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Открытый урок по английскому языку "От Австралии до Беларуси" (7 класс)

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My home country is the Republic of Belarus.


Belarus is a country of blue lakes and rivers.


Belarus is famous for its beautiful nature and hospitable people.


I love my country and I am proud of it.


My home country is the Republic of Belarus.


Belarus is a country of blue lakes and rivers.


Belarus is famous for its beautiful nature and hospitable people.


I love my country and I am proud of it.



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Учебный предмет: английский язык

Тема: От Австралии до Беларуси.

Коммуникативная ситуация: Что бы я посетил в Беларуси.

Учитель: Муштенко Ирина Николаевна

Класс: 7

Тип учебного занятия: комбинированный

Цель учебного занятия: формирование коммуникативной компетенции в рамках изучаемой темы

Ожидаемый результат: предполагается, что к концу учебного занятия учащиеся смогут вести диалог-побуждение к действию в объеме не менее 6 реплик на каждого в рамках коммуникативной ситуации урока.


   создавать условия для развития навыков поискового и изучающего чтения, навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух;

   содействовать употреблению активного языкового материала в устной речи;

   создавать условия для активного речевого взаимодействия;

   способствовать формированию умений планировать свое коммуникативное поведение.

Задачи для учащихся:

- учиться взаимодействовать с партнерами на английском языке;

- учиться применять полученные знания на практике.

Методы: коммуникативный, интерактивный

Оборудование урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал, видеофайл.


I Организационно-мотивационный этап

Цель этапа: создание благоприятной атмосферы на уроке, прогнозирование конечного  результата урока.

Задача этапа:   подготовить учащихся к работе, создавать ситуацию успеха и условия для активного взаимодействия, опираясь на субъективный опыт учащихся.


Содержание учебной деятельности



Введение в атмосферу иноязычной речи. Создание положительного настроя на уроке. Создание условий для учащихся по определению коммуникативной ситуации урока. (2 минуты)  






Постановка цели учащимися. (3 минуты)

Greet your students. Before you announce the topic of the lesson tell them that you would like to spend your summer holidays abroad. Yesterday you were looking for some interesting trips on the Net. And one of your friends on Facebook offered you to visit Australia. He is a tour guide who lives and works there. And you agreed. As a result you have something in your bag. Ask the pupils to guess what you have got in your bag. Let them describe the thing you’ve got (a ticket to Australia).  This will make them think in English in a relaxed way and create interest in the lesson.

Tell your students that your friend sent you a video letter about places of interest of his home country and asked you about the attractions he can visit in Belarus. Ask them to help you out.

Ask general questions about what the teacher has got in the bag and guess what they are going to discuss at the lesson.










The students answer what they will have been able to do by the end of the lesson.


II Операционно-познавательный этап

Цель этапа: актуализация лексических единиц при просмотре видеофайла, употребление ранее изученной лексики в диалогическом высказывании.

Задача этапа: подготовить учащихся к сознательному восприятию и пониманию информации, использованию приемов анализа и обобщения, создавать условия для активного взаимодействия в группах и парах, способствовать активной сознательной деятельности по образцу.

Совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух.

Деление на пары .


Первое предъявление видео. (4 минуты)



Второе предъявление видео. (5 минут)



  Before watching the video letter ask your students what landmarks in Australia they know.

  Divide your students into pairs (Let them take one part of a picture and make pairs: Uluru, Sydney Opera House, Great Barrier Reef, Pink Lake).

Ask your students to watch the video letter for the first time, take notes and name all the sights mentioned in it in the order of their appearance. Ask them to work in pairs.


Ask your students to watch the video letter once again, help and find out some facts about the landmarks (appendix 1).

Ask your students to work individually and range the sights from the most interesting to the least interesting for them.


The students answer the question.


The students take one part of a picture and make 4 pairs.


The students watch the video letter for the first time and name the attractions.



Then they watch the video once again and find out some facts about the landmarks.

Students to range the sights from the most interesting to the least interesting for them.




Совершенствование навыков коммуникативного взаимодействия ученик-ученик. Снятие статического напряжения в процессе группового взаимодействия.

Метод интервью.(5 минут)


Tell your students that it might be interesting to know what landmark is the most popular and the least popular in their group. Ask your students to have a survey answering questions (appendix 2). Let them walk around the room, ask each other, write down the answers. Ask one of your students to report the results to the class.



The students mingle, interact and report the results of the survey.








Промежуточная рефлексия (1 минута)





Ask the students what sight they would like to visit most of all.




Students what sight they would like to visit most of all.





