Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему "I went to America" (6 класс)

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "I went to America" (6 класс)

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The form: 5“G”

The date:

The theme: «I went to America»

The type of lesson:  open lesson

The kind of the lesson: work with group

The objectives : 1. To revise previous materials.

                           2. To teach pupil how use new words in theirs speaking.

                           2. to develop pupils’ skills and habits in speaking and their activeness at the lesson.

                           3. to educate the feeling of love towards English.

Visual aids: Active board, presentation, papers, felt- tapes, stickers.


The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organisation moment: Greeting

Good morning dear teachers, pupils and friends. You are welcome to our English lesson. Today we have new lesson.

Dialogue with the student duty.


You must divide into three groups, for this you must choose these smileys. So, we have three groups. And three groups you must choose yours Leader of the group.

I`ll give to the leaders of the group “A score card”, with this criterion. Counts from 5

Home task

Exciting interest


Practice: work with exercises

Speaking with group







So, let`s sing the song about Australia. Let`s start our lesson. Now I`ll check you home task. Look at the active board and you must choose one of these pictures.

II.Homework monitoring:

Your hometask to prepare “Advert”, only for 30-40 seconds.

III. Presentation: Exciting interest:

I want to say you about Plymouth, a ship Mayflower and Pilgrim Fathers. Plymouth situated in South West of England. It`s an old town. It is situated situated between the mouths of the rivers Plym to the east and Tamar to the west, were they join Plymouth Sound.

The Mayflower was the ship that transported English separatists, known as the Pilgrims, from Plymouth in England to the New World. There were 102 passengers, and the crew is estimated to have been about thirty, but the exact number is unknown.

Pilgrim is a name commonly applied to early settlers of the Plymouth Colony in present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States, with the men commonly called Pilgrim fathers. The Pilgrims leadership came from the religious.

Key grammar: Irregular verbs: negative and questions.

Affirmative: They knew. They went.

Negative: They didn`t know. They….go.

Questions: Did they know? Did they….?

Now stand up all of you, we have warm up. Let`s start together.

“Put your hands”

IV. Practice

Ex.1(b),p.126 You must read this text in you book. Then match paragraphs 1-6 with pictures a-f.

Ex.1(c),p.126 Match the questions with the answers

Answers: 1f; 2e; 3c; 4a; 5d; 6 g; 7b.

Ex.2,p.126 Past simple: irregular verbs. Look at the story again. Then complete the table again. Work with group


Past Simple


was/ were
























ate (et)

Ex.3(a),p.127 Use verbs from the table in Exercise 2 and complete the sentences about the story. Individual work.

1.John left in England when he was 12.

2.He and his family ….to a new country.

3.In March, Squanto….to John`s new home.

4.Squonto…. a native American but he…. English.

5.John…. scared when he…. Squonto.

6.Squonto…..how to find food.

7.Soon the Pilgrims….. more food.

8.They….fruit, vegetables, fish and meat.


V. Student`s Activity

Ex.5,p.127 For each verb make a past simple affirmative and negative sentence and a question.


2. They saw. They didn`t see. Did the see?

3. We ate. We didn`t eat. Did we eat?

4. He spoke. He didn`t speak. Did he speak?

5. You had. You didn`t have. Did he have?

Ex.6,p.127 Writing and speaking. Work with group. Think of differences between people today and the Pilgrim Fathers. You must make a list.

The first group about The Pilgrim Fathers.

The second group about People today

The third group same of these two groups.

VI. Evaluation: Today we have new theme, have you any questions about this lesson.

Let`s check Leader`s mark which they took for the group pupils.

VII. Home task :

VIII. Conclusion: Today I start new theme: “I went to America”. We know about Plymouth, Pilgrim Fathers, a ship Mayflower. Our lesson is over.  Thank you for your attention. Good bye!




























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