Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыОткрытый урок на тему "Parts of body"

Открытый урок на тему "Parts of body"

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Parts of the body 

The theme of the lesson: «Parts of the body» 
The aims and objectives of the lesson: 
1) educational to enrich pupil’s knowledge about parts of the body, to teach them to describe people and places using degrees of comparison of adjectives , to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to introduce the pupils with new words and give them more information
2) developing to develop pupils habits in speaking, reading and translating, to develop communication skills and abilities, to teach them to poly languages
3) cultural to bring up pupils to love and to respect their native and foreign languages, to teach them to respect each other and to educate them to be a honesty
The type of the lesson: combined lesson 
The kind of the lesson: practical 
The methods of the lesson: speaking, comparing, completing, question-response, bring storming, question-answer 
Visual aids of the lesson: pictures, the new words, grammar table about adjectives 
Connection with other subjects: Biology, Kazakh 
The procedure of the lesson: 
І. Organization moment 
Teacher’s activity
- greeting;
- to check the attendance of pupils;
- to pay pupils attention to the lesson;
- to check the preparation of the lesson;
Student’s activity
- greeting;
- acting on duty;
- to prepare for the lesson;
ІІ. Checking up the home task: To learn by heart the new words 
(teacher checks the homework by asking in oral form)
Pupils will translate the new words of the last lesson

Pupil1 head –
Pupil2 hair -
Pupil3 eye –
Pupil4 nose -
Pupil5 mouth –
Pupil6 ear –
Pupil7 face –

III. Explaining new material 
1) Work on new conception
a) Degrees of comparison –
Сын есімнің шырайлары 
The Adjective (
сын есім) – заттың сын-сипатын, көлемін түр-түсін, сапасын білдіретін сөз табы және ағылшын тілінде сын есім қазақ тіліндегідей септелмейді, тәуелденбейді, көптелмейді 
Шырайының 3 түрі бар (Degrees of comparison): 
жай (the Positive Degree); 
салыстырмалы (the Comparative Degree); 
күшейтпелі (the Superlative Degree); 
Жай шырайбұл оның сөздіктегі формасы. Басқа екеуі осыдан туындайды. 
Салыстырмалы шырай -er жұрнағы арқылы жасалады: young – younger 
old – older
Күшейтпелі шырай -est жұрнағы жалғану арқылы жасалады және сын есімнің алдында міндетті түрде the белгілі артиклі тұрады: young – (the) youngest 
old – (the) oldest
(Pupils will learn about three degrees of comparison of adjectives)



b) "Parts of the body” 

finger [fiŋgə]
body [bodı]
foot [fu:t]
аяқ (тобықтан төмен) 
leg [leg]
toe [tou]
arm [a:m]
қол (иықтан төмен) 
shoulder [ ouldə:]
hand [hænd] (
білектен төмен) 
knee [ni:]

(Pupils will repeat after teacher and will write down them on the vocabulary)
c) The teacher of biology will explain them by biological form
2) tasks for the development of cognitive abilities
If pupils make mistakes teacher will correct them
Task 1: "Continue in comparative and superlative forms” 
Task 2: "Put in right place” 
shoulder, hair, knee, toe, hand, foot, arm, leg, eye, finger, nose, mouth, ear, face
Head Body
IV. Consolidation of the new lesson 
Play game: "Jeopardy”
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
10, 20, 30
Parts of the body
10, 20, 30
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
10 –
Сын есімнің қанша шырайы бар? 
20 –
Салыстырмалы шырайдың жұрнағы? 
30 –
Күшейтпелі шырайдың жұрнағы? https://avanzado2eoi.wikispaces.com/file/view/parts%20of%20the%20body%2001.jpg


Parts of the body 
10 – I can see with my …?
20 – Translate into Kazakh "Shoulder”?
30 – I can eat and talk with him. What is it?

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/de/d9/78/ded97880dded3f8ed26e16a33d0b1538.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/de/d9/78/ded97880dded3f8ed26e16a33d0b1538.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/de/d9/78/ded97880dded3f8ed26e16a33d0b1538.jpg
(Pupils answer the question and translate)
V. Homework 
To learn by heart the new words and make up sentences
(If pupils don’t understand the homework they will ask)
VІ. Evaluation 
Pupils you are very activity today, your marks are 5, 4, …
(They’ll bring their diaries to the teacher to their marks)
VII. The end of the lesson 
- The lesson is over
- Good-bye pupils
- Good-bye teacher.
- See you on next lesson 

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