Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыОценочно-методические материалы по английскому языку для 10-11 классов

Оценочно-методические материалы по английскому языку для 10-11 классов

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Оценочно – методические материалы по английскому языку

для 10 -11 классов




Единые требования к оцениванию по английскому языку. Формы контроля и критерии выставления оценки



10-11 классы


1)Лексико-грамматический тест по текущему материалу. (модульный,





% правильно



выполненного задания




– 100 %




– 94 %




– 79 %



Менее 60 %




2)   Лексико-грамматический тест на остаточные знания , тест на понимание устного и письменного текстов (аудирование и чтение)


% правильно


выполненного задания



– 100 %



– 90 %



– 74 %


Менее 60 %




3)Контроль техники чтения



Речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют;


фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры, произношение слов


практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более 2-х


фонетических ошибок


Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют


необоснованные паузы; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры


практически без нарушений нормы; допускается от 3 до 5 фонетических


ошибок, в том числе 1-2 ошибки, искажающие смысл


Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют


необоснованные паузы; есть ошибки в фразовых ударениях и


интонационных контурах; допускается от 5 до 7 фонетических ошибок,


в том числе 3 ошибки, искажающие смысл


раскрыта в полном объёме




(полно, точно и развернуто




раскрыты все аспекты, указан-




ные в задании). Объём




высказывания: 12 – 15 фраз




Задание выполнено: цель




общения достиг- нута; но тема

логично и имеет

словарный запас,


рас- крыта не в полном объёме




(один аспект раскрыт не пол-

характер; имеются



ностью). Объём высказывания:

вступительная и



9-11 фраз





фразы, соответ-




ствующие теме.




Средства логиче-




ской связи ис-

задаче (допускается




не более двух




негрубых лексико-








ошибок И/ИЛИ не




более двух














Задание выполнено частично:

Высказывание в



цель обще- ния достигнута час-

основном логично и

словарный запас,


тично; тема раскрыта в

имеет достаточно



ограниченном объёме (один

завершён- ный



аспект не раскрыт, ИЛИ все

характер, НО



аспекты задания раскрыты




неполно, ИЛИ два аспекта

вступительная ИЛИ



раскрыты не в пол- ном объёме,




третий аспект дан полно и

фраза, имеются одно-



точно). Объём высказывания: 6-

два нарушения в

задаче (допус-


8 фраз


кается не более



средств логической

четырех лексико-








ошибок (из них не




более двух грубых




И/ИЛИ не более












ошибок (из них не




более двух грубых)


Задание не выполнено: цель

Высказывание не-



общения не достигнута: два

логично, вступи-



аспекта содержания не

тельная и заклю-

затруднено из-за


раскрыты. Объём

чительная фразы



высказывания: 5 и менее фраз

отсутствуют; средства




логической связи

грамматических и



практически не





ошибок (пять и




более лексико-








ошибок И/ИЛИ пять




и более














Речь не воспринимается из-за необоснованных пауз; неправильных


фразовых ударений и искаженных интонационных контуров И\ИЛИ 8


и более фонетических ошибок



4)Контроль монологического высказывания: описание картинки, сравнение картинок


-   решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)

-   организация высказывания

-   языковое оформление высказывания


Таблица определения баллов

Решение коммуникативной












Задание выполнено полностью:




цель общения достигнута; тема




Схема перевода баллов в оценку

















































0 или

0 или



4)      Контроль письменного высказывания:



Письмо, сочинение

Решение коммуникативной задачи

Организация текста





Задание выполнено полностью.

Высказывание логично.


Допустим один недочет

Текст разделен на абзацы


Правильный выбор стилевого

Структура текста соответствует заданию


оформления речи

Используются средства логической связи



Возможен недочет в одном из аспектов


Задание выполнено не полностью.

Высказывание логично.


Имеются 2-3 недочета.

Текст разделен на абзацы


Есть недочеты в стилевом оформлении

Структура текста соответствует заданию



Используются средства логической связи



Возможен недочет в одном из аспектов


Задание выполнено частично.

Высказывание логично.


Есть серьезные ошибки в содержании

Текст разделен на абзацы


Не соблюдается стилевое оформление

Структура текста соответствует заданию



Используются средства логической связи



Возможен недочет в одном из аспектов


Задание не выполнено.

Высказывание логично.


Коммуникативная задача не решена.

Текст разделен на абзацы



Структура текста соответствует заданию



Используются средства логической связи



Возможен недочет в одном из аспектов


Задание выполнено полностью.

Высказывание логично.


Допустим один недочет

Текст разделен на абзацы


Правильный выбор стилевого

Структура текста соответствует заданию


оформления речи

Используются средства логической связи



Возможен недочет в одном из аспектов



В 2-3 аспектах есть недочеты


                         -решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание) и организация высказывания

-  языковое оформление высказывания

За письменное высказывание выставляется 2 оценки по двум критериям.

Задание выполнено не полностью.

Высказывание логично.



Имеются 2-3 недочета.

