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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Longevity. First Conditional Sentences" (10 класс)

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Ex.4a Circle the correct words in the sentences

1.You’ll always be / You always are worried, if you’ll be / you are short of money.

2. I’ll hopefully live / I hopefully live to a good age, if I keep / I’ll keep doing these exercises.

3. If I’ll always have / I always have good friends around me, I’ll live / I live to be 100.

4. Unless you look / will look for the good things in life, you’ll never be /you are never happy.

Ex.4c Complete the sentences with the verbs

ll email leave won’t call ‘ll fall won’t get aren’t want want

  1. You ______________ if you ________ careful.

  2. Unless we ___________the house right now, we ______________ there for the start of the film.

  3. I ______________ you the photos if you _________________.

  4. I _______________ you at the weekend - unless you ____________ me to.

Ex. 4d Make the sentences from these words

Example: If / you go near that dog / bite you.

If you go near that dog, it’ll bite you.

1.If / you are tired / I do the washing –up.

2. Unless / come and eat your pizza now/ not be any left.

3. if / buy you a new bike / pass all your exams.

4.Unless / slow down / crash the car.

First Conditional with if and unless

In First Conditional sentences:

1. both verbs refer to actions or events in the future;

2. the verb tense after the words if and unless is present simple;

3. the verb tense in the other clauses is will or won’t;

4. we can use if or unless (which means ‘if not’);

5. when we use unless, the verb that follows is in the positive.

If my friends visit me, we’ll go out for lunch.

I’ll take them to the Chinese restaurant, unless they want to eat pizza.

You’ll live longer

if you eat healthy food if you have true friends

if you do exercises if sleep enough

if you are optimistic if you eat fast food

if you don’t relax if you smoke

if you drink alcohol if you have sitting way of life

follow these rules

having a pet

being optimistic

doing exercise


choosing a right partner


eating well





План урока

Date: 21.11.15

Theme: Live forever. First Conditional review.

Forms: 10th

Type of lesson: combined lesson


  1. Закрепить и систематизировать знания учащихся об условных предложениях.

  2. Организовать деятельность учащихся по изучению и употреблению активной лексики на тему:

Live forever”.

  1. Способствовать формированию навыков диалогической и монологической речи, письма, восприятия речи на слух.

Формы организации: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Meтоды обучения:

  1. Словесно-практический.

  2. ИКТ.

  3. Коммуникативный

I. Mobilization:

Good morning, students! How are you? Who is on duty today? What’s the date today? What day is it today? Who is absent? Ok, thank you.

Let’s begin our lesson. We’ll continue an interesting theme: “Live forever”.

Open your copybooks, write the date and the theme of our lesson.

II. Checking up homework:

What was the homework? (wb ex.1a,b p.24) Ex.1a and b to complete the sentences with the correct form.

III. Realization:

  1. So what does the word “longevity” mean? How can you translate it?

Look at the board. Here some items. I’ll divide you into two groups.

1) First group will say which things you think help people to live longer and the second - which don’t help.

2) Now listen to the radio show about longevity with people talking about what they think will help them to live longer. Say which items in the box are mentioned.

3) Let’s see the video about centenarians of Japan. So what are the secrets of their long life?

4) We know that healthy eating is important in our life and it is the main cause of longevity. Еating is one of the most important events in everyone’s life. We enjoy eating - it’s part of who we are and part of our culture; in fact, eating is the hottest universal topic of all times. We depend on eating: the foods we eat are the sole source of our energy and nutrition. But we also know so little about eating - about how the foods we eat every day affect our health.

So here is the presentation: “Food is the way to health and longevity”. You should translate the text of slides. For each your right translation I’ll give you 1point. Let’s start.

  1. You’ve already known about First conditional sentences.

Look at the board. In 1conditional sentences both verbs refer to actions in future. The verb tense after the words if or unless is present simple, and the verb tense in the other clause is a future form.

I’ll give you 2 minutes to make first conditional sentences.

Exercise 4 a - circle the correct words. And ex. 4b – complete the sentences.

Ex.4a Circle the correct words in the sentences

1.You’ll always be / You always are worried, if you’ll be / you are short of money.

2. I’ll hopefully live / I hopefully live to a good age, if I keep / I’ll keep doing these exercises.

3. If I’ll always have / I always have good friends around me, I’ll live / I live to be 100.

4. Unless you look / will look for the good things in life, you’ll never be /you are never happy.

Ex.4c Complete the sentences with the verbs

ll email leave won’t call ‘ll fall won’t get aren’t want want

  1. You ______________ if you ________ careful.

  2. Unless we ___________the house right now, we ______________ there for the start of the film.

  3. I ______________ you the photos if you _________________.

I _______________ you at the weekend - unless you ____________ me to.

  1. Now listen to the radio show and circle the correct answer.

  2. Fishbone: today we have known the secrets of longevity and can use first conditional sentences. Now you have to complete the sentence: you will live longer if… and form bone of fish

IV. Reflection: Do you like the lesson?

What did you know from the lesson?

Write your opinion on the sheets of paper and stick them on the picture of the apple tree.

Your marks are:

V. Write down home task: workbook ex.3a,b p.25

Thank you for your work. Good bye.

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