Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока по теме "Likes and Dislikes"

План урока по теме "Likes and Dislikes"

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GRAMMAR/FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: To introduce (or to revise and extend the knowledge of) meaning, form and pronunciation of sentences “I like… I hate… I love… Its OK… I quite like… I really like… …is/are OK”

VOCABULARY: To introduce (or to revise and extend the knowledge of) meaning, form and pronunciation of several vocabulary items: reading, football, travelling, cats, shopping for clothes, video games, animals, dancing, cooking, dance music, rock music, jazz, Italian food, Chinese food, fast food


SPEAKING: To help students improve their oral fluency by talking to each other using functional language.


I will try to make smooth transitions between stages, try to concentrate on feedback stage to make sure that all the Ss understand the correct answer.


I assume that Ss know some items of vocabulary and some ways of expressing likes and dislikes.


The lesson is the beginning of the unit, the vocabulary items will be used during the next two lessons.

MATERIALS - include specific reference to course book, page, exercise, and list all other equipment, resources and materials required to teach the lesson, including self-designed

1. Face2Face Elementary. Students` Book. Chris Redstone and Jillie Cunningham. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2012

2. Face2Face Elementary. Workbook. Chris Redstone with Jillie Cunningham. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2012

3. Beginners’ Communication games. J. Hadfield. Longman. 

4. Self-designed materials






Anticipated Problems 

+ Possible Solutions

1. Lead-in

To generate interest in the topic and set the context for the lesson (learning languages), to engage students and help them activate schemata for the upcoming reading


The students will get a letter in the envelope. There they will see a letter from a pharaoh in hieroglyphics and they will have to decipher it using a provided key.

When they decode the message, I will ask them: What do you think we are going to speak about?”  -Students give their predictions. (Yes, we will speak about our likes and dislikes.

P: Ss may have problems with using the key to the message

S: they can work in pairs or I can help them with the example

2. Test 1

To diagnose students’ areas of

misunderstanding or gaps in

knowledge with regard to the target

language (meaning, form,



I will give out a set of cards to the SS (pictures and lexical items) and ask the Ss to match the pictures with the appropriate lexical item.

Check task understanding.

Pair check.

P: Ss may have problems with the TL

Solutions will be provided on the clarification stage

3. Teach stage (Clarification/Presentation)

To help students clarify areas of

meaning, form and pronunciation

where their understanding/knowledge

is incomplete.


On the basis of monitoring I find out problematic lexical items and go to clarification stage.


Convey-elicit-check meaning-drill pronunciation


Board the words and highlight MPF features


After clarification, students revisit test 1 and check/change their answers.

P: Students cannot come up with the exact word 

S: provide it yourself

4. Test 2 / Controlled practice

To enable the students to consolidate

their accuracy with regard to the

meaning/form/pronunciation of the

target language


SS get a task for controlled practice. They get the cards with vocabulary items and have to put them in different categories on the board. They should also write the category themselves.


Check task understanding. I give them a demo how to start doing this task


5. Language clarification.

To help students clarify areas of

meaning, form and pronunciation

where their understanding/knowledge

is incomplete.


I will write a cline on the board and ask Ss to write “I like… I hate… I love… I quite like… I really like… …is/are OK” on the cline.” They will also write the sentences in their worksheets. Then I will ask them to put the smiles on the cline on the board. 

Then I will elicit the target grammar structure from Ss. “What sentence can we make if we “like” book/ I will use smiles to elicit the TL. (both structures) 


  • I love/ I like/I hate reading. I love/ I like/I hate fast food. Focus on sentence stress and intonation. Drill chorally and individually.
  • I quite like/I really like reading.  I quite like/I really like fast food. Focus on sentence stress and intonation. Drill chorally and individually.
  • Reading is OK. Books are OK.  Focus on sentence stress and intonation. Drill chorally and individually.

Boarding: I will clarify the form on the board and elicit formula.

P: Students cannot come up with the exact grammar structure

S: provide it yourself

6. Controlled practice

To give practice in using the

target language with the focus

on accuracy and to consolidate


Ss get a dice with TL, throw it in turns and make sentences with new TL (grammar structures and vocabulary items).

ICQs and demo.

To extend: At the end of the activity they can write down 5 true sentences about themselves. Check the information in pairs, discuss in OCFB what do they have in common, what are the differences.

Ss may have difficulty in understanding the task – I will demonstrate and give example

7. Controlled practice

To give practice in using the

target language with the focus

on accuracy and to consolidate

students’ understanding of the

target language.

Dream tickets. Mingling activity


Ask what hobbies they have and what prizes they managed to get.

Ss may have difficulty in understanding the task – I will demonstrate and give example

8. Freer practice.

To provide freer

speaking/writing practice of the

target language - use it in a

meaningful personalised

communicative activity with the

focus on fluency

I will give out a set of cards and put in a pile on the desk. Ss will sit down in a circle, one student takes one card and asks a question to his peer: “Do you like…. (the word from the card)” – His partner must give a true answer (using TL preferably) about himself and explain why. They should ask the follow-up questions. They take turns.

OCFB: Ss will tell what information about their peers was the most interesting.

Some students are unable to think of or are reluctant to share their likes or dislike- give my own personal example – make it humorous to set the right tone

9. Feedback

To provide FB on content and language (delayed error correction) (to address any issues with the target language students still have);  

to wrap up the lesson

I will read out the sentences: if the sentence is correct – SS go to one part of the classroom (to the door), if the sentence is false – the go to the window. I will ask to find the mistake and say the correct sentence.