Текст разделен на абзацы



Есть недочеты в стилевом оформлении

Структура текста соответствует заданию




Используются средства логической связи




Возможен недочет в одном из аспектов



Задание выполнено частично.



В 2-3 аспектах есть недочеты



Есть серьезные ошибки в содержании






Не соблюдается стилевое оформление









Высказывание нелогично




Нет разбивки на абзацы




Структура не соответствует заданию




Неправильно используются средства




логической связи




Допустимое количество ошибок



лексико-грамматические ошибки





орфографические или пунктуационные ошибки



лексико-грамматические ошибки





орфографические или пунктуационные ошибки




Любые 4 ошибки



лексико-грамматических ошибок





орфографических или пунктуационных ошибок




Любые 6 ошибок



и более любых ошибок


Ошибки, сделанные на ОДНО правило или в одном слове (несколько раз) Считаются за 1 ошибку


Входной контроль по английскому языку 10 класс                                                                                                     УМК «Радужный английский »О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой

Вариант 1

1.Лексико-грамматическийтест. Выбрать правильный вариант ответа

1. We started early in … morning.

A - B a C the

2. Can you play … piano?

A a B - C the

3. My favourite subject at school is … History.

A the B a C -

4. Would you like to be … doctor?

A a B an C the

5. Who are you waiting …?

A to B for C from

6. Do you really believe … ghosts?

Aon B for C in

7. You will not need to worry ...... accommodation or food.

A for B about C in

8. Focus .....the big picture and not the details.

A at B on C in

9. We generally … quite early during the week.

A eat B are eating C eating

10. –Where is Dickie? - He … in the garden.

A plays B is playing C will play

11. It … outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

A rains B is raining C is rain

12. My colleagues usually … four days a week, and thisweek they … five days.

A work, work B are working, are workingC work, are working

13. Ferdinand (just) … to Santa Monica.

A return B has returned C had returned

14. He looks angry. He … his wallet.

A lost B has lost C has been loosing

15. Why are you late? I … here four two hours.

A have been waiting B waited C will have been waiting

16. This time next week, I … on the beach.

A be lying B am lying C will be lying

17. A. Christie … detective stories.

A has written B had written C wrote

18. When I saw Mary last Sunday he was tired, he … a party the night before.

A had been to B was to C has been to

19. “What are you doing next Friday?” – “I … to Moscow, I have my ticket.”

A flies B fly C am flying

20. Flowers die if you … water them.

A wouldn’t B doesn’t C don’t

21. If I … a million dollars, I would buy a house.

A had B would have C will have

22. Daniel is … than Christie.

A older B elder C more older

23. Ann enjoys … to classical music.

A listen B listening C to listen

24. Would you mind … the door?

A to close B close C closing

25. I hope … see you again very soon.

A to see B seeing C see

26. They’ve decided … shopping.

A to go B going C go

27. You … have been here an hour ago. But you didn’t show up.

A should B could C would

28. When he was 6, he … swim very well.

A might B could C can

29. This is the girl … parents I know.

A who B which C whose

30. The chair, … is in my room, is very old.

A who B which C whose


31. Two .....ago, Rome ruled the Mediterranean.

A years B centuries C millennia

32. Meat and vegetables are........ into pieces using different methods.

A made B cut C formed

33. Sunday shopping has become very …. .

A numerous B normal C popular

34. Peter is very ...., so if he says he will help you, he will.

A bossy B boastful C reliable

35. If I had .....more in class, I’d have got better marks in the test.

A tried B did C concentrated

36. It’s bad for your eyes to .... at a computer screen all day.

A stare B watch C browse

37. We're all looking ….. to seeing you again soon.

A ahead B around C forward

38. The doctor told him to give ….. smoking.

A in B away C up

39. He went to the airport to see them ..... .

A of B off C out

40. My new car has broken … .

A up B down C on

Преобразуйте слово

41. He received an excellent _____________. EDUCATE

42. Are you taking part in the school ________________? PREFORM

43. Child actors cannot usually have a normal ______________. CHILD

44. The police found the information he gave them very _____________. USE

45. I’ve made some very important ______________ about my life. DECIDE

46. You are looking really ____________ in that dress. GLAMOUR.

47. You can’t hope to win the race without any ______________. TRAIN

48. He has the best _________________ of ancient Greek coins. COLLECT

49. He was feeling quite ________________ about the past. SENTIMENT

50. The oil spill caused massive ____ in the area. POLLUTE


Контрольная работа по английскому языку  по теме «В гармонии с собой» 10 класс УМК «Радужный английский »О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой

1.      Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions.

1.      … the blue they appeared at the door of the house.

