Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока на тему popular arts

План урока на тему popular arts

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Theme of the lesson: Popular arts

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to remind pupils information about famous people in art, kinds of art, dancing, music, theater, cinema, to practice passive voice.

Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking, writing and reading skills, attention, logical thinking, and ability to converse.

Cultural: to bring pupils up to respect art as the main part of civilization, to work in a group, to listen to others’ opinions and to impart love to develop their outlooks.

Visual aids: video, lyrics, pictures

The type of the lesson: work with technology

Technology: fragments of critical thinking

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon, children! How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent? Thank you, sit down.

II. Checking up the home task:

-  What was your home task? Are you ready? All right, you may turn on your movies. Well done! Now let’s check up your exercises.

III.       Presentation  of the lesson:

-  What is art? How does it influence on civilization, people? Which kind of arts do you know? Which one of them do you prefer? What countries are famous for literature, music, theatre, and cinema? Where do you go if you want to enjoy art? Do you like to go these places alone? Who or what is your inspiration? What arts are more popular nowadays? How do you think why? What do you prefer theatre or cinema? Why? Do you think television and radio are arts? Why do you think so? Do you like museums?

-  I want to tell you about one very interesting museum in London, museum Madam Tussauds.  Museum Madam Tussauds is a wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It was founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud and was formerly known as "Madame Tussaud's". Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in London, displaying waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and infamous murderers. The tour includes party, stars of Bollywood, movie stars, sport’s zone, Royals, culture, music megastars, world leaders, chamber of horror and scream, behind the scenes at Madam Tussauds, Spirit of London ride, Marvel superheroes, 4D movie Experience. Let’s look through their site: http://www.madametussauds.com

-  Behind the scenes:

How do they make the wax look so much like skin?
Well, each head is coloured with several thin layers of oil paint that absorbs into the wax giving it the translucently of human skin. 
Our colour palette is made up of a variety of colours; different tones of yellow, brown, red, purple, blue and green. And if there’s any shade we don’t have, we can always make it by mixing different colours together!
If the celebrity has had a sitting the colourist will use the colour samples collected during the sitting as a colour guide. They use a variety of photographs, full head shots and close ups of the different features - eyes, lips, nose etc. They begin by applying a thin brown-purple base to the head. They then use red and green colours to map out the different warm and cool areas of the face. The colourist studies the photographs and identifies the many colours that go together to make up the skin tone. The flesh colour is then created by building up thin layers of these colours. It is important to incorporate all of the minute details including veins and freckles. A ‘splatter’ technique is used to flick small dots of paint onto the head. The dots are blended together to sit on top of the detail and form another layer and different texture. 

Each hair is individually inserted into the head! And there can be over 10,000 hairs on one head!!
It takes up to 4 weeks to insert a full head of hair. They always use real human hair, which is donated, so that we can wash, cut and style the hair. They can also use a variety of styling products and tools that would not work effectively on synthetic hair. No matter what type of hair the celebrity has, they can find it! They can source all sorts of hair: straight, wavy or curly and in a wide variety of colours so they are always able to get it 100% the same as the celebrities!

During the Sitting, they use sample eyes to find the right colour, often combining two or more to get it right. They have over 200 different eyes to choose from with colours ranging for bright blue to hazel brown, pale grey to emerald green. They also select a sample that best represents the colour of the sclera - the white of the eye - and make note of any visible veins or blemishes.

All of the teeth they use for their wax figures are made by a special effects company but are in fact exactly the same as the false teeth you would get at a dentist! 

Sittings are so important simply because we actually meet the celebrity! This is true, it’s not only about taking the measurements and matching hair samples, it’s also about getting to know them and eventually capturing a part of their personality and bringing it to the final sculpt. Whether they are funny or serious, cheeky or shy, if they can incorporate their personality into the sculpture the wax figure is more likely to come alive.

If they’re unable to meet the celebrity for a Sitting, they will carry out extensive research to get as much information as possible. They use a large number of resources in our research including picture agencies, specialist organizations, footage, the internet and reference books. Each figure is unique and people can require more complex research depending on the figure pose or expression.

Here are pictures of some wax figures, look at them and tell me do they look like an original?

IV. Rest minute:

-  Now let’s sing a song “Help” by The Beatles. I guess you saw them at the Madam Tussauds museum. You have the lyrics, so let’s start. 

V. Production:

-  Good. Let remember what is passive voice? When do we use them? How do we use them? Look at the table of passive voice, who wants to explain it? Very good. I am going to read sentences and you have to paraphrase it to passive voice:

-  Sam closed the door.

-  A lot of people clean the streets.

-  Our actions and words make history.

-  Cat caught two mice.

-  Doctors treat ill people.

-  Mother helps her child to wear his clothes.

-  Well done! Now divide into two groups and prepare sentences to paraphrase into passive voice. You will read them to second group. You have only 5 minutes. 

VI.  Conclusion:

-  Excellent! We have few minutes until the end of the lesson, so who wants to remind us, what we have learnt today?

VII.   Giving the marks and home task:

-  Open your diaries and write down your home task: to prepare questions to the game: “What? When? Where?”. You were very active today and here are your marks: …








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