III Операционно-деятельностный этап

Цель этапа: актуализация лексики при коммуникативном взаимодействии ученик-ученик и употребление её в неподготовленной диалогической речи, творческий перенос знаний в новую плоскость с учётом личности учащегося.

Задача этапа: подготовить учащихся к сознательному запросу информации о партнёре, использованию приемов дедукции и обобщения, создавать условия для активного взаимодействия, способствовать совершенствованию коммуникативных навыков и критического мышления в рамках обозначенной коммуникативной ситуации, создавать условия для самоконтроля и самокоррекции.

Совершенствование навыков  чтения (10 минут)















Say that that your friend loves his home country very much and invites them to visit Australia. But he likes to travel very much and he has already been to many countries. He would like to come to Belarus this summer and asks us to give him some advice on what sights to see. And to give him correct information students should recollect some facts. Divide your students into 3 groups. Let them choose a card with a word and match their cards to make a sentence about Belarus.

Each student in a group gets a card with a short text about one sight (appendix 3) and a table to fill in about landmarks in Belarus (appendix 4).

Ask them to look through the texts, answer the questions before them and start filling in the tables.

Rearrange the groups. Ask each student share the information from the text they’ve read with their partners and fill in the tables up to the end.






The students make up groups. 



The students choose the texts, read them, answer the questions and start filling in the tables.

The students share the information they’ve got with their partners and fill in the tables up to the end.






Промежуточная рефлексия (2 минуты)





Ask one student of each group to describe Belarusian landmarks they will write about in their letter to your Australian friend.




One student of each group describes Belarusian landmarks they will write about in their letter to your Australian friend.


Развитие неподготовленной диалогической речи.

Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков во время парной работы.

(6 минут)

Ask your students to come up to you. Say that we live in Belarus that’s why we have ribbons with Belarusian ornaments for pairing. Ask your students to take one end of the Belarusian national ribbon and meet their partner. Ask your students to imagine that one of them is from Belarus and the other is from Australia and prepare a talk about places of interest in Belarus (Appendix 5).

The students make dialogues about places of interest in Belarus.






Промежуточная рефлексия.

 (2 минуты)

Ask one pair of students to act out the dialogue.

The students present their dialogue.

IV Контрольно-оценочный этап

Цель этапа: осознание учащимися значимости знаний, полученных на уроке, выбор и подготовка к успешному выполнению домашнего задания.

Задача этапа: способствовать развитию рефлексивных  навыков и формулирования выводов.

Учебная рефлексия. Обобщение пройденного материала. Создание условий  для развития аналитического и критического мышления. (3 минуты)

Ask the students to give your Australian friend who sent you a video letter some advice on what to do and to see in Belarus.

The students give their advice to your Australian friend.

Предъявление домашнего задания (1 минута)







Оценка индивидуальной работы каждого учащегося на уроке, выставление отметок (1 минута).

Explain the home task. Ask the students to use as much information from the lesson as they can. Discuss how and where they can get information to prepare for the next lesson. They are to choose and

A.   Write about Belarusian landmarks to your Australian friend;

B.    Record a short talk for the school radio about the trip around Belarus;

C.    Make a Travel Guide on Belarus for foreign students.

The teacher comments on, assesses the students’ activity and gives marks.

The students write down the homework and ask questions if anything is not clear.

Appendix I

Watch the video and find out what landmark:

1.     lies on the south-eastern coast of Victoria state;

2.     is famous for its iconic theatre;

3.     is famous for its unspoiled natural environment;

4.     is a sacred (holly) place;

5.     is famous for its preserves and national parks;

6.     is a great place for playing sports and shopping;

7.     is famous for its Harbour Bridge;

8.     is one of the natural wonders of the world;

9.     lies in the south of Northern Territory;

10.  is clearly visible from space.


Appendix II






Alina Yer.

Alina V.


Artyom R.

Artyom M.



What land mark is the most interesting for you?









What land mark is the least interesting for you?









                Appendix III

Text A

Sport Complex “Raubichi” is situated 22 km from Minsk. This sports complex in the central part of Belarus was
built for ski competitions. Now it is a popular place for festivals and weekend holidays – tourists can stay in comfortable three-star hotels and lovely little cottages. There is a forest and a lake there and in winter you can ski-jump and ride on sledges. If you like sports you should come here. Here you can find gyms, tennis courts, football pitches, a skating rink, shooting range, ski slopes and springboards for ski jumping. The Raubichi complex hosts various competitions in tennis, mountain skiing, ski jumping, tennis and other sports .Right here there is a historical monu
ment – a Cross Mount Roman-Catholic church with a museum of local costume from all regions of Belarus.