2.      Best friends often have a lot … common.

3.      The name of the author is familiar … many readers.

4.      There were some pieces … furniture … the dining room.

5.      He was waiting for them for some hours but it was … vain.

2.Fill in the gaps with would rather or had better

1.      I think you … do this work now.

2.      You … drink some herbal tea instead of coffee.

3.      I consider we … hurry up or we’ll be late.

4.      We … eat some soup than hamburgers.

1.      Put the verbs in appropriate form.

1.      He always (talk) on the telephone while driving!

2.      You always (forget) to say “Thank you”!

3.      Jack (work) in the garden when the telephone (ring).

4.      I (see) an accident while I (wait) for you yesterday.

5.      The children are always obedient but today the (make) a lot of noise.

3.Найдите русский перевод

1 Female

1 Драгоценный

2 Admit

2 Решать

3 Solve

3 В какой-то степени

4 Out of the blue

4 Женский

5 Precious

5 Иметь что-то общее с кем-то

6 Beat

6 Пока что, до сих пор

7 Male


8 Appreciate

8 Мужской

9 Have something in common with somebody

9 Знакомый

10 Familiar

10 Признавать

11 To some extant

11 Бить

12 So far

12 Ценить


4. Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задание.

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Ясожалею, ноянезнаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

5.Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

1. Fred has got
a) a dog b) a puppy c) a cat.

2. Tad is
a) black b) grey c) white.

3. One day they play hide-and-seek
a) in the park b) in the house c) in the forest

4. Fred wants to find
a) his house b) Tad c) the park

5. "Where is …?" the puppy says.
a) my house b) your house c) Fred

6. His house is
a) green b) blue







                   Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме «В гармонии с другими»                   10 классе УМК «Радужный английский »О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой

1. Use the words in the appropriate forms (Word building).

The tradition of bowing is so ______ (1) that Asians attend special classes to learn how to do it _______ (2). It’s unlikely that any ______ (3) visitor would be able to appropriately carry out the formal bow, doing it to the right ______ (4) and with the correct duration. However, a polite attempt to bow in ______ (5) will be appreciated by your Asian _______ (6). If you want to express some special respect in the _______ (7), bow lower. Be sure to learn in appropriate verbal greeting to accompany the bow.









2. Choose the correct meaning of the words.

1. immersion

a) the act which is impossible to avoid or prevent

b) the process of putting smth into a liquid

2. admission

a) a difference or disagreement between two facts or aspects of a situation

b) the amount of money you pay to enter a place or event

3. gap year

a) a long period (typically a year) a previously full-time student takes off before going on to college or university

b) an arrangement in which people or groups from different countries visit each other to study another country’s language.

3. Choose ONE suitable linking word.

1.  She wasn't very rich __________ she gave money to the beggar.

A  but

B    also

C    due to

2.  I wish I could speak English __________ you do.

A  otherwise

B    nevertheless

C    as well as

3.  __________ her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village.

A  despite

B    furthermore

C  as well

4.Use the correct form (to infinitive or V-ing) of the verbs in brackets.

1. It was a nice day, so we decided … (go) for a walk.

2. Could you please stop … (make) so much noise?

3. Have you finished … (wash) your hair yet?

4. I don't mind you … (use) the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

5. Did you remember your sister … (make) a report?                                                                                                                                     6. It has started … (rain).                                                                                                                                                    5. Translate the sentences into English.                                                                                                                                             1. унаследовать от родителей                                                                                                                                              2. избегать ссор                                                                                                                                                                         3. преданные друзья                                                                                                                                                      4. приличная одежда                                                                                                                                                         5. суровые морозы                                                                                                                                                                   6. от имени президента                                                                                                                                                                      7. заслужить похвалу                                                                                                                                                          8. наличные деньги    


    Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме «В гармонии с  природой» 10 класс УМК «Радужный английский »О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой


Задание №1. Выберите слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу.

1. I would feel safer if you … more carefully.

a) drive b) drove с) had driven d) will drive

2. Apparently it …in England.

a) freeze   b) frozen с) willbe freezing   d) freezing

3. “May Igo home now?” – “No, you … , … you’ll be allowed to do it in an hour”.

a) don’t may, but   b) may not, butс) may not, or   d) don’t may,or

4. The Trans-Siberianrailway is … in the world.

a) long   b) longer   c) the longest   d) the most long

5. English… to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages.

a) belongsb) owns  c) possesses d) has

Points: 5                                 

Задание №2.Употребите a/ an, the, nothing (-), где это необходимо.                                        1.Have you ever seen such … terrible weather?                                                                                                                                    a) a     b) an       c) the     d) –

2. Tom’s family could not afford to give him … education                                                                                               .a) a b) an       c) the      d) -

3. I have not forgotten … promise you made me last week.                                                                                                             a) a  b) an)      c) the d) -

4. … second page in the book is missing.                                                                                                                a) a       b)an       c) the     d) –

5. … two gentlemen in the carriage were greatly frightened.                                                                                    a) a b) anc) the d) -                                                                        

Points: 5

Задание №3.Преобразуйте слова, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста.