Students are unable to spot mistakes – guide them towards the answer by asking questions


Vocabulary item

(stress, phonemic transcription, part of speech and other relevant form features)


(level appropriate)

Context, conveying meaning and elicitation

Checking meaning


Problems and solutions





Noun, unc


the skill or activity of getting information from books

Show a picture




Ss may have problems with the long  sound /iː/

Drill chorally and individually





a game played between two teams of eleven people, where each team tries to win by kicking a ball into the other team's goal

Show a picture



Spelling: Ss may have problems with the combination of “all” and may tend to pronounce some other vowel sound

Highlight the problem letters and focus on the stage of written record




noun [ U ] (US usually traveling)

the activity of making journeys; travel

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1

Do we go to some other place? (yes)

Do we do it for pleasure? (yes)



Spelling: Ss may have problems with “ll” in the ending of the word

Highlight the problem letters and focus on the stage of written record






a small animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and claws, usually kept as a pet or for catching mice




Spelling: Ss may tend to write “k” instead of “c”

Highlight the problem letters and focus on the stage of written record




noun [ plural ]

shopping for clothes

things such as dresses and trousers that you wear to cover, protect, or decorate your body

Show a picture.



Ss may think that the noun has a singular form

Highlight the problem at the stage of written record


video games

Noun, c


/ˈvɪd.i.əʊ ˌɡeɪm/

a game in which the player controls moving pictures on a screen by pressing buttons

Show a picture. Ask elicitation questions. Does he watch TV? (no) Does he look at the screen? (yes) Does he use a joystick? (yes)

Do you play this game on the TV? (yes)

Do you need a special device to play it? (yes) Do you control the moving pictures on the screen? (yes)

Can children play this game? (yes) Can adults play this game? (Yes) Can you play it on the computer/ (Yes)




Ss may tend to reduce the last diphthong sound /əʊ/

Drill chorally and individually


Noun, c


something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect

Show a picture

Is cat an animal? (Yes)

Is crocodile an animal? (yes)

Is a man an animal? (no)







/dɑːns/ UK

/dæns/ US

to move the body and feet to music

Show a picture




Ss may have difficulty in pronouncing the vowel sound as there are two variants.

Highlight the sound and drill chorally and individually




When you cook food, you prepare it to be eaten by heating it in a particular way, such as baking or boiling, and when food cooks, it is heated until it is ready to eat

Show a picture



Ss may have spelling problems with double “o”

Highlight the problem at the stage of written record



dance music

Noun, unc


ˈdɑːns ˌmjuː.zɪk/ UK

/ˈdæns ˌmjuː.zɪk/ US

a type of music with a strong beat that people dance to in a nightclub

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1

Can you hear this music in the night club? (yes)

Is it loud? (yes)




One Ss may have a problem because of L2 interference and tend to pronounce it as s German word

Drill chorally and individually


rock music

Noun, unc


/rɒk ˌmjuː.zɪk /

a type of music that developed from rock ’n’ roll and uses a heavy regular beat, electric guitars, singing, and a tune that is easy to remember2

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1



Ss may have problems with “ck” cluster

Highlight the problem at the stage of written record




Noun, unc



a type of modern music originally developed by African-Americans, with a rhythm in which the strong notes often come before the beat. Jazz is usually improvised (= invented as it is played) 

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1



Spelling: Ss may have problems with double “z”

Highlight the problem at the stage of written record





Italian food

Noun, unc


/ɪˈtæl.jən fuːd/

belonging to or relating to Italy, its people, or its language

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1



Ss may have problems with pronouncing “lian”

Drill chorally and individually






Chinese food

Noun, unc



belonging to or relating to China, its people, or its language

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1




Ss may have sounds with the long sound /iː/

Drill chorally and individually


Fast food

Noun, unc

/ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd/

hot food such as hamburgers that is quick to cook or is already cooked and is therefore served very quickly in a restaurant

Show a picture. Ss with elicit from Test 1

Do we cook it at home? (no)

Can you by it in the restaurant? (yes) 

Is it healthy? (no)

I s it served quickly? (yes)




Reference Material






LANGUAGE ANALYSIS (grammar, functions)


Target Language (name of structure/grammar area)


Model (Example) Sentences

I love cooking.

I (quite/really) like cooking.

I hate cooking.

Meaning/Use of Target Language 

the English verbal noun ending in -ing that has the function of a substantive and at the same time shows the verbal features of tense, voice, and capacity to take adverbial qualifiers and to govern objects 1

Context (conveying meaning)

I will ask them to look at the cline and the smiles on it. Then I will elicit “What do we say when we …… (mime and show with gestures) cooking? -Ss provide their example.

Checking Techniques

Refer to the cline on the board.



I love cooking.                 I love books. (As Gerund is a “verbal noun” it                                                    S + V +Ving.                                            S+V+N.          can also be substituted by any noun)



I love cooking.

Falling intonation.


I really/quite like cooking.

Falling intonation.



Anticipated Problems and Solutions




Ss may have difficulty in finding the necessary shade of meaning.

Refer to the cline.


Ss may tend to add -ing ending to both verbs

Highlight the problem at the stage of written record.


Ss may fail to pronounce -ing at the end

Drill chorally and individually.

Reference Materials Used



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