Text B

Dudutki is a unique ethnographical complex, which is situated 50 km from Minsk on the bank of a picturesque river Ptich. It is an open-air museum. This is a museum of handicrafts which was founded in 1993. Here the past and present are brought together and you can feel the atmosphere of the 19th century and discover the secrets of ancient handicrafts. It makes Dudutki one of the centers of cultural life in Belarus. Here you will have an opportunity to visit a museum of national crafts, to see a windmill, shape a horseshoe "for Good luck" at the blacksmiths’, to see potter at work. The most exciting thing for the visitors is the opportunity to taste traditional Belarusian appetizers and drinks. Here you can try traditional Belarusian dishes: schi (cabbage soup), draniki, kolduny, pork sausages. It is one of the most popular places to visit.

Text C

Lake Naroch is situated 170 km from Minsk. The Narochansky land is famous for Lake Naroch, a pearl of the Belarusian nature, and the most picturesque Blue Lakes. The beauty of Lake Naroch, its wonderful forests, golden beaches and mild climate bring thousands of tourists to the lake’s shores. One third of the area of the park is covered with forests. In Naroch land you can meet elks, wild boars, roe deer, raccoons, hares, squirrels and beavers. The complete list of Naroch birds includes 185 species. 24 of them are in the Red Book of Belarus. There are 42 lakes here. The Naroch land has the largest number of pine forests in the country. The area is well-known for its mineral waters, too. The Blue Lakes have made this land really famous. The National Children's Recreational Camp "Zubrania" which is now the most important children's recreational camp in Belarus is situated here.

Text D

Mir Castle and Nesvizh Castle. It's worth to see both castles as they are in the same direction and are not far from each other, and 109 km far from Minsk. Mir Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Belarus located in the town of Mir. It was built at the end of 15th - early 16th century by duke Ilinich. There is a legend that somewhere in the Radzivills' castle a lot of treasures are hidden and until now people have been trying to find them. The Mir's underground system of communication is so large that some of its parts have not been investigated yet. And now people believe that there is a ghost in the castle that guards the treasures and frighten the visitors of Mir Castle. The Nesvizh town - former residence of the Radzivills is located 34 km far from Mir castle. The city was first mentioned in historical chronicles in 1446. In 1513 the city of Nesvizh became the official residence of the Radzivills - the biggest and the most powerful kin in Belarus. To design and built their castle the Radzivills invited the best European architects, artists, gardeners and jewelers.  Nesvizh Castle also has its ghost - the Black Dame walking along dark corridors of the palace during moonless nights.

Appendix IV




Text A

1.     Where is the landmark situated?



2.     What is this place popular for?



3.     What can you do here?


Text B

1.     Where is the landmark situated?



2.     What can you do here?



3.     What dishes can you try here?


Text C

1.     Where is the landmark situated?



2.     Why do a lot of tourists come here? 



3.     What animals can you meet in the Narochansky National Park?                                                                


Text D

1.     Where is the landmark situated?



2.     Who built the castles?



3.     What legend has Mir castle got?




Appendix V

-         Hello, my name is … I’m from Belarus. And what’s your name and where are you from?

-         Hello, my name is … I’m from Australia. I have come to Belarus on business trip, but I have some free time and I would like to see some sights.

-         Have you decided what to see and visit?

-         No, I haven’t and I need some help. Could you give me some advice?

-         Sure. In what way do you like to spend your free time?

-         I like to… (visit museums, play sports, watch sports competitions, swim and lie in the sun, taste new food, learn about the history of different countries and cultures, watch wild animals, visit mystic places).

-         If you like to … then you should visit … there you can ….

-         And I like to …

-         If you like to … then you should visit … there you can ….

-         Thank you so much. I’ll follow your advice.

-         Not at all. I was glad to help you. Good bye!

-         Good bye!









You should ….

I recommend you to ….

If I were you I would go to …

You’d better visit …



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Краткое описание документа:

Целью учебного занятия "От Австралии до Беларуси" является формирование коммуникативной компетенции в рамках изучаемой темы "Австралия". Предполагается, что к концу учебного занятия учащиеся смогут вести диалог-побуждение к действию в объеме не менее 6 реплик на каждого в рамках коммуникативной ситуации урока. На уроке ставятся и реализуются следующие задачи: создавать условия для развития навыков поискового и изучающего чтения, навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух; создавать условия для активного речевого взаимодействия; содействовать употреблению активного языкового материала в устной речи; способствовать формированию умений планировать свое коммуникативное поведение. Учащиеся учатся взаимодействовать с партнерами на английском языке и применять полученные знания на практике. На уроке используются коммуникативный и интерактивный методы.

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