At 7.15 am on 30th June 1908, there was an unexplained event. An

object (1)BRIGHTER than the morning sun flew through the atmosphere           BRIGHT

over Siberia and then there was an enormous (2)__________ some 5 miles       EXPLORE

above the surface of th eearth. The blast was felt hundreds of miles away

and there were reports of strange colours in the sky fromall over northern

Europe. In some villages in Siberia, the (3)_________ ran into the streets          INHABIT

in panic. Weeks after the event, investigators who went to the site became

sick and complained of burning sensations in their bodies.

But what caused such massive (4)__________? For many years the            DESTROY

scientific community thought it was a meteorite, but there is now evidence

which suggests that it could have been a (5)__________ jet of fluid which        POWER

suddenly shot up from the depths of the earth

Задание №4.Выберите нужный предлог.

1. I’ve been invited to Kate’s birthday party … 7 March.   a) at b) on   c) in   d) to

2. Don’t belate. We want to begin the lesson … .a) on time b) in time   c) ford) to

3. The cars should be waiting …the traffic lights. a) in  b) at    c) on    d) to

4. The Volga flows … the Caspian Sea, doesn’t it? a) to b) at c) in  d) in                                          5. Don’t get … the car if you don’t know the driver.     a) into  b) out of  c) on  d) off



     Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме «В гармонии с миром»

 10 класс УМК «Радужный английский »О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой

1. Write the same in English

a) похожий  b) отъезд  c) сильно стыдиться  d) записать на счет посетителя                                              e) посадочный талон  f) магазин беспошлинной торговли  g) скорый поезд  h) билет в одну сторону  i) место назначения  j) обида  k) задерживать рейс     l) скучать по дому

2. Complete the sentence using the right preposition. https://fsd.multiurok.ru/html/2018/08/27/s_5b8462e082566/941979_1.png




3. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right




4. Write your reaction to these phrases ( e.g. И я тоже)




My classmates

His friend

Her neighbours


5. Use appropriate modal ver the sentencesbs to complete the sentences




6. Write several sentences “ The Best Travel of My Life”

a) when it was and how long it took  b) where you went

c) with whom you went there  d) what made it so memorable


Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 классУМК «Rainbow English» О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой

I.  Listening. 1. Listen to the dialogue of two friends, and say which of the facts below are true, false or not stated.

1.       Alice likes to travel light.

2.       Alice thinks she has packed only the things she’s going to use.

3.       Alice’s grandmother knitted her jumper when Alice was still at school.

4.       Alice is going to travel in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

5.       Julia gives her friend  advice about certain things she may need on holiday.

6.       Julia is ready to give her friend a helping hand.

II.  Reading. 2. Read the text and complete the statements after it.

Why Japan Is Cool

       Each year more and more people gel interested in Japan and visit it. Japan is a country with longstanding traditions and ancient culture.

       Japan’s name means “origin of the sun” which is often translated as Land of the Rising Sun. The term appeared due to Japan’s location to the east of the ancient empire of China. The country is situated to the east from the Asian continent and is surrounded by the ocean from different directions. It consists of many mountainous islands with active volcanoes. Of the four main islands, Honshu is the largest. The islands constitute 95% of Japan’s total territory while the remaining part is occupied by more than 3,000 smaller islands. The total land area of Japan is 374,744 square kilometres. All of these islands are likely to suffer from earthquakes.

      After a long but comfortable flight the plane lands at the airport of Tokyo. Tokyo is a city tied to the future as it is to the past. As the modern-day capital of Japan it is the national centre of government, education and finance, and home to 12 million residents. Museums and restaurants, shopping centres and modem concert halls — you can find it all beneath the neon lights of this pulsating modern metropolis. It is also an ultra-urban city. Here you can find cutting-edge or innovative and pioneering fashion, a lot of experimental music, the latest gadgets from minicomputers that you can easily put into your pocket to super hi-tech mobile phones with digital cameras. All this attracts a lot of young people to the place.

       Tourists usually recall their travels over Japan with enthusiasm, saying that it is really a unique and unforgettable country.

1) Japan is becoming ….

a) very popular among young tourists as the place to visit

b) one of the most dynamic places of the world

c) the largest economy in Asia

d) the leading economy of the world

2) The name of the country ….

a) was explained in China

b) was bom in China

c) was translated from Chinese

d) came into being thanks to its position referring to China

3) Volcano eruptions —

a) arc possible in Japan

b) threaten 95% of Japan’s total territory

c) never happen on 3,000 smaller Japanese islands

d) arc not a habitual thing in Japan

4) Tokyo is ….

a) a multinational city

b) a city where the history of the country is connected with new tendencies

c) a city of progressive ideas

d) a city full of secrets

5) The capital of Japan is ….

a) the place where you can find the country’s historical heritage

b) not the place to use old-fashioned gadgets and computers

c) the place where the first minicomputers were produced

d) the place to use your digital cameras

6) Tourists to Japan ….

a) may get acquainted with Japanese art and literature

b) must visit the National Parks of the country

c) practically always remember their visits to the country quite positively

d) tend to spend at least a day or two in its capital


III.  Use of English.

3. Complete the text with the derivatives of the words.

1.       Douglas is an …. (amaze) basketball player to watch. 2. The … (divide) of the house into apartments provided homes for five families. 3. Chicken pox is usually a childhood … (sick). 4. The incident raises … (trouble) questions. 5. Cyprys is a perfect … (set) for a beach holiday. 6. The builders were … (skill) and experienced. 7. Roy looked sad and … (defeat).


