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Мини-проект "Welcome to Yamalskiy District"

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Welcome to Yamalskiy District






















































Yamal translated from Nenetz means the Earth’s End and


Yamal means the end of the Earth. Yamalskiy District is located in the northern-west part of the Yamalo-Nenetz Autonomous Area. It boarders on Tazovskiy District (in the east), on Nadimskiy District (in the south), Priuralskiy District (in the south-west) and washed by the Baidaratskaiy Bay and Kara Sea waters.


The head of Yamalskiy Distict is Kugaevsky A.N.



The administrative center is Yar-Sale.



There are plains and mountains at the territory of Yamalskiy District.

The most part of the territory of. is located under water. Swamps, rivers and lakes cover its territory.



Yamalskiy District is situated into the zone of tundra. In typical tundra the main plant is moss, which makes peculiar tundra cover. We have kingdom of arctic tundra. There are almost no bush plants there. In the southern part of Yamalskiy district you can see some kinds of trees, but they are not tall.



In tundra you can pick up berries such as cloudberry, red whortleberry, great bilberry, bilberry speedwell.

In the river basins white salmon, sturgeon, starlet, taymen, navaga and many others inhabit these waters. Many of these species are food fish and some of them are recorded in Russian and regional Red Books.

As for the birds’ world bird-ducks, owls, sea gulls, geese, swans and others live in lakes and rivers in summer.

In the zones of tundra such animals as white bear, polar wolf, white fox, wild northern dear and others live.




The Yamalskiy District  is a native land of the indigenous ethnic groups-the Nenetz. For centuries, their traditional economy has been large-herd reindeer farming which still exist. Reindeer live off pasture all year long. In winter they eat reindeer moss; in summer- green grass and skrub sprouts. In nomadic households, reindeer do not receive any extra nourishment. For large reindeer herds seasonal travel is essential. Around March, nomadic communities and their herds take off and go north, sometimes all the way to sea, to give reindeer a relief from blood-sucking insects. In August, they start moving back.

The reindeer gives people everything they need to survive: meat, pelts for clothing, sinews for threads, bones and antlers for decoration, tools and units. Fresh reindeer blood prevented scurvy- a steady threat in the Arctic region.














































Hunting and fishing are another traditional occupation of the native people. Most hunters combined hunting with reindeer farming.

The principal means of transport was reindeer sledge. In summer they also traveled by boat. Today native people use modern means of transport- snowmobiles.

Traditional aborigines clothing is ideally suits to tundra environments. Women still wear button-down fur coats. Men’s garments include the malitsa, fur stockings and high shoes. Malitsa is a seamless hooded garment made from reindeer skin with its fur facing inside. Malits has mittens attacked to it. During period of particularly sever freezing temperatures people wear a “sovic” on top of their malitsa. Aborigines’ clothes is beautifully decorated and have ornaments.
































The project is made by the students of 10th form.

Mys Kamenniy



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