.Herbology                                              а)    Защита от темных сил 


  2.Charms                                                   b)   История магии


3.Magic Potions                                        cПревращения


 4.Transfiguration                                      d)  Травология


 5.History of Magic                                   e)  Чары  


 6.Defence Against the Dark Arts             f)  Волшебные зель

   7.Divination                                              g)Прорицания



(The answers: 1 - d, 2 с, 5 - b, 6 - а, 7 - g.)



Card 2.


Match the names of Professors with the Subjects which they taught at Hog­warts.


1.Professor Snape                                        a) The greatest Hogwarts headmaster


2.Professor Sprout                                        b) Transfigurations


3.Professor Dumbledore                               c) Magic Potions


4.Professor McGonagall                                d) Herbology


5.Professor Flitwick                                       e) Divination


6.Professor Trelawney                                    f) History of Magic                            


7.Professor Binns                                            g) Charms



(The answers: 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - g, 6 - e, 7-/.)



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300/600 ч.

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