4. Complete the text with the appropriate grammar forms of the words.

1. Phillip says he … (learn) English since his childhood. Now he speaks English fairly well. 2. Do you know when nylon … (invent)? 3. Where is Chris? – He is in the garage. He … (pour) petrol into the car tank. 4. All the boys … (lie) awake in their beds. Everybody expected Santa Claus … (appear) in the fireplace. 5. The cake … (divide) into 6 pieces was in the middle of the table. 6. Jack said they … (have) an amazing time at the moment when I phoned. 7. He entered the hall and … (hang) his coat on the hook.


IV.         Writing. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Diana. In her letter Diand writes:

I’m writng from Rome. I’ve been here for a week on a school trip. it’s been a fantastic week full of discoveries. I’m also enjoying my friends’ company. We have so much fun together! Out next trip will be to Athens. I’m already looking forward to it.

Do you go on school trips? What places do you and your friends usually visit? Where would you like to go if you have a chance?

Write a letter to Diana. In your letter:  answer her questions.

·     Аsk three questions about her future journey to Greece.



Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс                                               УМК «Английский в фокусе» В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева


I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.

1. He (to arrive) _______________________at the hotel late yesterday.

2. She is very glad: she (to finish) _________________ fantastic costumes.

3. They (to watch) ____________________a new play in the theatre the whole day


4. Look! She (to paint) _____________________ wonderful scenery.

5. The audience (to applaud) _________________for twenty minutes already.

6. I think, this circus (to give) _________________ a new show every year.



II. Change Active into Passive

7. They grew this coffee in Brazil.


8. They built a new theatre in this town.


9. People often make tables of plastic.


10. They will consider your plan.


11. I will give you my opera glasses


12. They don’t show such films on TV.


III. Active or Passive?

13. Nobody (to see) ___________________him yesterday.

14. The telegram (to receive)_________________________ tomorrow.

15. At the station they (to meet)_________________________by a man.

16. This man (to grow)___________________vegetables every year.

17. She (to send)____________________flowers by a stranger last month.

18. I think all people (to enjoy)_______________________entertainment.


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

19. Tom helped his mother --------- ( get ) the dinner ready.

20. He looks so funny. When I see him, I can’t help --------- ( smile ).

21. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone ------- ( smoke ) in his office.

22. Would you prefer -------- ( have ) dinner now or later?

23. The weather was fine and he suggested me -------- ( go ) for a walk

24. He pretended --------( not, see ) me as he passed me in the street.

25. Tom refused -------- ( lend ) me any money.

26. The film was very sad. It made her ------ ( cry ).

27. I really miss --------( live ) in the country.

28. Young children often ask --------- ( take ) them to the zoo.


V.  Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in


Example: If you ( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there..

If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

29. What would you do if you ( meet ) a lion ?

30. If he ( leave ) at two o’clock, he will be there before dark.

31. If you ( leave ) at two o’clock, you would be there before dark.

32. Would you say “Yes” if he ( ask ) you to go with him ?

33. If he ( be ) me, he would do the same.

34. What would you do if someone ( give ) you a lot of money?



VI.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.

39. My friend says, “I never get up early.”

40. “I’m learning French,” said Mary.

41. “I’ve never set eyes on him in my life,” she said.

42. The teacher says, “Sit down, children.”

43. “I’ll phone you at seven o’clock, ”she said to him.

44. “Don’t look at me like this’, she said.

45. “Is there a word of truth in this story?” the girl asked.

46.  The policeman said, “What have you lost, Madam?”



Контрольная работа по теме  «Межличностные отношения» 11 класс                          УМК «Английский в фокусе» В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева


1.Fill in: accommodate, devoted, priority, supportive, secure, appreciate, overweight, ambitious, essential, potential.

1.      My parents have always been very…………and help me when I have problems.

2.      It is……………that you study hard if you want to succeed.

3.      I don't think my brother is very……….because he turned down an excellent job.

4.      My………….is to enjoy life rather than working hard to make a lot of money.

5.      I think Mary has the ..........................to become a brilliant pianist.

6.      She is a very ...................daughter who spends all her time looking after her sick mother.

7.      If you think you are you should go on a diet.

8.      Even if a website claims to be………….., you should not send them important personal information.

9.      The university has rooms to ………….. first-year students but after that you have to find a flat of your own.

10.  I ……………your offer of help, but I can fix the computer myself, thank you.



2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present form.

e.g. A: What time does the film start (film/start)?

8: I think it has already started (already/start), let me check.

1 A: (you/know) if there's a problem between Cynthia and Kelly?

B: No, but I (think) of asking Cynthia about it.

