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План урока на тему "My future profession"

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Сабақ жоспары / Lesson plan


Оқытушы / Teacher: Рахымжанова Ф.Ж./ Rakhymzhanova F.Zh.


Пән / Subject: Шетел тілі / Foreign language

Мамандық, топ / specialty , group:

Тақырыбы / the theme of the lesson: “My future profession”

Күні / Date:

Сабақтың мақсаттары / the aims of the lesson:


Білімділік/ Educational: Ауызша және жазбаша қарым қатынаста жаңа лексиканы дұрыс қолдана білу, ағылшын тілінің маңыздылығы жөнінде әңгімелеу, cтуденттердің жалпы тыңдап түсіну және сөйлеу іскерлігін дамыту, / to encourage students to speak about reasons to know English language using the new grammar and lexica, to improve their listening and speaking skills

Дамытушылық/ Developing: Ағылшын тілі туралы түсініктерін кеңейту, өз ойларын еркін жеткізе білуге үйрету / to deepen their knowledge about foreign language, and encourage them to express their point of view fluently

Тәрбиелік/ upbringing: жауапкершілікті сезінуге, ұқыптылық пен белсенділікке үйретіп, пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын ояту, сүйіспеншілік, ақиқат, дұрыс әрекет қасиеттерін студенттердің бойына сіңіру/ to bring up students’ accuracy, responsibility, order, activity and interest in the subject, to make students feel the love and the honesty.

Әдістері/ The methods: сыни тұрғыдан ойлау, сұрақ-жауап, топтық жұмыс / critical thinking, question-answer, group work


Сабақтың типі /The type of the lesson: Жаңа сабақты меңгеру


Сабақтың түрі/ The kind of the lesson: Практикум сабақ


Сабақ жабдықтары/ Visual aids: слайд, , интерактивті тақта, флипчарт, видео, плакаттар / slides, interactive board, flipchart, video.


Пәнаралық байланыс/The connection with other subjects: өзін-өзі тану, / self-knowledge


Әдебиет/ Literature:


1.      Негізгі әдебиет: Ағылшын тілі (10 сынып), интернет ресурстары.

2.      Қосымша әдебиет: Ю.К. Голицынский


Procedure of the lesson


Сабақ кезеңдері/ Periods of lesson

Кезең мазмұны/ Content of the lesson



Ұйымдастыру кезеңі/

Organization moment

-Good morning, students! I am very glad to see you!

-How are you today? How is your mood today?

Dialogue with the duty



    Let’s have a relaxation. Sit comfortable and close your eyes.

     Thanks, you may open your eyes.

     So, tell me your emotion, how is your mood?

What do you imagine?

Let’s start our lesson with the poem
What are you going to do
When you are twenty-two?
I’ll be a pilot,
I’ll be a doctor,
I’ll be a teacher,
I’ll be a worker.
I’ll be in London,
I’ll be in Rome,
I’ll be in Africa,
I’ll be at home.




Білімдерін тексеру


Білім бағалау өлшемі /Checking the knowledge of the students, evaluating criteria


      Өткен сабақта біздің тақырыбымыз «Жас жеткіншектер мәселелері », сонымен сіздер үш топқа бөліне отырып, үй жұмысын дайындау керек болғансыздар/ In previous lesson our theme was “Youth problems”, so dividing into several groups, you should be prepare your homework.

    I group                 II group                       III group


      To sum up, youth is a beautiful time. We can describe all the amazing attractions of this  period in life, but many youngsters say that their life is followed by numerous troubles. Really, there is no life without problems, in spite of  we should do anything for solving  these problems. Unfortunately, most of the problems are connected with family relations.


      Сөйлеу әрекетінің лексика-грамматикалық және фонетикалық дұрысытығы. Тақырыпты түсіну деңгейі, жауап беруі/ Lexica-grammatical and phonetic correctness in speech. Level of understanding the theme and answering the questions.



Жаңа тақырыпты жеткізу әдісі,

Түсіндірілетін сұрақтар тізімі


/Presentation. Method of Introducing the new theme, List of materials to be taught


   For starting our lesson, I want to ask you some questions. Answering for this questions, you can find the name of our lesson.

-         What are you going to do after  leaving college?

-         Will you try to find a job or continue your education?

-         Why do you learn English language?

      So, today we’re going to speak  about your plans for future and future profession. Also, your future profession closely connected with the English language.  

