Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан конспект классного часа на тему Буллинг в школе

План конспект классного часа на тему Буллинг в школе

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Задание: План классного часа на любую тему, предусмотренную школьной программой на иностранном языке.   

Форма проведения: классный час

Класс 11а

Цель: Буллинг


·         Воспитательная:

1.     формирование толерантного отношения учащихся  к сверстникам и одноклассникам  и к животным

2.     формирование негативного отношения к понятию буллинг учащимися

·         Образовательная: обьяснить детям, что буллинг не норма поведения

·         Развивающая:  развивать такие нравственные качества, как милосердие, сочувствие, сострадание, нетерпимость к любому виду зла и насилия.

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Т.:Good morning children. How are you?

I am glad to see you at our class event, "conversations about important things"

II. Вступление в тему.

Т.:Look at the board. I want to start our meeting with this poem.

S.:( ученик читает поэму)

Teachers questions:

1.     What do you think the poem is about?

2.     How did this poem make you feel?

3.     How does the author feel?

T.: The topic of our discussion is «Bullying prevention at school».

Bullying is a big and serious problem that affects a lot of kids.

Bullying bothers everyone. It can make school a place of fear, disrespect and can lead to more violence and more stress to everyone.

And now I want us to discuss this problem and find ways of dealing with it. We shall consider this question from different points of view.

(Класс вместе с учителем рассуждает о теме Булинг, об их отношении к нему, норма ли это, есть ли буллинг в нашей школе или нет и как он проявляется)

III. Основная часть. Работа и обсуждение темы «Что такое буллинг»?

Tables №1 and 3 you are to answer the first question «What is bullying?». Tables №2 and 4 – the second question is for you «Who is a bully?» and table №5 – your question is the 5thWhat types of bullying can you name? Do all types affect children in the same way? Do the words hurt? (Direct, indirect bullying). Think 10 seconds; write your answers in your boxes. Share them in your team and choose the best answer and write it in the middle square. Create your own definition for the word ….

Your time is up. Table… pupil №… read your answer. Good job.
Table 5 pupil №… write down your answer on the board, divide the board into four parts.
I want you to match these words to the types of bullying.

- Have you done any of these things?

- Have any of these things happen to you?

In bullying situation there are a lot of witnesses, bystanders who know and see the bullying happening. There are often more bystanders than those who bully.

IV. Просмотр фильмаОбсуждение.

Дети смотрят фильм “STRAIN” и отвечают на следующие вопросы:

Т.: We are going to watch a film and then we’ll continue our discussion:

1) How did this film make you feel?

2) How does the bullied girl feel?

3) Why do you think she was bullied?

4) Was her mother aware of her daughter’s problems?

And what about the teacher?

5) What would you have done in her position?

6) How does the girl feel now?

7) What did you notice in the background at the end of the film?

V. Высказывание собственного мнения о буллинге (монолог)

1. Why do bullies act this way?

2. Why do some children become the victims of violence? What are the warning signs of bullying? How do they feel?

Impact of bullying

“Loss of self-esteem, anxiety, stress, depression, difficulties with school work, reluctance to attend school, and, in extreme cases, self-harm and suicide”

3. What should a child do if he/she is bullied?

The first thing you should do is talk to someone .Talk to a friend, family member or someone you know you can trust, and when you talk about the problem you may feel a sense of relief. Even just talking about it can help.

Do speak to officials at school and discuss this problem. The officials can observe and even intervene if necessary.

1.     What do you think should be done to stop bullying? Who should do the most to stop bullying at school – teachers, parents, school children?

Bystanders are often the key to dealing with bullying, particularly with older children. We know young children will readily tell parents or families about bullying, but not so with older children. In the later primary years and into secondary schooling, bystanders become more important.

VI. Учимся выходить из конфликтных ситуаций

Now, children, I want you to act out bullying situations and find possible solutions to them.

A child has come home in bruises. He says he is OK. He doesn’t want to tell the truth.
You are parent  and you are a child. I want you to talk to your child and find out what has happened? And try to help him to solve his problems.


VII. Заключение и рефлексия

Задаются вопросы о том как дети после просмотра фильма относятся к буллингу и как они будут выходить из конфликтных ситуаций.

Bullying Survey

First name__________________Last name______________________

Age (yrs)____________ Grade:_________ circle one: Male Female

Look over the following list. Circle four words that you think are MOST TRUE to describe what happens when someone is bullied:

Unfair Cruelty Sadness Yelling

Anger Afraid Bruises Crying

Shame Worry Confident Fleeing

Bravery Hate Fighting Loneliness

Statement True False

1. Bullying is a problem in our school

2. I have NOT been bullied by someone at our school.

3. Last year I missed school because I was worried about being bullied

If you said this is true (D), how many days of school did you miss?

(circle your answer): 1 2-4 5 or more

4. In our school, kids who are bullied do NOT go to a teacher for help.

5. There are NO rules against bullying in our school.

6. If I am bullied, I think one of my classmates will step in and help me.

7. There is someone at home I can talk to if I am bullied.

8. There are NO adults at school I can talk to if I am bullied.

9. Teasing and bullying are the same thing.

10. I don’t have many friends at school.

11. I am afraid of being bullied on my way to school or on my way home.

12. I know what to do if I am bullied at school.

13. I do NOT know what to do if I am bullied on the way home.

14. The adults at my school do NOT ignore bullying .

15. Most bullying I see is done in fun, not to hurt people .

16. Most students who get bullied do NOT bring it on themselves.

17. Bullying helps people by making them tougher.

18. Teachers who reprimand a student for bullying make it worse.


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