2 A; I (not/call) Helen for ages. I wonder how she is.

B: Well, I know she (stay) in town this week, so maybe you two cart meet while she's .here.

3. A:What (do)? Your face is all red and you took ready upset!

B: I (just/have) another fight with Tom because he used my laptop without asking

4. A: Adam (always/want) to be part of a large family.

B: What (you/talk) about? I know for a fact that he loved being an only child!

5. A; Don't you think that Patty (get) to be more and more of a busybody these days? :

B: Yes, I do. Someone (need) to tell her to stop interfering in things that aren't her concern!



3.Put the verbs to brackets into the past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous.

1. Linda (try) to find a present for her mum for over an hour before she , (finally/see) something nice to buy her.

2. William (already/hear) the news when I (call) to tell him.

3. While Emma…………… (do) her homework, her brother……………..(play) music loudly, and she couldn't concentrate


4.Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

6.      I came……………some good bargains in the antique market.

7.      It's no good arguing………..it, the decision is final.

3.      Oh dear! I think I'm coming …………….a cold.

5.      You should never become too attached ...... animals.

6.      He is a shy person who never gets close……….others

7.      Why don't you come……………to our place when you finish work?

8.      I'm sorry, but I'm not ashamed....... what I did.

9.      He was able to start his own business when he came………….some money.

10.  I have no respect……………people who drop litter in the street.

11.  He couldn't come…………a good excuse for being late.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме «Кто ты?»

11 классУМК «Английский в фокусе» В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева


Задания А1  –  А11.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски, обозначенные номерами А1 – А11, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным.


I ____ never ____ (A1) my first lesson at school. The pupils ____ (A2) very noisy and they ____ (A3) ____ (A4) to me. At first I ____ (A5) loudly at them. But soon they completely ____ (A6). I ____ (A7) believe it. They ____ (A8) me that they ____ (A9) awfully sorry for their bad behavior. I ____ (A10) to enjoy teaching them and I ____ (A11) there for a few more years.


(A1) 1) will … forget             2) didn’t forget                       3) won’t forget                       4) forget

(A2) 1) were                           2) are                          3) are being                 4) would be

(A3) 1) had refused                2) have refused                      3) refused                   4) have been refusing

(A4) 1) to be listened             2) to listen                  3) to be listening         4) listen

(A5) 1) did shout                   2) was shouted                       3) were shouting         4) shouted

(A6) 1) have changed            2) changed                  3) were changed         4) have been changed

(A7) 1) won’t                         2) aren’t                      3) hadn’t                     4) couldn’t

(A8) 1) have told                   2) had told                  3) told                         4) tell

(A9) 1) have been                  2) had been                 3) were                                   4) are

(A10) 1) had begun                2) begun                     3) was beginning        4) began

(A11) 1) stay                          2) stayed                     3) to stay                     4) had stayed


Задания А12.

Прочитайте тексты 1 – 4 и установите их рубрикам  А  – Е, к которым они могут быть соотнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте одну букву только один раз. Взаданииимеетсяодналишняярубрика.

1. Russia’s Alexei Yagudin is just one of the defending champions under pressure before this week’s world figure skating championships, which promise to be the most unpredictable in recent memory.

2. Those on the left don’t like it because they would prefer an increase in state spending. Those on the right don’t like it because they want more fiscal austerity. And it is with the liberals that Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov will have his toughest debates.

3. This time, exhibits arrived from the Kovalenko Krasnodar Regional Museum of Arts – a total of  42 color paintings and 12 drawings and sketches from artists such as Kazimir Malevich, Vasily Kandinsky and Mark Chagal.

4. The designer presented her new collection of fur coats with a symbolic name, “Warm Up Your Soul”, in the National Hotel on Sept. 7.


A. BUSINESS NEWS                      B. POLITICAL NEWS       C. CULTURE NEWS        

D. SPORTS                           E. FASHION









Задание В1.

Дополните вопросы к предложениям из приведенного выше текста.

1. _______ is just one of the defending champions?

2. _______ will Mikhail Fradkov have his toughest debates with?

3. _______ did exhibits arrive from?

4. _______ did the designer present?

Задания В2  – В7.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров В2 – В7 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В2  – В7.

(B2) Athens is being more and more __________________ ATTRACT

(B3) to tourists. Although the city is big and ____________ NOISE

(B4) ____________________________________________ TOUR

(B5) can still find a lot of quiet places with a ____________ ROMANCE

(B6) atmosphere to enjoy a __________________________ TASTE

(B7) Greek meal and listen to ________________________ TRADITION




This is a postcard that your friend Mark Jenkins sent you from London. Read it and answer him. Don’t forget to thank him for his congratulation and present. He lives in  London, at 29 Tower Street, 1EZ. (Объем текстане менее 25 слов).

Alexander Sedov,

Flat 28,12, Lesnaya Street,

Moscow, 121512, Russia


Dear Sasha,

Hoping Christmas brings all your favourite things. Happy holidays.

I’m sending a single of the group “The Beatles” as a Christmas present. Hope you’ll enjoy listening to their music.