       So, how do we use these terminologies when we talk about professions and the English language. In this lesson you will learn a few words that we generally use when we talk about profession and the English language.


New vocabulary.

 a computer programmer

 a hotel receptionist

 a journalist

 a lawyer

 a pumber

 a politican

 a shop assistant

 a miner

 a travel agent

 a vet










a blind choice

to get interested in
to be concerned

to justify the hopes of my parents
to run
to raise money for charities

     Now, listen to the text. Match the jobs (a-g) with the things that the people say (1-7).

a.      teacher                            e. plumber

b.     vet                                  f. journalist

c.      construction worker       g. travel agent

d.     hotel receptionist

1.      “Good morning, everybody. I’m going to go over your homework, as some of you made some mistakes.”

2.      “You must wear a hard-hat at all times when you do this job.”

3.      “Right, thanks Mr. Briercliffe. Let’s have a look…yes, it’s a single room for two nights, isn’t it?”

4.      “I’m afraid your cat is not very well but we can make her better. Don’t worry!”

5.      “After Christmas and somewhere warm? OK. What price range were you thinking of?”

6.      “Oh dear! This looks a bit tricky. Very tricky. We’ll have to turn the water off and you’ll need a new bath. It’ll cost about  500 $.”

7.      “Excuse me! I’m writing an article about tourism in Spain. It’s for a magazine. Can you tell me …”




Here, you should find synonyms of this meaning.

Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings

A job, a work, an occupation, a profession, a career

— Your job is the work that you do regularly in order to earn money, especially when you work for a company or public organization;
— Work is used in a more general way to talk about activities that you do to earn money, either working for a company or for yourself;
— We use occupation to talk about the kind of work that someone usually does. Occupation is used mainly on official forms;
— A profession is a kind of work for which you need special training and a good education;
— Your career is the type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your life




Оқушылардың өздік жұмыстары/


Exercises in oral and written form

Ауызша және жазбаша жұмыстарды орындау

Put in do or make in the correct form.

1.     He hates being a doctor. He only ____ the job because he ___ a good living at it.

2.     I tried to ___ my best in the interview but I ___ a lot of mistakes.

3.     Kim is ___ a lot of money as a fashion photographer. I knew that she would ____ well.

4.     Have you ____ anything about your boss’s behavior yet? Yes, I’m ____ a formal complaint about him.

5.     I was only trying to ___ Andrew think about his profession choice but I think I _____ him angry.

Match the nouns together to make compounds.

1.      Career                 a. hour

2.      National              b. advisor

3.      Shop                    c. anthem

4.      Chewing             d. works

5.      Department        e. gum

6.      Railway               f. store

7.      Rush                    g. company

8.      Sewage                h. assistant


So, the task is the following: I'll give you some words and you should make up other words with the same root with the help of suffixes -er, -or, -ist. Is the task clear for you? Let's start then.

То teach

То work



To drive

To build

To save

То direct

То act


To report

To design

To write



1.      This is a person who treats people from different diseases. (Doctor)

2.      This is a person who catches criminals and keeps his/her eye on observing the law. (Policeman)

3.      This is a person who does sport. (Sportsman)

4.      This is a man who prevents fire and saves people from fire (Fireman)

5.      This is a person who works in a firm and deals with money. (Book-keeper)

6.      This is a person who works in a shop. (Shop assistant)

7.      This is a person who works with little kids or a person who works in a hospital and helps the doctor. (Nurse)

8.      This is a person who treats our teeth. (Dentist)

9.      This is a person who delivers letters. (Postman)

10. This is a person who steers a plane. (Pilot)

11. This is a person who creates buildings before the construction. (Architect)


-         Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1. When did you start to think about your future profession?

2. Who helped you to choose a profession?

3. Where did you study to prepare for your future profession?

4. In what year you graduated from college?

5. As you know, at doing different jobs you need different skills. What skills do people need?

6. What are the most important professions do you know?

7. What is your relationship with colleagues?

8. Do you find this profession interesting and why?




Тақырыпты бекіту/ Consolidation

-         Listening and singing a song

-         What have you learnt from today’s lesson?

-         Was it interesting?

-         What can you say about your future profession?



Сабақ қорытындысы/ Conclusion and evaluation

Students are given stickers which they should write their expression on and stick on the pictures.

Giving marks according to their activity.




Үй тапсырмасы/


According , this theme you should make up a dialogue.



Оқытушының қолы _____________ Рахымжанова Ф.Ж.



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