Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытый урок на тему: "Путешествие из Башкоротостана в Америку"

Открытый урок на тему: "Путешествие из Башкоротостана в Америку"

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«Путешествие школьников из Башкортостана в Америку»

класс : 8





















                                                                     Выполнил : преподаватель

                                                                     английского языка высшей

                                                                     категории УОШИ с ПЛП г.Уфы

                                                                     Новикова Ирина Владимировна










                            A trip to America by Bashkir students.


form : 8

topic : America, places of interest, its people.

aim : to learn as much as possible about the biggest English-speaking country.

equipment: textbooks, pictures, cards with signs, symbols and words, activity sheets, a recorder.


1.aims and purposes.

The theme of our lesson is America. It is one of the English-speaking countries and we are students from Bashkortostan who are planning a trip to this great country. We are going to read and write, translate and retell, listen and guess.

Let us see if we know enough to start our journey.


2.First of all let us revise some signs. You can see them everywhere not only in America.

Ex : exit, no smoking, trash, etc.( cards )


3. Well, what is the official language in America?

Why is English the official language in America?

O.Wild, a famous English writer said: ”We and the Americans have much in common. But there is always the language barrier.” Let us see the difference between British and American English.


a. Say it in British and American English, please.

Ex : лифт – lift – elevator ( cards )   etc.


b. Is it an American or British variant?

Ex : flat ( cards )   etc.


c. Give the American variant, please.

Ex : sweets ( cards )   etc.


4.I hope you know the American symbols well.

What is the name of the American anthem?

Americans are very fond of their flag. What can you tell us about it? (a short story)


Well, how many states are there in America now?

Who is the president of the US nowadays?

What is the national emblem of the US?

What does it symbolize?

Well, who is eager to recite the poem “Eagles”?


5. Do you remember who discovered America?

Why is it called America then? ( a short story )

Which of you can tell us why the word “Yankee” is the general name for any American? ( a short story )


6. Well, and what can you tell American students about our republic?

What republic do we live in?

What are the colours  of the Bashkir flag?

What is the national emblem of the republic?

What is the national hero of Bashkortostan?

What are the official languages of our republic?

Who is the president of Bashkortostan nowadays?

What is the capital of the republic?


7. And what is the capital of America?

I would like you to tell us a few words about Washington D.C. and its places of interest. ( short stories )


And what can you tell us about Ufa and its places of interest? ( short stories )


8. Well, it is time to listen to a dialogue “A trip to the US”. Listen carefully and try to put down all the sights in New York and all the geographical places in America the children are eager to visit.


9.To understand American people we should know their moral virtues. Will you

read and translate them at page 384?

And what is an American? I want you to read about it in a text at page 368.

Who can translate the text?


10. Yes, there are a lot of Americans who really caused great changes in the world and became famous. Who are they? You are going to listen to short stories and guess their names.


And what famous Bashkir people do you know?                      


11. Americans are very sociable and hospitable people. They like to celebrate their holidays very much. What are they? Have a look at the cards and name them, please. (cards )


Bashkir people are also very hospitable. They have their national holidays too.

What are they?                                


12. Well, it is time to take a multiple choice test about America at page 399.Give full answers, please.


13. Now I see you know much about America and Americans and we may start our trip to the USA. Thank you for the lesson. You have worked hard and your marks are excellent and good. One day you may have a chance to study, to work or to go on holiday to the United States of  America. And your knowledge can help you  a lot.

As for your homework I want you to make up a short oral  report for a travel agency about our republic Bashkortostan as a place to visit .

Thank you . The lesson is over.    




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