With all good wishes for the coming  year from


Контрольная работа по теме «Путешествия» 11 класс

УМК «Английский в фокусе» В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева

Task 1.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.



The best viewpoints


Plan beforehand


Carnival roots


The time to attend the Carnival



Carnival’s music


Styles of dancing



A music group for a street


The time for pleasure


Carnival is the most famous holiday in Brazil and has become a world-famous annual celebration. It is celebrated in towns and villages throughout Brazil for almost a week 40 days before Easter, which is usually in February, the hottest month in the Southern Hemisphere. Officially, it starts on Saturday and finishes on Fat Tuesday with the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, during which some Christians give up something that they enjoy.



The most colourful events take place in the Carnival World Capital, Rio de Janeiro. It was the original place where, in 1723, Portuguese immigrants went out onto the streets soaking each other with buckets of water and throwing mud and food, often ending up in street brawls and riots. The concept kept changing throughout the 1800s with more organized parades, where the Emperor with a group of aristocrats joined in masks with luxurious costumes and music.



Now the parade varies from state to state. It is a mixture of arts. The music played during Rio Carnival is samba – a unique Brazilian music originating from Rio. It’s also a dance form that was invented by the poor Afro-Brazilians as a type of ritual music. The word “samba” meant to pray to the spirits of the ancestors and the gods of the African Pantheon. As a noun, it could mean a complaint or a cry.



Even today, the most involved groups in Rio Carnival are the poorest, the so-called “favelas”, where houses are made of cardboard or other metal remains, and there is often no water, electricity or sewage system. However, the favelas’ residents always join in the festivities and actually make the Carnival, which really means a lot to them. Because, for once during the year, they get to go out and have as much fun as they can.



Residents of the favelas are often members of local samba schools and are deeply involved with the performance and costumes of their groups. Each neighborhood in Rio has its favorite Carnival streetband. There are more than 300 of them in Rio nowadays, and each year this number increases. Each band has its place or street for its parade and the big ones usually close the streets to the traffic.



Rio de Janeiro is usually divided into three zones. The so-called Zona Sul is by far the most pleasant place to stay in Rio, as it is by the sea and is the most civilized part of the city. Districts Copacabana and Ipanema together form a big stage offering a carnival happening at every corner. Leblon, being a bit more upscale, is also an excellent location.



Except the industries, malls and the carnival-related workers, the country stops completely for almost a week and festivities are intense, day and night. If you plan to go to watch the Carnival, you should organize your trip well in advance. The best hotels, especially in the Zona Sul, are booked up early, so it’s a good idea to make a reservation at least 3 or 4 months in advance.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 8. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 8, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.

'It's Only Me'

After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any 1 ______ that morning, because in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress party with her husband. She intended to dress up as a ghost and she had 2 ______ her costume the night before. Now she was 3______ to try it on. Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective. Mrs Richards put it 4______, looked in the mirror, smiled and went downstairs. She wanted to find out whether it would be 5______ to wear. Just as Mrs Richards was entering the dining-room, there was a  6 ______ on the front door. She knew that it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. Not wanting to 7 ______ the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the store-room was opened and a man entered. Mrs Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. She tried to 8 ______ the situation, saying 'It's only me', but it was too late. The man let out a cry and jumped back several paces. When Mrs Richards walked towards him, he ran away, slamming the door behind him.

1. А) homework; Б) household; В) housework; Г) housewife

2. А) did; Б) made; В) built; Г) created

3. А) nervous; Б) restless; В) ill at ease; Г) impatient

4. А) up; Б) on; В) over; Г) down

5. А) attractive; Б) exciting; В) comfortable; Г) cozy

6. А) knock; Б) kick; В) hit; Г) crash

7. А) fear; Б) worry; В) disturb; Г) frighten

8. А) describe; Б) explain; В) interpret; Г) clear

Task 3.

Преобразуйте, если необходимо,  слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов.  Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4–B10. Впишите слова в поле ответа.

A phone call

Among the e-mails waiting for me at work one morning was one from a member of my staff. It was sent from his personal 
e-mail address and there was only his home phone number.
Thinking something was wrong, I immediately called __________________.


A sleepy female voice answered and told me he was at work and __________________ home late in the evening.



The __________________ moment was when I remembered that I had recently asked staff members to give me their home numbers. I went right down to the employee’s office to apologize for my call.



__________________, however, he thanked me. I had awakened his daughter, who had an exam that morning but had forgotten to set her alarm. Thanks to my call, she hadn't missed the exam.



New Seven Wonders of the World: Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, often called "The Lost City of the Incas", is probably the most famous symbol of the Incan Empire. Machu Picchu is situated 7,875 __________________ above sea level in Peru.


Machu Picchu __________________ around the year 1460 by the Inca as a secret ceremonial city, very well hidden and protected.


The ruins of Machu Picchu were rediscovered in 1911 by an American archaeologist. Since then, Machu Picchu __________________ an important tourist attraction. Thousands of visitors come here every year to admire its wonders.




