Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан-конспект урока на тему: " Музыка как безвредный наркотик "

План-конспект урока на тему: " Музыка как безвредный наркотик "

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Короленко Е. В.

План-конспект урока английского языка

14-15 неделя 7 семестра (2 часа)


Тема: " Музыка как безвредный наркотик ".

Ход урока:

                                            I.            Приветствие учащихся

Good afternoon, dear students! Glad to see you.


                                        II.            Речевая зарядка.

T: Read the epigraph for our lesson:

From pleasures of the life music concedes to love only.

But love is a melody as well.

                                                                        ( Pushkin A. S.)


                                     III.            Введение в тему урока.

T: So , our theme today is «Music as harmless drug».

What will we do at this lesson? How do you think? …

We will

·         read  and  speak;

·         answer the questions;

·         widen our  vocabulary about  this theme;

·         listen information;

·         do some task;

·         check up each other.


                                      IV.            Устная практика.

Answer the following questions to find out your attitude to modern music:

With what does modern classical music begin to you?

Do you know any compositions by Schoenberg?

Berg is also a modern composer, isn’t he?

From what country is he? Do you know his music?

4. Do you like or dislike modern music?

5. Do you play modern composers for your personal pleasure?

6. Are you always ready for modern music discussion?

7. You can always say “interesting” or “ingenious”, can’t you?

8. Avantgarde classical music produces a lot of noise, doesn’t it?

9. What can you say about Alfred Schnitke? One of the newspapers wrote: “He writes good old-fashioned modern music that sounds as if three works, all difcult somebody is playing at the same time”. Do you agree? Give your own opinion.

10. How do critics treat modern classical music?


                                        V.            Информативное чтение.

Well done, and now let’s read the text about music and its role in our life.


Music, as we all know, is an indiscriminate mixture of melody, harmony and rhythm which most people enjoy in one or other of its many forms. Even animals like it too, except dogs.

Its chief value is as a harmless drug. People use pills, drinks, cigarettes, money and religion to shut the general nastiness of life out of their minds for a time. Music has a similar effect and hurts no-one.

Very rarely we hear music when professional gentlemen in tail-coats in large concert halls are playing. It is only a very small percentage of the music. Most of it is pouring out of radios, television sets, CD-players and cunningly hidden speakers.

Housewives like to play records, teenagers play primitive music at a terric volume, motorists do not want to go mad in trafc jams and listen to any music from the radio, visitors in expensive restaurants like soft music, the average man after his working day spends many evenings in an armchair, he is gazing into space, while the music that he thinks he enjoys splashes around him like a warm bath.

In this sense, music is quite a good thing. It probably saves a lot of trouble in the world. We shall never know how many minor wars have not begun by someone who was knocking hell out of a piano or a primitive drum instead.

One must not think that music is just simply for enjoyment. Music is one of the “arts”. And anything that is an art is no longer a simple pleasure. Art is a by-product of civilization.

It is interesting to know that the first professional musician was the court halhallatu player (reed-pipist) in some ancient Mesopotamian palace. People criticized him heavily in the daily newspapyrus and he may even have lost his head as a result. An art gives employment to a whole lot of people. Someone made a very rich living out of it. Someone made money out of criticism. Everyone is a critic. Everyone can understand music, can’t he?


                                     VI.            Письмо.

Write the answers to the following questions according to the text:

1. What is music? Is it a mixture of anything?

2. Do most people enjoy music? Do even animals like it?

3. What is the chief value of music?

4. Does music hurt anyone?

5. How often do we hear professional musicians in large concerts?

6. From where is music pouring?

7. What music do people like? Give examples.

8. Is music quite a good thing?

9. What is its inuence on the world?

10. Music exists for enjoyment, doesn’t it?

11. Is music one of the arts?

12. Who was the first professional musician? What instrument did he play? What happened with him?

13. What does art give to people?


                                  VII.            Рефлексия.

Dear students! Do you think our lesson was useful for you? What have we learned?

Did you get pleasure while doing tasks?

                               VIII.            Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.

Ok! You have worked very well! I am satisfied with your work. I give excellent marks to…., good marks to ….

Thank you for being active at the lesson.

Your homework for the next lesson is to write an esse about music, its role in the life of person and your opinion from it.


Have you any questions? So, I wish you good luck!

I want you to choose the profession you like and be successful! Good luck!

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