Инфоурок Иностранные языки СтатьиНаучная статья на тему "Интерференция как часть многоязычия"

Научная статья на тему "Интерференция как часть многоязычия"

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Zhelnova E.S.1

1Zhelnova Ekaterina Sergeevna - postgraduate

the Bashkir State Pedagogical University

named M. Akmullah

Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of interference in terms of multilingualism. The article discusses both the negative and positive effects of one foreign language on another. Much attention is given to the comparative analysis of this phenomenon on the material of English, German, Spanish. The presented analysis allowed the author to develop a system of methods and techniques that are aimed not only at preventing and overcoming interference, but also at the positive practice of transferring from one foreign language to another.

Keywords: communication; comparative analysis; foreign language; interference; multilingualism; transferring.


Желнова Е.С.1

1Желнова Екатерина Сергеевна - аспирант

 Башкирский государственный педагогический университет

им. М. Акмуллы

г. Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, Российская Федерация

Аннотация. Статья посвящена явлению интерференции в условиях многоязычия. В статье рассматривается как отрицательное, так и положительное воздействие одного иностранного языка на другой. Большое внимание уделяется сопоставительному анализу данного явления на материале английского, немецкого, испанского языков. Представленный анализ позволил автору разработать систему методов и приемов, которые направлены не только на предупреждение и преодоление интерференции, но и на положительную практику переноса из одного иностранного языка в другой.

Ключевые слова: коммуникация, сравнительный анализ, иностранный язык, интерференция, мультилингвизм, перенос.

УДК 81-2

The study of foreign languages ​​in modern education is given a significant role, which is primarily due to the processes taking place in society: globalization, the expansion of intercultural contacts and international relations. Along with English, which is the language of international communication [3] and is studied in most schools as the first foreign language, a number of schools also include the study of other foreign languages, in our case, German and Spanish. In many cases, the German language is studied as a second foreign language after English, less often the Spanish language. Accordingly they are influenced by the first foreign language.

The similar situation of language interaction actualizes such a problem as interference.

Interference is understood as “the interaction of language systems in the context of bilingualism, which develops either during language contacts or during individual development of a non-native language” [3, p. 197]. Such interaction is expressed in deviations from the norm and the second language system under the influence of the mother tongue.

V.A. Vinogradov defines interference as “deviations from the norm of one or each of the contacting languages, which manifests itself in the speech of bilinguals as a result of their acquaintance with more than one language” [2, p. 16].

The definition of interference given by V.V. Alimov is somewhat different from the above. By this phenomenon, he understands “the interaction of contacting languages, which can be both negative and positive and is expressed in deviations from the norm in one language under the influence of another (with negative interference) and in acquiring, consolidating and strengthening skills in one language under the influence of another (with positive interference) ”[1, p. 33]. Thus, in his definition of V.V. Alimov notes the possibility of a positive nature of interference in the study of a foreign language.

Conscious analysis of certain phenomena will prevent interference, and a differentiated approach will help to master the skills of positive transfer from one language to another.

Comparative analysis, which is used as a method of this linguistic study, will answer the following questions:

1. What grammatical phenomena represent the greatest difficulties, due to differences in form, meaning and use of structures?

2. What kind of difficulties lie in these phenomena?

3. When can we expect violations of language norms, which forms of error prevention and correction are more rational?

Study of the mistakes of the interfering influence of the first foreign language makes it necessary to develop a system of methods and techniques for preventing and overcoming interference. To successfully combat this phenomenon, use:

- cross-language mappings

- interlingual contrasting exercises

- translation

- verbal rules for explaining difficult situations.

Accounting for the interference factor when learning a second foreign language allows you to prevent mistakes, reduce their number, and thereby, facilitate the learning process. It meets the objectives of the intensification of the educational process. In addition, conscious work in the second foreign language will also help in the work on the first foreign language, since the interaction of the experience of learning languages ​​has a mutually enriching influence.


1. Аlimov V.V. Theory of Translation: A Handbook for Linguists - Translators: Tutorial. 2nd ed. Moscow, LENAND, 2015. 240 p. (Russ. Ed.: Аlimov V.V. Teorija perevoda: Posobie dlja lingvistov-perevodchikov: Uchebnoe-posobie. Moscow, LENAND, 2015. 240 p.).

2. Vinogradov V.A. Linguistic aspects of language learning. Moscow, MSU, 1972. 62 p. (Russ. Ed.: Vinogradov V.A. Lingvisticheskie aspekty obuchenija jazyku. Moscow, MGU, 1972. 62 p.)

3. Yartseva V.N. Linguistics. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow, 1998. 685 p. (Russ. Ed.: Jarceva V.N. Jazykoznanie. Bolshoj jenciklopedicheskij slovar. Moscow, 1998. 685 p.)


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Статья посвящена явлению интерференции в условиях многоязычия. В статье рассматривается как отрицательное, так и положительное воздействие одного иностранного языка на другой. Большое внимание уделяется сопоставительному анализу данного явления на материале английского, немецкого, испанского языков. Представленный анализ позволил автору разработать систему методов и приемов, которые направлены не только на предупреждение и преодоление интерференции, но и на положительную практику переноса из одного иностранного языка в другой.

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