Итоговое тестирование  по английскому языку 11 класс.                                  УМК«Английский в фокусе» В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева


I.Choose the correct answer (a, b, с or d)

1. They ... football every other Sunday.

a) play usually

b) usually play

c) are usually playing

d) usually are playing



2. When children ... in, their parents ... up New Year presents.

a) werecoming, wrapped

b) were coming, were wrapping

c) came, wrapped

d) came, werewrapping


3. This driver is very careless. I'm sure he ... an accident.

a) willhave

b) is going to have

c) willbehaving

d) ishaving



4. Last year my friends and I ... to take part in a TV programmе.

a) invited

b) invite

c) were invited

d) are invited



5. I wonder if you ... lend me some two hundred.

a) could

b) may

c) must

d) can



6. Would you mind ... the window? It's rather chilly in here.

a) to close

b) closing

c) close

d) to closing



7. Jennie ... a very smart and hard-working girl.

a) is said that she is

b) said that she to be

c) is said to be

d) said to be



8. I was born in a small town on ... Volga.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) — (nothing)



9. Russia has strong trade ties with ... People'sRepublicofChina.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) — (nothing)



10. Everyone knows that Kennedy ... by an insane person.

a) hadbeenkilled

b) iskilled

c) waskilled

d) wasbeingkilled



11. If they ... that it is important, the work ... really soon.

a) will see, will be finished

b) see, would be finished

c) saw, will be finished

d) see, will be finished


12. Even after 30 years of marriage he ... his wife.

a) adores

b) loves

c) celebrates

d) desires



13. The birth rate is very low now. ... the number of schools is not enough.

a) however

b) nevertheless

c) though





II.The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order


A) He often told his friends that he could tell anyone's character exactly by his handwriting. So one lady friend decided to give it a test.

B) The lady was surprised. She smiled and explained that this was Balzac's own exercise book which he used when he was a little boy.

C) She brought him a young boy's exercise book. She said she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy's character.

D) Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. He was very proud of his ability to tell a person's character by his or her handwriting.

E) He decided to tell the truth. The boy's exercise book showed that it was written by a bad, lazy fellow with no respect to other people.

She told him that the boy wasn't her son and asked him to tell her the truth. Balzac studied the boy's handwriting very carefully

III. Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs

1. We came __ a beautiful antique table at the flea market. 2. Due to the snow we put __ our trip.  3. Keep __ from unlit areas at night. 4. Why don’t this toothache go __? 5. Moving house completely did me __.




Оценочные и методические материалы

10-11 классы на 2021-2022 учебный год




Методические рекомендации, поурочные разработки



Англий-ский язык


Рабочая программа. Английский язык.10-11классы: учебно-методическое пособие/О.В. Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Н.В.Языкова, Е.А.Колесникова.-М.: Дрофа, 2015

Методическое пособие к учебникам О.В.Афанась-евой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой «Английский язык». Базовый уровень.                 10-11 классы.                 — М. : Дрофа, 2018.   (Rainbow Eng-lish).

Английский язык. 10 класс: Контрольные работы/О.В.Афа-насьева, И.В.Михеева, Н.В.Языкова, К.М.Баранова.- М.: Дрофа, 2018. - (Rainbow English)

УМК «RainbowEnglish» О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой, К.М.Барановой-М., «Дрофа», 2018

Англий-ский язык


Примерные рабочие программы к предметной линии учебников «Английский в фокусе»(2-11 классы): учебное пособие для общеобразова-тельных организаций/ В.Г.Апальков, Н.И.Быкова, М.Д.Поспелова-М.: Просвещение, 2018

Книга для учителя О.В.Афанась-евой, И.В.Михее-вой, Д.Дули, Б.Оби, В.Эванс «Английский в фокусе».— М. : Просвещение, 2019.


Контрольные задания. 11 класс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразова-тельных учреждений /О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Д.Дули, Б.Оби, В.Эванс - М.: Просвещение, 2018

УМК «Sportlight»


И.В.Михеевой, Д.Дули, Б.Оби, В.Эванс - М. : Просвещение, 2019








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Оценочно-методические материалы служат для выявления уровня образовательных результатов (предметных и метапредметных) и помогают оценить стартовый, промежуточный и итоговый уровень подготовки обучающихся по английскому языку.

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    Кивгазова Ольга Владимировна
    Кивгазова Ольга Владимировна
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    • Всего просмотров: 8449
    • Всего материалов: 9

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Методист-разработчик онлайн-курсов

Методист-разработчик онлайн-курсов

500/1000 ч.

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  • Сейчас обучается 188 человек из 49 регионов

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 122 человека из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 466 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 136 человек из 45 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 82 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель английского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 65 человек из 29 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 87 человек


Взаимоотношения в семье и успех детей

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 25 человек из 19 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек


Стратегическое планирование и маркетинговые коммуникации

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 33 человека из 19 регионов


Электронный архив: нормативно-правовые требования и основы оцифровки

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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