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Lesson plan “Reading time”.

T – Hello class. Let us greet the guests of the lesson.( Pps greet the teacher and guests) I am your English teacher for today. My name is Kuna Anatolevna. I would like to begin our lesson with an online translation in Instagramm which is done by my Pps ( Teacher opens her page in Instagramm and give Pps an opportunity to watch)

(Text from the video ( Pps in the video keep the books in their hands. The translation goes from the school library- 1. I am reading  a story about a boy with an owl and magic stick… 2. My story is about a young lady who was called a mockingbird, she fights a lot…3. I’m crazy about this story of love – oh who is there in a pink red hat?!...4. this is my pretty …5. Oh poor Yorik… )

T-Did you guess what they are talking about?

Pps- Books

T – excellent! Today we are going to speak about reading as a process. So the reading time has come! Before we go off our interesting experience , let me check your vehicles if I can say so. Show me your gadgets and your handouts, show me your pens. I will ask you to give likes on not to give after every activity right under the picture in my instagramm. Now show me your wish to work. Thanks a lot.

As far as I know you’ve made a survey  about the number of reading pupils in the world. Than you had an opportunity to compare it with the 20 years old survey. So what is the income? What do you see? ( slide 1)


Pps – Pupils read less nowadays

T.-  Is it really true to be? Let’s think about it and discuss.

- Do you read newspapers and magazines?

- Do you read post of your friends and comments to them in instagramm, Facebook, twitter and other social sites?

- Do you receive text messages in What’s app?

Of course you do all these things! It means that you read. And you read a lot! The problem is that the information in the modern sources is not always given in a correct way.  So I think that all our lesson should be devoted to one particular problem- “how can we improve reading skills and read more useful books? “

Let’s go to the roots. What is the first book every person meets in life?

Pps  -  a Fairy tale!

Will you, please, answer me- Did your parents read you fairy tales? Do you remember their content?

Let’s listen to the dialogue between father and a daughter discussing what to read before sleep. Take your gadgets. Follow the steps on the board.( slide3)

Now we can see that you can make a task while listening . You will hear the recording twice.  The first time you have to make a task right on the Internet, and the system will count your scores. The second time you have to wright down the missing words in your handouts ( page1). It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm under the teachers photo)

T – Can you remember the similar situations from your childhood?  What do you prefer to read now?-Books or newspapers? Do you know that those who read books live longer? I want to propose you to read an article from “Daily mail” about it. Before you start reading, pay attention to the words on the board what can be confusing or unfamiliar to you. (slide 4) Pps read the text one by one.  Now will you, please, help me with the excersises to the text here? Pps do the excersises on an interactive board. ( slides 5/6/7) (It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm))


T – Will you read more after receiving such  good information? What can bother you in this process? I see some of you wear glasses .This is a really great problem of your generation. I want to show you one good activity in order  to avoid problems with your eyes in future. ( there is a training for eyes on your phones). (Slide8)

(Alternative if the programme won’t work. Eye movement

Performing regular exercises to ensure the eyes move to their full range of vision is important, particularly for individuals who spend lengthy periods of time looking in a particular direction (e.g. at a computer screen or reading material). Individuals can exercise the eye’s full range of motion by performing the following, simple exercise:

  • Sit upright, facing and looking forward;
  • Without moving the head, look up and down;
  • Then look left and right while continuing to face forward;
  • Repeat the exercise several times, throughout the day, as the eyes become strained.

 ( Pps take the Relaxation pose

You can use this training at home before and after reading. There are some recommended programmes for your gadgets) (It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm)

Now what are books for you? You have one minute to write in your handouts  all associations you have when you think about the word Book (T checks the work) I see one of you have written Book-is a food for brain, food for soul. Great! What is also food for soul?

Pps -  music

Now let’s analyse the leaflet  about Food for soul you see on the board  (Slide 7)and describe it with the help of one particular structure. let’s go back to the article we’ve read. I want to pin your attention to the 2-nd sentence. What grammar structure do you see?

Pps-  thePassive voice.

T-Can you, please, remind me  how do we differentiate Active and Passive Voices?

Pps- ______

The Passive Voice isn’t as difficult to use as you might think. I actually feel quite sorry for this poor structure as it is hated by so many learners. All you need is a good command of the verb ’to be’ and to know your past participles to make beautifully elegant sentences using the Passive Structure.



 Let’s analyse the leaflet  about Food for soul you see on the board  (Slide 7)and describe it with the help of passive structures.

Use the following forms ( on usual board) -  It is said that…

                                                                              The party is organized by …

                                                                              …………………………are included in the price.

                                                                              It will be held in…


 It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm)

Will you be attracted by such kind of advertisement?

So if you are so good in reading skills , why don’t you read more?

Pps- It is dull. Some classical books are a nightmare

This is your position, but what if you become teachers , parents, employers  just for a while. I want to devide you into 4 groups.

 ( TEACHERS –  we work according to the school programme, and Pps have to follow it as well.)

( PARENTS – when we were young we had no gadgets, and all our free time we spend on reading)

( Employers – We want to hire real specialists with good language skills well read )

(Pupils –the programme is dull, the books are heavy. Harry Potter rules. George Martin has to be included in programme)


 I will split roles between you. You will have 3 minutes to think of your position and to discuss and than only one minute to speak.

Now I would like to share with you my experience I had with my elder pupils. We have created a list of life hacks for those who have  problems with reading or are simply scared of anything you like.  This is the list we have created with them. You are free to delete or to add anything you like. You are free with your ideas. Now will you please read these life hacks aloud one by one and we will make an online video for our friends.

 It’s time for likes ( Pps leave likes in instagramm)

You will have to make one more project at home, it is an exercise from your books.

Thank you for the lesson! I need your feedback .Will you please  give a mark to the lesson according to the scale and leave it under the picture in instagramm?  At home you will have to make a project from your textbooks. And I will comment on your work at the lesson as well under your likes in Instagramme. You can also continue your study on the proposed sites  and to make signs  in your self-study logs.

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